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Someone was following him for the last three blocks. He couldn't place the precense so he took an unexpected turn to throw them off. He stayed hidden in the less busy alley waiting. The voice spoke before he saw a face.
"Why are you hiding?"
The little devil made her appearance.
"You know it's useless right?" She pointed her eyes, the veins around it slowly wore off.
"What do you want?" He said more relaxed now.
She punched slightly at his arm.
"You have to learn some manners. First of all" she paused a little. "Hi. Welcome. Good morning. Things like that you know."
He smirked.
"You really have to work on that." She smiled. "So I saw you the other day and I waited for you to make an appearance. But you disappointed me."
"And the only thing on my mind is not to disappoint you." He mocked.
"It should be. Sister really values my opinion." It was her turn to smirk. " I came to invite you on a little something."
Her happiness was evident.
"I'm busy." He said uninterested.
"I don't care. You will come."
She proceeded to explain to him what was about. Sasuke was surprised about their idea. Noone had done this before. But everything that involved Hinata always surprised him.
"Why are you the one inviting me?" He said a little nervous. Maybe Hinata didn't want him there.
"Because she doesn't know you are back. It will be my gift." She shot an evil smile and left.


He was nervous. The last time they spoke he sent her away. She had reached out to him again and he made clear that he didn't want anything to do with her. She had told him that she she wanted to be friends only for him to spit at her words. But the truth was that for him friends wasn't enough. Not anymore. What if he made a move and she didn't feel the same? Would that drove them further apart. Fuck. He had to be sure. He would attend at this party and they would speak normally again. After that he would proceed to see how she was really feeling. He wore casual clothes so he would be comfortable and he left for the party for which he was already late.

The doors were open and several people had entered before him. He took a deep breath thinking how crowded the place would be and walked inside. The little devil was standing at the entrance of the garden tapping her foot on the ground. Her face was a mixture of relief and anger when she saw him.
"I thought you weren't coming."
"Hello your highness. Good morning." He smirked. "You should work on your manners."
She frowned at the mockery.
"I associate myself with the wrong people." She rolled her eyes. "Come everyone is here."
He took a look at the place and his eyes fell on her. She was the most beautiful woman he ever saw. She was looking back at them and he waited for her usual warm smiles. He almost waved when she turned and left his sight. He walked at the place she previously was standing.
Their friends welcomed him but he was searching for her.
"How do you feel that from the four of ys I'm the only one with a date?" Naruto laughed.
"I told you mine was busy. That's why I came with Shino." Kiba yelled.
"Please Kiba stop. Don't talk any further of this. It's emparrasing." Shino responded.
"I'm telling the truth." Kiba cried.
Naruto was laughing still when he saw that Sasuke wasn't paying any attention.
"Hey teme. I'm talking to you. What are you looking at?"
"Hn." Was his only response that caused the rest of them confusion.
"Sasuke-kun can you please go and find Hinata. There's something I want to ask her. She went that way." Sakura spoke.
Her emerald eyes looked at him full of meaning but he couldn't care less. He moved at the direction she pointed. He passed the crowd and took a turn. That's when he saw her standing with her back at him. He observed her for a moment. How the clothes contrast her pale skin. Her neck that would smell her scent if he got too close.
After he spoke her answer were falsely polite. He had expected some kind of reaction from her. Hell, he had come back when he said he wouldn't. She didn't give him anything at all. Instead he sensed she was trying to escape him. Like he was nothing. Just another guest. His touch was gentle but yet it stopped her. Now was the time. He confronted her. But he had to know by now that he was no match for her.
Why did you? Her voice was not raised at all but it contained a rage that made him retreat. Funny how the first woman that he ever loved rejected him before he had a chance to try.

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