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In the past four days he has been hiding at his apartment. He had to apologise but didn't find the courage. He knew he hurt Naruto and that didn't sat well with him.
And I made a promise to you. Ah, this girl had a power other than Byakugan. She's making do things you don't want to.
Ok let's do this.
When he stepped in the street he had already regretted it. Shikamaru was a few meters away looking at him.
"Ready for another scene?"
Sasuke looked at him deadly.
"Where's dobe? And Sakura?"
"So you can yell at them some more?"
"No". I hate you Nara. You and your smug face
"Oh that slap made some sense in you"
Sasuke's cheeks blushed in Shikamaru's comment. You are going to regret this Hyuga.

He found them in the training grounds as Nara had told him. They looked at him with sad and guilt in their eyes.
Here goes.
"I'm going to talk and you are going to listen without interruptions".
He could see them preparing for an earful.
"I don't like Sakura. I never did in that way. I think Sakura had long stopped think of me in such manner she just clutch to this feeling because of my absence. What I'm trying to say is I'm happy for you."
"Oh Sasuke-kun.."
"What did I say? No interruptions"
They both stopped.
"And I'm sorry."
Sakura was weting her eyes and Naruto had a smile that most of his teeth were visible. Idiots.
But he had a light grin in his face. Almost invisible.
"So let's train".


Returning home he decided to stop by Hinata to rub it to her face. Rub what? You did exactly what she told you. But he had already knocked her door. The girl who answered the door wasn't Hinata but she looked a lot like her.
"Nice manners"
"Well can I help you with something?"
"She isn't here yet. She will back today from her mission."
"Is that it? Can you form a sentence?"
Oh all the Hyugas are annoying. That's a full sentence for you .
"Sasuke-kun? Hanabi?"
They both turned around to see Hinata looked at them confused.
"Oh big sister you are back I missed you".
The girl rushed in her sister arms. That put a smile on the Hinata's face. But then her brows frowned a little.
"Hanabi how did you get in"
She pulled her sister out of her arms and looked at her serious.
"Emm...with...em... Keys you left me." She finally said.
"These are for emergencies. I told you before."
"Why are you so private? Did you have a boy inside?" The girl tried to lighten the mood by teasing her sister.
"Hanabi I'm serious"
Maybe she has boys inside.
Then Hinata looked at Sasuke as if she had forget he was there and blushed.
No she hasn't.
"Oh Sasuke-kun I'm sorry would you like to come inside?"
She said and walked inside like he would definitely follow.
The house was small and tidy. He saw a lot of candles and smelled the effects they had on. It smelled like a garden. There was a small grey couch and a table in front of it. The kitchen was visible from here. All wooden with lavender touches.
"Em Sasuke-kun would you wait a little so I can bath? I just got back from a mission. Then I'll make some tea."
Okay."Hn". He meant to say ok but she confused him when she said about bathing.
"And we will talk about these later" she turned to her sister showing the keys.
Hanabi had shrunk in to a chair looking at her feet.
With Hinata in the bathroom she relaxed a little.
"You could have helped me you know"
He looked at her.
"You could have said that you wanted something that was urgent and that's why I had used the keys"
"What would I possibly want that I don't have in my house upstairs"?
He almost laughed at the childish answer.
"Now she's mad at me. She's very private you know. She wasn't like this at home."
He didn't have much to say. He didn't know Hinata well.
"I'm feeling much better now".
Hinata entered the room wearing a short and a baggy t-shirt.
"Ne Sasuke-kun can do you want tea or some coffee"?
"And I want some tea thank you very much". Said Hanabi irritated
Hinata didn't look at her but when she returned she had two cups of tea and one coffee.
That put a smile on Hanabi's face.
"So Sasuke-kun did you want me for something?"
"Not really". I will don't say anything in front of  the little devil here.
"Oh great". What is great exactly?
"Since we are neighbors I've been meaning to invite to hung around."
Oh shit. She misunderstood.
"So are you the Uchiha boy"?
"Yes. And if I'm a boy you are a toddler".
She pouted but Hinata laughed.
"You know for your information I used to be the Hyuga heiress". He noticed Hinata tense.
"And what happened? You didn't drink all your milk?" That brought another laughter.
"You are both so mean. I'm going to the bedroom. I will sleep here today". She declared but with a little bit of fear of being rejected.
Hinata nodeed yes with a smile and that brought the smug look on the young's face.
"I hope she didn't annoy you much".
"So what you did you want to tell me?"
She knew.
"I told them"
"Naruto and Sakura. We are good".
"I'm glad" said smiling.
"Yes". That didn't seem like mocking her. More like waiting for her approval.
"So will you stay for dinner? I'm cooking anyway since Hanabi is here."
"Will you help me to keep each other company?" Said and left in the kitchen waiting for him to follow.
No. I'll stay right here.
Shikamaru is right for one thing. What a drag.

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