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It has been two years since he came back to the village. After the war has ended , he returned with Naruto and his comrades to heal his wounds, give answer for his crimes and think what he wanted to do next. Surprisingly the first two parts were the easiest. Having Sakura and Tsunade around his deep wounds seemed as a little cut. Trial was a little tricky since he had abandoned the village and worked mostly as a vigilante. But the truth was that every person he killed was an enemy of Konoha. He hadn't manage to strike deathly an ally. Then he was furious, now relived.As he recovered he constantly tried to think of the future. How his life was gonna be from now on. What he should, what goal he should have. Sasuke was lost. He didn't even know himself anymore. All the anger and the hatred was gone but nothing replaced them. So in a moment of weakness he did something he wasn't expecting of himself. He asked help.
Kakashi visited every other day to check on him, to talk, to keep him company. In his teen years he kept himself a distance from him but he tried to close the space now even just a little bit. The day Kakashi became Hogake six months after the end of war he cleared Itachi's name and placed him among the heroes of war. Sasuke was so moved by this he wanted to hug him. He didn't but still the feeling was there. And the gap between them closed a little more. So one night that they sat for dinner he asked what troubled him.
"Oi Kakashi" (old habits don't drop so easy).
"Always the gentleman" Kakashi said.
Sasuke smirked but not only in annoyance.
"What do you think I should do now"
"Oh, you ask for advice your sensei. How mature"
" Forget it".
Kakashi drop the teasing tone and looked seriously at Sasuke.
"I think you should see the world with your own eyes without anyone guide you towards something. I think you need to reflect on everything that happened without pressure. I think you should just live. And then you will find your goal without realising it."
"Hn" was all he could reply.

"Seriously teme you're leaving again" Naruto was so excited to have him back that leaving felt a little bitter in his mouth.
"I have to".
"To see the world for my own. To be myself."
"You can be yourself here"
"Yes someday maybe,not now"
He knew Naruto would understand even if he didn't want to.
Next he ought to say his goodbyes to Kakashi and Sakura. The waited him at the gate. Kakashi just nod with a smile of understanding under his mask.
But Sakura was almost going to cry. She fought back the tears but they both knew it wouldn't take long.
He poked her head and she looked him with wide eyes. It was a promise that he will be back, he will not forget them and a thank you altogether.
He thought at that moment maybe when he's back he could return her feelings. Maybe he could she her like she saw him. More than a friend. Who knows what will happen in the future.


Now that he's back he felt stupid with what he did. Sakura had already heard the news of his return and chase him around the village to talk to him. He was sure she expected something. It was his fault. The way that left her propably could be seen as romantic promise between them. But it wasn't neither then not know. He thought at those days that maybe Sakura could be his love interest, romantic things could evolve but he hates that idea. To him Sakura was a sister just like Naruto was his brother. He was driven in an alley to hide because he didn't have the guts to face her. Coward. You are a coward Sasuke Uchiha. His inner voice wasn't helping. He stepped in the alley and hid. He was in a rush so didn't notice someone else was there too. By the time he noticed her presence and tried to leave she had already notice him. So he turned to face her. There she sat on a pile of wooden boxes eating something a woman with black hair and lavender eyes. She had a confused look on her face probably on his sudden arrival. They stared at each other for some time, but she broke the silence first.
"Ano is someone chasing you?"
"Hn".This was trouble. She was clearly a shinobi. Her black attire and leather vest screamed of it. And he was a suspicious fellow who was hiding. Shit.
"You know this alley is a dead end".
"Hn". He didn't know when he entered there but now he saw the wall behind her.
Then he felt Sakura's presence coming close. Just my luck.
The girl stood up walk past him making him back off a little into the alley. She entered the street and met with Sakura. That's it, that's the end.
"Eeeh so you're here then. I thought you were someone else. Hey has anyone past through here?"
"No, Sakura-chan. I'm sorry"
What? Did she just lied? Why?
"It's ok. I'll keep looking. Thank you anyway. See you tonight."
And Sakura left.
The girl entered again and faced him.
"You really should talk to her".
Ok so she's weird. But something in the way she spoke made him feel bad.
"Now, I think they spotted me so I should be going". And turn to leave.
Before she got to the street to disappear she turned around suddenly with a smile on her face.
"Oh I almost forgot. Welcome home Sasuke-kun."


Her feet drove her back to the street. She was so close to pass without anyone realise she had returned from her mission. Such a shame. She continued to walk towards the man she's been avoiding. One turn and she stood in front of him. Hiashi Hyuga. As his eyes fell on her a warm feeling came across his face.
"My daughter." He hugged her and continued. " I thought you were still on your mission. Please join us for lunch. I just got here myself."
"I would like to father but I need to go home and shower. Maybe sleep. I'm really tired"
"Dinner then"
"Today is our welcome party of Sasuke's return". She didn't know that for sure but it was possible."I will come tomorrow to see you, I promise".
"Okay then. It's a promise"
With that he kissed her forehead and let her go.


She walked back to her apartment to do as she just said. Shower and rest. The mission was long and tiring and she needed to relax. As soon as she got out of the bath she heard the knock on the door. She smiled as she opened seeing Naruto there with a wide smile on his face.
"Hinata-chan i'm so glad you're back. You know teme is back and we will go out tonight." She knew her friends too well.
"Naruto-kun I'm happy for you. I'll be there".
"Great. It's so long to see him and everyone will be there. I'm thinking ramen would be great"
Oh Naruto-kun. But Sasuke hates ramen. She had know that from Sakura. But Naruto was so excited she didn't want to sad him.
"Have you tell the others. And maybe we should go somewhere less busy to be able to talk with everyone"
"Ooh you think? Maybe you are right. Thanks Hinata-chan. See you tonight."
Naruto and Sakura are so happy but I don't know if the others share this excitement.
"Well we will see tonight"


The had chosen a quiet restaurant to Sasuke's relief. He was sure Naruto would drag him for ramen but to his surprise he wasn't. He didn't want to go wherever they were going especially with all the people that were invited but he didn't have much of a choice. For now he was staying in Naruto's apartment and Naruto has set his mind on this welcome party. Now that almost everyone had come he regret not saying he was sick. Apart from Naruto and Sakura all Konoha eleven was there plus Sai. And everyone was tense. They didn't know how to talk to him or even interact with each other in a normal way because of his presence. Of course Naruto hadn't a clue about this.
"So Sasuke-kun tell us about your adventures." Ino said to break the ice.
Terrible idea.
"It was good"
"Have you had troubles when you were away?" Sakura butt in to say the conversation.
Everyone was staring at each other but none of their eyes where on him.
I should say I'm tired and leave. I don't know how to talk to them and they clearly are on edge around me. It's so tiring.
"Ano Sasuke-kun where do you live now that you're back?"
He turned around to face the new soft voice that was coming across the table. It belonged to the girl that first welcomed him back to the village.
Hinata Hyuga. Ah, that's her name. Finally I remembered.
"For now I stay with dobe. I wish not for long"
"Eh teme are you leaving the village again?"
Sasuke looked at him with an almost death stare.
"I think there's ramen in that brain of yours"
The girl across him giggled. Sasuke turn to face her. She had put her hand in front of her mouth and continued to giggled.
"Hinata-chan I'm hurt."
"Ano, I'm so sorry Naruto-kun". She said and then laughed as if she was rethinking of his comment.
He looked at the faces around him and saw them a little more relaxed now. Some of them even smiled.
Naruto saw them too and burst.
" Baka. He meant he wants his own space" Sakura said to him with an irritated tone.
The rest of the evening was uneventful and ended with less tension that it begun.
Everyone was out and saying their goodnights.
He felt a person approaching. He was sure Sakura had find her chance and begun to plan his escape. Then a hand tap lighty on his shoulder. Big lavender eyes looked at black.
"You remember me now."
"I... Yes"
"I'm glad"
"Ne Sasuke-kun..."
She said but stoped mid sentence as if she wasn't sure what to say.
Scared. She feels awkward and scared of me.
"Ne if you want I can help you find a place for you."
"There are a lot of apartments in my block and they are quite decent.
Again what?
"Since you said before that you wish to find a place other than Naruto's"
"I don't plan to stay at the Hyuga Compound"
"Great." She smiled a little like she knew something he didn't.
Is she mocking me?
"Cause I don't leave there either."
She doesn't? Isn't she their precious princess?
"So ask Naruto-kun where I live and come find me to show some of the houses. Goodnight Sasuke-kun".
"Goodnight". He said that without thinking. The words slip throught his mouth. The girl, Hinata, left him puzzled first with her and then with himself.

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