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"So are still not talking to me" Naruto was in his guilty mood since they woke up.
Sasuke just stare at him annoyed.
"He so scary. So what are you doing today?"
"The Hyuga girl. Where does she live?"
"Hinata-chan? Why?"
"She said she would help me find a place"
"Wow you are that mad"
"No. This was temporary"
"Okay. Yeah you're right she said it the other night"
No she said it last night as we were watching the stars.
Sasuke smirked
"I'll tell you but you have to promise to be nice. I don't like the look on your face.
"Do you like her or something"
"Hinata-chan? Noo but she is a dear friend of mine"
"And you think she needs protection from me? Another dear friend may I add"
His smirk got wider.
"Teme Hinata is a really kind person don't be a jerk"


She just finished her tea when she heard the knock on the door.
He actually came.
"Good morning Sasuke-kun. Have you had breakfast"
"Let's begin"
"Okay. Let me grab my things"

The block was nice. Nothing special but decent. It was in the middle of the market and the gates. Close to both but in a quiet street. The flats she shown him were okay. He didn't want much really.
"So there's another one above mine you just left available. I think it worth a look"

The flat was the best of what they've seen. Pretty big for one person and with reasonable cost.
"What do you think?"
"It's a good opportunity but I don't know"
"Why? What's the problem"
"The neighbors"
She look at him puzzled.
"I don't know how I'm feeling with a byakugan uses above me."
"Ne I don't pick" she laughed
"Not even once?"
"No it's a violation of someone's privacy"she said serious.
"And if I want you to pick. Can you?" He smirked.
Don't be a jerk
"Of course"
"I said if you want me to pick and I feel like it I can"
She laughed so hard she had to keep her hands on the door not to fall.
"So much of a kind person"


After he signed the contract she offered him some tea but he refused. He wanted to go home and pack. This would take a couple of days but he found a house of his own. He was mad at Hinata for made him speechless at his own teasing and thankful for her help.


The new neighbor had finally arrived. She waited him to settle so she ask him to come for a welcome tea.
Sasuke was in Konoha for a month now and was attending their usual gatherings for time to time but the feelings hadn't change. Every time he was there her friends were on edge. She has talked to Kiba and Shino for the situation to help her get it better. They were her best friends after all.
"Hina I can't. This guy makes my skin crawl. I try to be nice but every time I say something I think he will slip my throat."
"Kiba-kun I think he just doesn't know what to say to us. We are all really close and he fells like and outsider."
"Because he is Hina. He left us. We were here to see the struggles of the idiot and Sakura. I know they forgave him but I just can't change that feeling."
"I think he is trying in his own way."
"You do?" Shino finally spoke.
"You have an empathy we both lack so if you say so I will try harder." Shino concluded.
"Thank you Shino-kun"
"Aaah if you say such
things If I don't try I will be the bad guy." Kiba said in a cry.
"Thank you Kiba-kun" Hinata said and the three of them laughed.
She felt herself with them since she was a little girl. She didn't hide anything from them and they never judged. All her major decisions Kiba and Shino knew the moment the thought was formed in words. When she moved out of the Hyuga household and the consequences that came with that Kiba and Shino knew before her father. When they didn't look at her like crazy she felt braver. Maybe with their assistance she can help Sasuke too.
The tea was ready when her door knocked. Sakura and Naruto were there.
"Eh Hinata-chan hi." Naruto wasn't his usual self. He was anxious about something.
"Hello guys. Do you want to come in?"
"No Hinata thank you. We are actually going to Sasuke-kun to see his new place."
"Yes he invited us you know"
"Really? I'm glad" she said with a smile.
"Well he didn't invite us exactly. We invite ourselves but he didn't say now". Sakura explained.
Hinata laughed at the explanation and imagined Sasuke's face.
"So Temari is here. She came yesterday and we will go out tonight. Shikamaru was on his way to invite you but since you would come anyway he told us to tell you."
"Oh I'm excited. I haven't seen her for a long time. I missed her."
"You're really close with her right Hinata-chan?"
Hinata had the feeling that these do drag the conversation unnecessary. Like they didn't want to go upstairs for some reason.
Well let's give them a little push.
"Yeah. I will go now to see her. So thanks guys."
"Oh. Ok. Yeah. Bye"
Their faces dropped when they realised that this is it.
They begin to leave when they heard Hinata.
"It's gonna be okay. Good luck"
They both turned around like a jolt hit them. Sakura was red and Naruto had a silly grin on his face.
A silent thank you came from Sakura's lips.

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