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Everything was back to normal. Well not exactly. She still hasn't talked to Neji properly. She wanted to apologise but the last conversation they had didn't leave any room for that. Hinata suspected that her sister demanding her at the house was a plot for her and Neji to patch things up but it backfired. It left them more distant than before. They didn't exchange a single word until she went back home despite Hanabi's efforts.
Her mood got better when Jugo had returned to the lab. She was planning a trip to Suna soon to deliver the new species they had grown. Anyone could go and the trip through the desert wasn't easy but she wouldn't miss a chance to meet the friends she had there. Gaara always welcomed her in their house and it never felt like a business trip. She spent time with Temari and her brothers and felt a little guilty because it was like a vacation to her. She proposed to Jugo to accompany her since he was the most informed in the technical terms but he declined. Hinata felt that he didn't want to leave Konoha. Like he was afraid he could not come back so she didn't press the matter. Now she was getting ready because said person had invited her to dinner as a thank you. The knock on the door made her realise that she was late.
She opened the door half ready and Sasuke's face was judgemental.
"Five minutes" said and rushed back in her room.
He entered annoyed of her habit to leave him behind waiting for him to follow.
He heard a noise and then a cry of pain.
"I'm okay". She yelled.
A minute passed and nothing was coming from the back.
"Are you really"?
"Yeah, yeah."
Then nothing again. He stood up and moved across the house. He saw her on the floor of her room holding her dresser from crushing her.
"How"? He moved and lift it above her.
Then he took her hand and helped back on her feet.
"I get clumsy when I'm late".
When she moved to take her jacket he let his eyes wander across the room.It was the first time he entered her bedroom. It had a door leading to a small balcony beside her bed. A little vase with blue lilies inside decorated her night stand. A board with pictures pinned at it was hanging at the wall. He moved closer to look at it.The classic photo of her genin team was at the centre. Beside another where Kiba had placed her in his shoulders, her blushing was obvious. Next to it her with bugs at her back on the shape of wings and beside her Shino almost smiling. There were photos of her and her sister as toddlers. In the ones with her father her hair had grown long. A photo with Ino, Sakura and Temari wearing their kimono's was his favourite. Hers was a dark purple that lid her eyes and made her skin glowing. It was like he was watching glimpses of her life so far. He was so caught up at it he didn't hear her coming beside him.
"This is my favourite thing in my house. Everytime I'm feeling down I look at it and remember a beautiful memory with my friends. It puts me at ease."
"Hn". Why am I sad.
"I'm sorry I'm late. Let's go".


When they finally arrived the other three were already there. They noticed as soon as they sat that Jugo had decorated the table with dry lavenders. She took one in her hand and smiled. What a cute touch.
"Are you we going to eat these?" A mockery came from the raven haired boy at her left.
"I think it's really beautiful" she said still looking the flower.
Jugo nodded shyly and started to serve the dinner.
"You sure took your time. I'm starving. And since I was here when he was making all these I'm double starving."
"I'm sure Hinata-chan takes her time preparing." Karin added. She was annoyed they came together.
Hinata was ready to apologise but Sasuke cut her.
"I was late". Challenging them to say something.
"Let's eat. I hope you like it." Jugo said and sat at his chair.
The dinner was lovely but they didn't eat more than half of it. He overdone it making food for twenty people. When they were done they moved to the the couch to drink the tea and coffee Jugo offered to make. The place was small for two people but the both seemed fine by it.
"Jugo the dinner was delicious. I didn't know you could cook this good." Hinata said excited.
"Thank you Hinata-hime. Cooking is combine the different ingredient to make the best results just like herbs."
"Not this again. He won't shut up about his work. Hime I blame you for this".
Suigetsu always made her a little uneasy. Through the times she visited their apartment Hinata understood that she made him uncomfortable too. Like he was prepared for her to cross them somehow. But now they were in good terms probably through Jugo's compliments.
Sasuke was stunned at their interactions. He knew by now about her work and how she helped Jugo but he hadn't actually seen them all together. She was comfortable in both the place and the people living in it. This woman is dangerous. She can bent anyone at her will.
He slightly turned his head to look at her as their cups placed at the table. She switched the cup of coffee with the tea that was in front of Sasuke and he passed her the sugar and milk. They both did it unconsciously as if it was a natural thing to do. As he took a sip of his coffee he met the suprised sets of eyes staring at them. Hinata noticed it too and touched her face to wipe an invisible dirt.
"What"? He said annoyed.
"It''s nothing". Suigetsu said unsure.
"You annoy me. Speak".
"It''s just you and Hime are really close."
Hinata looked at him puzzled about what brought that up. She turned her gaze at Sasuke waiting for an answer.
"They are weirdos like you." His explanation came.
She frowned at his response which put a smirk on his lips.
Karin was quite all evening. She wasn't happy they came here together. She wasn't happy that they would leave together and she got to walk with him home. She didn't like that her friends welcomed this girl in their lives. Suigetsu didn't trust her at first and she fuelled his worries. But the other guy was mesmerized by the princess. Little by little he wash off Suigetsu uneasyness. The girl was polite, kind as it seemed and really beautiful. She hoped Sasuke will be annoyed by her kind nature but that wasn't the case. They were closer than the last time she saw them. He chose to sit beside her at the couch and his teasing now drove her on edge. She couldn't understand how a guy like Sasuke always rude, distant, cold was able to casually hang out with her.
"You are weird too you know. Even if you see yourself all high and mighty."
Hinata's voice woke Karin from her thoughts.
Jugo smiled at her comment and Suigetsu almost spilled his coffee.
"You are totally right Hinata-chan." Karin said as happily as she could.
Everyone turned at her like they forgot she was there.
"You know how germophovic Sasuke-kun is right?"
"Oh really? I didn't noticed." Hinata said honestly.
Karin was happy with herself. Her confidence boosted.
"Yeah, yeah he was always tidy and clean even at the most awful situation. Plus he never wanted people to touch him."
"But you always do". Sasuke answered coldly.
Karin braced herself and continued.
"Orochimaru had sent us on a mission one day. We were tracking them for three days straight. For the twenty people in the group we were supposed to capture at least three for him to experiment on something. It wasn't a job we hadn't done before. When we finally caught on them the battle was fierce and the capture wasn't possible. So Sasuke killed all of them. The only thing he said was that he wanted a bath. Can you imagine him covered in twenty people's blood Hinata-chan?"
As Karin was speaking Sasuke looked at Hinata. He wanted to see her eyes but her back was slightly turned. He needed to see the look she was making hearing this. She knew vaguely about his past but now a person who was there was describing the horrors he had done.
She will be disgusted. What do you expect?
"What's the meaning of this story Karin-san?" Her voice was cold.
"Oh I'm sorry Hinata-chan. I didn't mean to scare you. Was it too much for you to hear?" Karin apologised.
"I think it's disgusting."
Here it is. It was inevitable.
"The way you try to win his affection it's disgusting."
Sasuke looked at her not understanding.
"You see Karin-san Sasuke tries really hard to accept his past. He tries really hard to be a better person. He tries really really hard to belong somewhere. You three accepted him at his worst but you seem determined to not let him move on from there if it means he would be with you. It's disgusting to use that story to scare me. To use anything that would hurt the person you claim you love."
Karin was shaken. The girl who spoke wasn't the polite push over she imagined.
The cold voice that came through her mouth and the dead white eyes piercing her soul made her want to run. But as she laid her eyes on Sasuke she continued.
"You think you are so better. So pure and lovely. You don't know us. You don't know what we've done to survive. If you knew you wouldn't be near us."
"Don't you want to be better Karin-san? Do you want the past always define you? Do you want a crush on a boy to be your sole purpose?"
Now Karin was angry. If she was going down she would take her too.
"He took lives and he liked it that's the truth. He felt pleasure even if you don't want to see it."
Sasuke wanted to kill Karin on the spot. But something made his mouth shut.
Is she going to accept this? Is she going to stay?
"Karin enough. It's time to shut up."
"And why is that? Are you getting soft too?"
"Karin please. Have you not sensed her death intend."
Karin turned to face Hinata. She was still on the couch, still looking with her cold gaze. Her eyes were locked on her. And then she sensed it. Only for a moment.
"I suggest you stop talking and apologise." Jugo added.
"No need. I don't accept it."
Karin felt humiliated. She got up and left in a hurry. Suigetsu followed behind her after he said a quick goobye.
"Hinata-hime I'm deeply sorry for this."
Her eyes found their usual warmth.
"Don't apologise. I'm the one who destroyed your dinner. I lost my calm and I'm sorry."
She got up and took his hands.
"I really hope we will reschedule this another time. Maybe I'll cook to make amends."
She smiled at him to convey her feelings.
"Thank you again Hinata-hime. For everything. And if you please don't hate Karin. She's just troubled."
"I will try".

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