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Kakashi was facing a problem. A rather serious one. Itachi was ill. His desease seemed to follow him. He understood that he was ready to go but Kakashi wouldn't let him throw away his life. Again. He wouldn't let his dear student live with his brother's death. Again. He needed someone to assess the situation and report the time they had on their hands. He couldn't bring him back to the village and let the word got out. People would panic. He had cleaned his name, he was a hero to the village as long as he stayed dead. Everyone across the shinobi world knew the name Uchiha Itachi. And the power that carried with it. People would start felling uneasy. Not everyone understood the choice he made. Not everyone would be friendly. Itachi didn't want to fight anymore. He wanted a peaceful life. Kakashi understood that much. The Hogake made everything in his power to assure that. He even kept Sasuke in check.
Well that's a victory on each own.
But now things became complicated. He needed treatment. He needed medical stuff, a safe place for all of it to happen and secrecy. He sighed. Things never seemed to be easy. He sighed once more.
At first he thought of Sakura. She was the perfect candidate. But Sakura had started setting the new area at the hospital. Her proud jewelry. She stopped missions unless it was an important matter. It was just that but it shouldn't seem like it. Sakura's absence and mission would rise some flags. So out of the question. He needed a trusted person, with some training in medical ninjutsu. Assess and report. That's all that needed. He reviewed his candidates.
She was perfect. He sent the scroll with his anbu.


Hinata's knocked was rushed. She wanted to get it over with. She would plead Kakashi to give the mission to someone else. She wouldn't leave the village right now. Not before she made sure Hanabi was safe. As the first shock passed and her sister was not in danger her anger grew larger. She would kill anyone who tried to hurt Hanabi. She would shut their organs and face an agonizing death. If Hana...
She wouldn't think it. She wouldn't let it happen. Her friends been there calmed her a bit. Sasuke's serious tone, saying he would protect her. She believed him. He would fight with all his power to prevent anything happening to Hanabi.
"Come in."
Hinata entered and bowed.
"Hello Kakashi-sensei."
"Ah Hinata-chan hello,hello. Sorry for the late hour but you have a mission."
"About that. I wanted to ask if anyone else can have it?"
"What is it Hinata-chan?"
"It's... Just. I hope you can trust me. I can't go." She couldn't lie.
"Well in the spirit of trust I hope you can trust me when I say I don't have anyone else."
Hinata was defeated.
The mission was to find a feudal lord who had been attacked and was hiding. She had to find if he was seriously injured and protect him. She should be discreet and not reviling her location. She was to leave tomorrow. Hinata objected. She bargained for the day after. Kakashi gave it to her. She was thankful.


They moved Hanabi to Naruto's apartment the next morning. Seven people knew about it. The others were informed that Hanabi had food poison and recover in Hinata's care. It was easy since Sakura said that was the intention of the attack. To look like food poison. Her being there messed up their plans. The medic was familiar with this kind of drags since her visit in Suna. Hinata insisted all of this to stay secret. She wanted whoever did it to feel safe. She needed evidence or her sister's life would be constantly in danger. Neji had gone to the compound to inform and assess the situation there. He was convinced that none of their clan would do such a thing but Hinata disagreed. Her sister felt unsafe at home and nobody would enter the house without been spot. They had to feel safe until she stroke. Her father's approach would be direct but would lead to nothing. She was sure of it. She was hoping he would return soon nevertheless.
The plan was easy. Kiba, Shino and Neji would frequently visit her house as to seem someone is there.
Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke would take turns and stay with Hanabi.
She said noone is to enter the house until her return. When the night came all preparation were in place but she still felt uneasy. She should be here by her sister side. She sat by her side on the bed and woke her up.
Her white eyes met were still sleepy but she was awake.
"Hana I will leave tomorrow on a mission."
A mix of fear and defeat was written in her face.
"Do you have to?"
"Yes. I'm sorry. My friends will protect you until I come back. Then I will make everything right."
"I'm sorry I'm such a burden."
"Don't say that. If anyone should be sorry it's me. I should believe you and deal with this as soon as you told me."
She stroke her hair to lead her back to sleep.
"I love you nee-chan." And with that she closed her eyes again.

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