Pewter Museum

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Chapter 5
Celeste and Clefairy continue on there Pokemon journey as they begin to exit Pewter city making there to Route 3 as a Trainer runs up to them
Young Trainer - "Oh my gosh is that a Clefairy?"
Celeste - "yes?"
Young Trainer - "Well there holding a exhibit about Clefairy at the Pewter city museum you should go since you are one of the few people to actually own the Pokemon"
Celeste - "That's not a bad idea right Clefairy?"
Clefairy just stands there sighing knowing it doesn't have a choice either way so Celeste and Clefairy begin to walk back to Pewter City and walk over to the Pewter Museum they walk inside as a guy walks up to them saying
The guy - "yes yes it's Fifthly dollars for a child's ticket would you like to enter?"
Celeste showing a irritated look as he calls her a child
Celeste - "Sure!"
Celeste hands him the money as her and Clefairy walk through the Museum as they walk over to the Clefairy exhibit as a  crowd people can be seen surrounding a man talking about the Clefairy species
The man talking about the Clefairy exhibit - "Clefairy have been explicitly stated to have come from the moon now they can sometimes be found coming from Mt Moon to those looking for the pink pokemon good luck!"
Celeste - "Clefairy comes from space huh?"
Celeste looks over at Clefairy
Celeste - "I mean let's see what the PokeDex has to say?"
Celeste pulls out her PokeDex and type inputs Clefairy
Celestes PokeDex - "Clefairy the Fairy Pokémon Adored for their cute looks and playfulness, They are thought to be rare, as they do not appear often"
Celeste - "It just says Clefairy is rare nothing to do with the fact it's comes from space..tch"
Celeste looks over to Clefairy as Clefairy just looks bored
Celeste - "wanna get out of here?"
Clefairy - "Clefairy"
Clefairy nods its head in agreement as the two begin to walk out of the Pewter museum
Celeste - "what a ripoff"
Celeste and Clefairy continue their journey just wasting about a hour of there time now really leaving Pewter City as their journey continues

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