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It was his turn to watch the Hyuga girl. They were rarely alone since either Naruto or Sakura stayed with them. He preferred it that way because the girl was gloomy since Hinata's departure and he wasn't the type to console. Sakura did the talking and Naruto the entertainment and he imagined that would be their dynamic as parents. She didn't seem to particularly like the duo but her well mannered upbringing and the gratitude for protecting her supressed her dislike. She casually asked if Neji was coming, if they had news of her sister's returning but other than that she stayed put and silent. Nothing like the girl knocking on his door bursting into his house. He imagined that life threating situations do that to a person even if he never felt it. Back then he had believed that death wasn't an option not until he took his revenge. When he came back to his senses he simply wasn't bothered by the concept of him dying. Sure his teammates would grieve but they would overcome it eventually. He wasn't sure how his brother would feel. He had to see him to know. As soon as Hinata dealt with all of this he would ask her to help him. What will she do if I die? He imagined her cry at his funeral and maybe bring him flowers on his grave. She would whisper soft words at the cold stone he wouldn't be able to hear. That saddened him. He probably made a funny face because the girl sitting on the couch started staring at him. He didn't bother to speak to her and return his gaze to the window. She understood his lack of interest and remained silent but kept staring. Sasuke could feel her eyes fixed on him. After a moment he sighed, his gaze still outside.
She didn't think he would speak so she didn't answer immediately.
"I'm glad it's only you today."
"I like you."
That made him turn.
"I don't mean it in a weird way."
She laughed and it was the first time in days she looked like her usual self.
"You looked terrified." Her giggles made him frown.
"I mean you're easy to be around".
Weird. Like her sister.
"The others don't understand my sister. They think she can't handle this. But I know she can. They treat her like a delicate little flower. What they don't know is that she never was one. They misunderstand her kindness. A kind person never weilds in front of injustice."
An image of his brother came to mind hearing her words.
"But you are different. And she is different around you. She is herself. So I like you for that."
He looked at her white eyes and the softness they took when she spoke of Hinata.
"You miss her too aren't you?"
How can I miss her? She is gone only for three days.
But his heart beat with anticipation when the door opened. For a moment he thought she was finally back. He could almost hear her voice calling his name like it was the sweetest thing in the world. Her scent feeling the room. She would hug Hanabi and maybe her arms would fold around him too. But Naruto came in and the moment passed.


They wasted almost a day waiting for Kakashi reply. Hinata was hoping they would make it back at noon. No she wasn't hoping. They had to make it back until noon. She tried to be gentle and not rush forward considering Itachi's condition. But he assured her he was alright. The took the long road back, avoiding every village or camp they would come across. She overused her eyes to be sure their travel will be safe. But it was worth it. They reached the outskirts of Konoha without any encounter. She was exhausted but she was certain the man beside her was at a worse condition than her. He never complained or asked for stop but she knew. He hadn't run like this for a long time and his illness was dragging him further down. When they reached the spot Kakashi mentioned they stopped.
"Uchiha-san I'm sorry for the rush but time is crucial. Please hang in there for a little longer."
"Hinata-san you are trying to help me. I should be the one to apologise. I don't know how I should thank you."
"Get well."
He smiled on his companion. At first he couldn't picture how this girl was friends with his brother. She was sweet, kind and generous. But as he observed her he understood she didn't share other people's view on anything. She formed her own beliefs and stood by them. She most likely was the one that approached Sasuke not the other way around. But his brother wasn't like him. He was oblivious about people's behaviours. So what did he see in that girl was yet to find.
She offered him a bag. Inside was an Anbu uniform and a mask. He looked at her puzzled. She never let him know what the plan was, hiding the scroll Kakashi sent replying to her own one. She shared vague details only of how they should move in secrecy and time schedule.
"Hinata-san what exactly is this?"
"Please were them and stay hidden. When the time comes Kakashi-sensei will inform you of what to do."
"This is treason." A person wearing Anbu uniform and wondering around the village. Kakashi would lost his position as Hogake and most likely go to jail.
"It is not. You are an Anbu member if I remember correctly." She smiled and pointed the tattoo under his shirt.
"I was an Anbu member. Before."
"Technically you never left. You continued your mission until the end."
It was his turn to smile at the technicality. It was a long shot but they were going with it.
"Kakashi thought of it?"
"Yes. He informed me of this place and waiting on my end to proceed."
Her vague words tensed him again.
"Hinata-san why go to such extremes? It is a matter of hours before everyone knows about me."
"If we succeed only a trusted few will know."
"In what exactly? What is your plan?"
"You will see. Wish me luck."
Without waiting for his answer she bowed and left.

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