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Hinata avoided the dinner with her father several days upon her return. She had promised to go but thanks to a lucky occurrence Hiashi couldn't make it. Every morning for the next two weeks said to the mirror that today she would go but then the day came and passed and still she didn't. She was somewhat busy with Sasuke's return because the duo of a certain blond and a pink haired ninja made plans with everyone almost every day. Despite their best efforts the situation was unpleasant. All of her friends had no clue as to how to speak to him. They waited for him to explode and leave again. She suspected that the grudge they held was of the pain that his actions brought to Naruto and Sakura. She was sure he felt it but she didn't know if he wanted to make the extra effort. Still she was her usual self around him without trying. He had yet to come for her help for his apartment but she gave him space.
He will come when he's ready for a friend.
Her stomach growl and dinner came to mind.
Ah, let's go then.


Neji was at the front door when he saw her entering the estate. Her sight always amazed him. Her gentle, shy nature that make him want to protect her. Her kind heart didn't change over the years but after the war, after she saved him she wasn't shy anyone. Now she was determine and confident. She knew what she wanted and that added an extra glow around her.
"Hello neji-nisan" said and hugged him.
"Good to see you Hinata-sama" said and close his arms to hugged her back."We'been waiting for you"
"Is Hanabi back from her mission"?
"No she's still out. It's just me and uncle"
Hinata was missing her sister and really wanted to see her. But a part of her was glad she wasn't there.

The dinner was delicious. She was so happy to be home with her father and uncle, to see both of them well and happy.
"So Hinata how is your house? I hear is a little small"
Here we go.
"No it's really fitting for one person, father I'm glad for your concern"
I can play this game too.
"Oh that's really good to here."
Yes sure.
"But I can't help but wonder why spent your money on a rented good-for-one person house when you all this for free."
His hands showing the room around him.
You know.
"You know". The tone was cold enough to drop the temperature in the room.
Neji wanted his cousin to leave this place happy so she could visit them soon. Maybe little by little they would convince her.
"So Uchiha came back". Said to all and none.
The father and daughter turn to face him.
Well payed Neji".
"Oh how is he"? Hiashi's tone give little interest.
"Distant as always".
"But can you blame him" was Hinata turn to answer.
"What do you mean"?
"Well except Naruto and Sakura we aren't exactly friends. We don't know him. We met a version oh him as a child  and we were all children. None of us it's the same. It needs effort from boths sides. Maybe ours a little more."
"Always the gentle heart Hinata-sama".
Hinata flushes a bit. Neji always saying this things to her was emparrasing.


The walk home was refreshing. The chill breeze and the quiet streets lighted by moon made her heart lighter. The village decorated by the early autumn colours was a wander.
She let a sigh slip her mouth. Every time she left her father's house was feeling gloomy.
It was best if she didn't get home just yet. She would start thinking, replaying the evening and more sighs would escape her mouth.
She wondered past the training grounds upon a hill in a place high enough to see the forest, its leaves dancing through the moon. Laying there enjoying the view she was free.


The mission was easy. They had ended it in half a day and they were returning home. He suspected kakashi gave it to them for bonding or something. The walk home was unbearable. He had noticed the glances his teammates exchanged. He thought with Naruto he wouldn't feel this burden in his chest. When they passed through the gate he stopped. That stopped both of them.
"What"? He said to Naruto angier than he intended.
"What you stopped"
"What is it? Spil it"
"Sasuke-kun..." Sakura spoke
"I'm talking to him not you"
"Don't speak to her like that teme"
"Fine" he almost hissed and left


He wished for solitude. The training grounds was the first thought that came to mind. He was pissed. If they didn't dare talk to him how could the others. He got to the hill so frustrated the cry almost scream came from his mouth unwillinly. After that he spotted her but was too late.
"Hello Sasuke-kun. Long night"?
"Yeah me too"
"I'm leaving"
"Smart like Naruto"
"Because of me"?
She kept looking but couldn't bring himself to say yes.
Tell her. Shove that calm look of her eyes. You're angry. You deserve this.
"I'm sorry. Of course it's cause I'm here. But if you don't mind I'ld like to stay a little more and then you have the space all to yourself."
This girl. So blunt. She wasn't like this. This is another person right here. The shy timid Hinata Hyuga it's no more.
" Would sit and keep me company?"
"I don't need pity"
"I'm not here to offer some"
"When you got so bold"
"At war. And after"
She was there. And still looked like that.
"Even if you lying I wouldn't know"

She didn't understand at first but the realisation came quickly. He hadn't seen her since they were both children. Not only her. All his classmates. The houses, the village all of it.
He is a stranger in a familiar face.
Hinata stood up and walk closer. He stood there watching her leave.
Unpleasant. That's who you are.
But Hinata stand in front of him and raise her hand.
"Hello there I'm Hinata. Would you like to keep me some company stranger?"
He smirked.
"Sasuke" he shook her hand.
And yes.
She lay there again and sasuke lied beside her.
"You're weird"
"I heard before" she giggled
"So Sasuke have you found a place to stay"
"Would you like my help"?
"Maybe you're a criminal, I wouldn't know"
She laughed and the moon brighten a bit.
"Yes you're right maybe I am. But if you have a friend that can vouch for me come tomorrow at my house."
A couple of hours had passed when they started to walk home.
"Sasuke thank you. I had  really nice evening. Goodnight"
Idiot that's the only word you know?
But she smiled and he thought maybe he made a friend.

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