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The whole trip to Suna was a blur. He was running his way there leaving his body exhausted. He must have looked terrible since Gaara proposed to rest immediately. The Kazekage offered a room in his house despite his advisors concerns. Sasuke hadn't really interacted with him but everyone who knew him spoke very highly of him. At breakfast he understands why. His eyes were gentle and despite his deep voice he spoke every word with kindness. He was nothing like his brother and sister. For what he had learnt the people at this village were rough propably because of the environment yet they chose to follow this quiet man as their leader. He knew that Gaara supported Naruto's ideals and provided aid when he needed before the idiot became the world's hero. He respected him for that.
"Have you had a good rest Uchiha-san?"
"I'm glad. Every time your travels bring you to Suna you are welcomed at our home."
Sasuke eyed him. How can this man be so trusting?
"Every friend of Naruto is welcomed here."
"You will be in trouble then. He has a lot of friends." Nara spoke.
"Trouble? No. Meeting new people and create bonds makes life better." He smiled with the innocence of a child.
Sasuke envied him for that. He had heard his story. How he was before he met Naruto. Yet this man in front of radiated the calmness of a clear sky.
He noticed how his sister stayed at his side all the time. Unconsciously protecting him from dangers.
"I understand you have to leave today for Kumo. Do you need anything for your trip?"
"No Gaara. Thanks. I wish we could go back to Konoha. This trip will be troublesome." Shikamaru glared at Sasuke.
He wasn't wrong. He wouldn't receive the same hospitality in Kumo as in here.
"Don't be a cry baby and don't even try to neglect your duties." Temari scolded him.
Shikamaru scoffed and Gaara smiled.
"Uchiha-san would you accompany me in a walk? I believe my sister would like to spend some time with Shikamaru before you leave." That earned Temari a rare blush.
"Gaara what are..." She tried to protest but her brother interrupted her.
"Shall we go?"
They walked in the streets and only them he really recognised the scale of this man influence. The faces of the people here were rough and her features were tighten by the wind and the sand that hit them. But as soon as their gaze fell upon the Kazekage their eyes glowed and a smile formed at their lips.
"They respect you." Sasuke acknowledged.
"It takes time. It was a while back when they hated me."
"But you protect them despite that."
"They had their reasons."
They walked in silence for a while. He didn't know what the other man was trying to accomplish with this but he wasn't unpleasant so he didn't mind.
"What are you planning to do from now Uchiha-san?" He suddenly spoke.
"Is there something in your life that excites you? For me, it's this. I want to help my village and the world to be a kind place to live. If I ever have children I want them to be born in a happy place."
"That's a great cause." Sasuke said slightly amused. "But I don't inspire to be something like you or Naruto."
"No cause it's less important. Shikamaru once told me that he wants to let people live carefree lives. To let them be lazy and just stare at the clouds. Don't mention this to my sister." He smiled.
I don't want anyone to grow up like we did. I don't want anything like what happened to you happen to anyone else.
Her voice rang in his head.
"If I have to say i want to support Naruto at his work as a Hogake."
Gaara stopped. Sasuke turned around only to see the man extending his palm for a handshake. He paused for a moment before he awkwardly lifted his.
"You are a good man Uchiha-san. It gets better. Trust me."


The road to Kumo was worse. Nara irritated him even by breathing. The weather was cold despite the fact that summer was approaching. He hated the cold. I'm a winter child so.
But the truly hellish part was her voice in his head that grew with every step further away.
They arrived at noon beaten up and exhausted. But unlike the friendly Gaara, the Raikage demanded to meet them at once. Shikamaru sighed because he knew as well that this wasn't going to be easy. Sasuke had tried to murder his brother once. Even a forgiving man was bound to be worried. And the Raikage wasn't one.
If she was here she would use all the right words.
They entered a room with a tanned blonde man sitting at a desk. He looked angry.
"What Kakashi is thinking?"
He hit his fist at the desk.
"Is he trying to get on my nerves? Because so far he is succeeding."
The two men remained silent.
"You are his advisor. Why didn't you advise him that this was a bad idea."
"I'm sorry if we offend you in any way Raikage-sama."
"If you offend me he says. You brought him at my village." He pointed at Sasuke.
"He is a fellow leaf shinobi on a mission."
The man stood up but Nara remained unfaced. That's when Sasuke understood that all this was his idea. He narrowed his eyes but the spiky head looked only at the angry man.
The door opened and a spitting image of the Raikage walked in. He took a few steps until he stood in front of Sasuke.
Silence feel upon the room.
He was ready for the upcoming attack. He was well aware that he deserved it but that didn't mean he wouldn't fight back.
"You are not a pipsqueak anymore, bakayaro konoyaro." He said instead.
Everyone mouths gaped and Killer-Bee laughed his heart out.
"I bet now you can take me. Not win but you could give me a hard time. So let's fight."
"Bee." His brother yelled.
"I'd rather not fight. Killing you could cause a lot of problems." Sasuke spoke emotionless.
The Raikage was furious and Shikamaru shot him a side glance.
Bee laughed and put his arm above his back.
"Such confidence bakayaro konoyaro." He turned to his brother. "I like this guy."
After that disastrous first meeting he spend the most of the time with the loud man. There were several shinobi following them hidden but never engaging. Nara discussed whatever business he had with the Raikage.
I hope they will be quick so I can return home.
This thought distarbed him. He wasn't planning to return.
I meant to return to my next mission.
"So how's my boy doing?" The voice brought him back.
"He is fine. He's planning his wedding."
"Yey!" He jumped. "He is really living the life."
Sasuke wasn't interested to participate in such a feisty discussion so he ignored the man.
"So who is it? The blue haired girl?"
He looked at him skeptical.
"You know the beauty that came with him here two years ago. She looked like she liked him a lot. Blue hair, white eyes, you can't miss her. What was her name again?"
"Hinata Hyuga."
"Yes that's the one. Really nice girl. I thought they were a thing."
His blood boiled.
"Too bad. They were really close."
If looks could kill he would be dead by now.
"So which one is it?"
"Sakura Haruno. Pink hair, loud mouth." He said under his breath.
"Yeah, yeah I know her."
He continued talking about something Sasuke didn't hear.
Two years ago they were here. Together. Alone.
He didn't know when Hinata stopped loving Naruto. He wasn't around that time. He didn't care then. He was not bothered about the existence of Hinata Hyuga two years ago.

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