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Sasuke had never yield for anyone after the massacre. He never lower his gaze when he spoke. He never looked up at anyone. He was aware of the skills the people around him had and he took from them whatever was necessary but not one of them was enough to the goal he had set for himself. Not one was going to be better or stronger from him when he was done.Sasuke Uchiha, the forever stoic, the eternal arrogant was now looking at his feet.
"I'm here." A voice that didn't feel familiar but was yet his own.
"Hello little brother."
Three words so sweetly spoken that compelled him to look.
Itachi was genuinely smiling. A sight that he was sure was kept only for him. For the foolish little brother that didn't dare to face his older until now. Why was I afraid?
"I see you are well. I'm glad."
The thoughts in his mind were overwhelming. Hundred things came by in a split of a second. Say something.
"Would you like to sit?"
Say anything. Move. Do something.
"Staying there is also an option."
I'm happy to see you.
"I'm sorry."
"You were always the kindest of us little brother."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He stayed there by the door clenching his fists saying the same two words until his vision blurred and tears kept wetting his cheeks.
Itachi rose from his bed but no movement was seen, no noise was heard except Sasuke's harsh voice repeating the same thing like a prayer.
Then a flick. And like a switch the crying stopped.
Sasuke felt the familiar pain at his forehead like a mother brushing his hair.
"Is that why you were relactunt to come? Did you though I was angry at you?"
All his boiled emotions flooded like a river.
"Of course you should be angry with me. You should be mad at me the idiot brother who claimed to knew you and abandoned you without second thought. You were suffering and I only thought of revenge. I didn't even looked at the facts, didn't stop to think for a second. I killed you Itachi.. I killed you."
"Don't cry Sasuke. If anyone is to blame is me. I took away your decisions from you. I led you to a path I thought was right at the time. I should be the one apologise brother. Even now I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I left you the space to come to me willingly but you were hurting once again because of me. I'm truly sorry."
They hugged each other to embrace this second chance that was given to them. The night passed at this small room with two voices whispering truths that where left unspoken for a long time.


The next morning the house was silent.
The meeting room and the halls were empty so she thought that Sasuke had finally taken upon Hanabi's offer to sleep in the room she was staying and would be left empty since she was moving at the main house. He should rest. Stop. That's none of your business. He can pass out of exhaustion for all I care.
She looked at the closed door and moved ahead with the basket she was carrying.
She always brought food and some tea early in the morning so nobody can see her and grew suspicious.
Hinata walked to the last room that Itachi was staying. She knocked the door and heard the usual welcoming. He was always awake by the time she arrived. Hinata was suspicious about Itachi not sleeping well either.
Upon entering she froze for a moment.
Sasuke was seating at the chair beside his brother's bed. She quickly came to her senses and moved to leave the goods she carried. They finally spoke. I'm glad.
"Good morning Itachi-san. How are you feeling today?"
"Particularly good. Thank you Hinata-san. I believe it's a good day to get out of bed and eat at a proper table if I may."
A scoff was heard from Sasuke. Hinata shot a side glare and discarded it.
"There's a table in the other room if you like. It's more of a conference table but you can use it if you like."
"Yeah let's call all your friends and eat there at the big table." Sasuke mocked.
"Great idea. I'll be happy if Hinata-san care to join us."
He couldn't figure if his brother was stupid enough to not understand his irony or he was to polite enough to moved his words in another direction.
"I don't want to intrude but thank you for the offer."
"It's your house Hime. You can order us to eat with you."
"Sasuke please. Hinata-san is offering us more that she should."
Hinata smiled at Itachi for his kindness.
"Yeah let's kiss her feet and worship her."
"Enough." Hinata spoke. "It is my house and you will respect me. Otherwise you are no longer welcomed here."
Itachi was surprised. He had thought that these two were somewhat friends. She was ready to dragged him all the way from his cabin to Konoha just for Sasuke.
"What are you going to do? Throw me out?"
"If I must."
"And then what Hime? How are you going to explain this little treason to your clan?"
"I think you have more to lose than I."
Sasuke got up and stood in front of her but Hinata didn't even blink.
Strong girl. Sasuke can be really intimidating.
"Are you threating me? I already told you what I'm going to do to all of you if anything happens to my brother."
"We all here secured his safety. The only one who behaves foolish is you." After the time he had spent with her Itachi could not figure out how she and his brother interacted. But now he saw she was ready to fight him if she must. He stepped in to stop them.
"I think we are all a little intense. Maybe food and tea will calm our nerves."
"I'm truly sorry Itachi-san you need a calm environment to heal." She looked at Sasuke. "I misbehaved. Now let me guide you."
She reached her hands to help him get up. Sasuke was about to make a move to stop her but Itachi's stare stopped him.
They sat at the edge of the table that was meant for twenty people. She offered both tea and coffee as a sign of a peace treaty.
The meal was nothing special but she was glad as she saw them enjoying it. The silence was awkward and the tension from the fight before didn't make it easier. She tried to think of something to say. She was usually good at it. But nothing came to mind. This how it was going to be from now on. Everytime she and Sasuke were in the same room there would be tension. It seemed so far away the times when they were sitting close enjoying each other company. It felt so easy, so safe. It felt right. But this thing she had in mind wasn't the reality. In reality Sasuke found a way to pass his time until he reunited with his brother. She was probably okay to be around. She wasn't talking much, she made it easier from him to be around the others. She made an effort he was unable to make. She was just convenient for his everyday life in the village. Even help him with Itachi. She had thought of that as she played all their interactions in her head. She was Kakashi choice when it came down to bring him back. Why not Sasuke's too? Convenient. She hated it that word. So plain and untasteful. It came from a life she desperately tried to leave behind but kept coming back. Hinata Hyuga can't never have what she desires. Her lips formed a sad smile.
"Thinking of anything interesting Hinata-san?"
"No, nothing interesting. Just clan matters." She bite her lip.
"I hear you are the leader now. I thought you weren't of a high rank. Did I misunderstood?"
Sasuke was observing the conversation with an uninterested look. The truth is he was dying to hear what happened and changed her mind.
"Sorry Itachi-san. I was lying when I said that. I didn't want you to feel threatened."
Why is she lying?
He looked at her but she never made eye contact.
"I see. I was just wondering... So it's just a coincidence."
Don't think it through. Her heart was pounding.
"What is just coincidence?" Sasuke spoke.
Don't say it.
"My arrival and her coronation." Itachi explained.
"It's nothing like that Itachi-san. It has nothing to do with you. It was actually for my sister's safety." Hinata tried to satisfy their curiosity.
But Sasuke kept staring at her all through breakfast.

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