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My life changed the moment I met Sasuke Uchiha. Until then I was used by people for my abilities. Everyone wanted something from me and gave nothing in return. As soon as I laid my eyes upon him I knew he was powerful so I attached myself to him. He was truly handsome and I knew by now men wanted the attention. So I gave him mine fully. If I could make him want me maybe I could leave this hellish lab. Orochimaru frightened me and I knew he could kill me as soon as he had no use for me. So I decided to change my loyalty. Sasuke was my escape. The snake treated him different from the rest of us. But Sasuke wanted nothing to do with me. The more I made my moves the more he distant himself. That's when I fell in love. I decided to devote myself to him truly. He was the one that will lead me and no other. Being in his group was different than everything I was part before. I joined him willingly I wasn't drag to serve like before. He was cruel, distant and demanding but I had food and shelter and people to talk to by the end of the day. I felt for the first time I belong somewhere. I let myself imagine how it would be if I was the woman holding his heart. I will be safe for the rest of my days. Noone would dare to touch me. Slowly I became friends with the other two something that hadn't happen when the three of us were under the leadership of Orochimaru. I knew the others found their beacon too. They would follow him to the depths of hell. We owned him something even he couldn't understand. He was our hope, a pitch dark hope, but he was ours. Then the war came and took away everything. Sasuke returned back to his village and severed his bonds with us. No letter,no message came from him. This people couldn't understand him and I was sure he felt lonely. How the blonde boy, this ray of sunshine could understand Sasuke's soul? When they propose to us to be Konoha citizens I almost laughed. But this was our chance to approach him again so I aggred. When I met them, when I entered their village I kept asking myself the same question. How these people who were leaving their care free lives could accept him? The only thing that scared me was that after the years we were apart maybe someone had managed to entered his heart before me. The loud pink girl was my rival. I had come to the conclusion after the bits of information I had collected from him that she wanted him. The girl that was our guide through the village annoyed me. She pretended to be kind and polite but I knew better not to trust her. I believed that Sasuke would have killed her if he had the chance. My heart sank when he left us. When he was clear that he didn't want anything to do with us. Suigetsu knew, he had warned me as always. I couldn't believe my eyes when she brought him back. When sat and ate with us I discard the thought and enjoyed the time that was given to us with him. After that he came to visit from time to time. I could sense him when he came and jumped from excitement. I saw the pale girl rarely but she tried to approach us. Jugo was over the heels for her. I felt betrayed. He was my friend and he shouldn't trust anyone except for the four of us. Slowly but surely she made Suigetsu like her too. He kept his distance unlike Jugo but I knew. The dinner at their place was a disaster. Sasuke felt different. He was relaxed around her. All of his walls were torn apart. He touched her without realising and he wouldn't mind. How on earth he tolerate her? She was a delicate snowflake and he was fire itself. Maybe he tried to belong and pretended someone he could never be. I would show him than unlike us she wouldn't stay if she truly knew him. I began to speak about his achievements when we were the four of us and I saw her face fall. I pressured more and didn't realize until she spoke that her rage was at me. When I saw the light in his dark eyes at her words I left. Suigetsu followed me and scolded me as always. He stayed with me until I fall asleep from tears. The days passed and I couldn't bring myself to meet Sasuke. This was the end of our relationship and there was nothing I could do to make it right.
One day when I was lying on my sorrow the skies smiled at me. I felt something only for a moment. A presence I knew and remembered. A presence long gone by the hand of my love. I didn't think it through because this was my chance to meet Sasuke again. I searched him in the village and felt him at the blonde's house. Only when I arrived at the door I understood that when I open my mouth and speak the words he would kill me.
The boy that shared the same blood as me opened the door. I demanded to speak to Sasuke and he left to call him.
When he came back and I saw his stoic face my heart melted. This was going to be the last thing I will see.
"I'm busy. Speak."
"Sasuke-kun I'm so happy to see you. I'm sorry for what I did the other day."
"Hn". And he began to leave.
I mastered all my will to speak the next words.
"I felt your brother's presence."
He stand still. I could see his back tense. A few moments passed before he spoke again.
"Naruto I'm leaving."
He dragged me by my arm to guide him to the spot I thought I felt it.
Until we got there none of us spoke a word. I felt faint traces of his chakra and another one I was familiar with.
"She was here too."
Sasuke turned to face me.
"Your precious Hime."
"Who else did you tell?"
His face was serious. I've seen this in the past, he was a man on a mission.
"Noone of course Sasuke."
"You did good Karin. Thank you"
And the last thing I saw was two red eyes looking down on mine.

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