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The next few days pasted past in the blink of the eye. She hadn't see Sasuke since they were both busy. She was busy at least but since she didn't heard or see him she assumed he was too. The last time they met it was a bit awkward but she blamed the conversation and the sake they had at the hot springs. Maybe this afternoon she should invite him for some coffee. His absence this days was significant. He always made her laugh. Not many people can say this for Sasuke Uchiha. But he is so funny sometimes. So afternoon then.


The first time she knocked there waw no response. So she knocks again in case he didn't hear it the first time. The moment the footsteps got at the door she felt excited. She had brought some snacks and coffee in case he didn't want to go out. A red haired woman stand in front of her. She looked at her for sometime drifting off somewhere.
"Oh I'm sorry Karin-san. I just...well..."
"Oh yes... Is Sasuke-kun here?"
"Oh. Okay"
"Do you want to come inside?" She said in way that the only answer was no.
"If I don't bother you much"
"Okay. Come on."
Karin behaved like this was her house. It was a little unsettling seen her invite people in or move in the living room in general. But it seems they are in better terms now. I'm glad.
"He is taking a shower at the moment". Her tone suggesting something that Hinata didn't quite catch.
"I brought snacks and coffee if you want some".
"Yes right now I'm starving". Said with a wink.
They sat at the black leather couch one in each corner. Karin was eating the snacks and drinking the coffee she brought.
"So do you want something from Sasuke?"
"Not really I just stopped by. I live on the down floor and we haven't seen each other much. So..."
"I see".
"So Karin-san have you gotten used to the village yet?"
"Better than the shark idiot. Worst than Jugo."
"If there is anything I can help you with tell me."
"Yeah I know you are the princess. Jugo told me. So things are easy for you."
Hinata felt insulted. Here she was offering her help and the woman across her spit the kindness in her face. But then Hinata remembered Karin's file. The life she led until she met Sasuke.
"Not quite. But yes my father will help me if it is something for a friend."
"You are not my friend".
"But my father doesn't need to know right?" She giggled. That annoyed Karin. She was nothing but offensive and that girl didn't even flinched. She was a worse opponent than the Sakura girl. She was ready to explode with minimum effort. She had to evaluate her competition and eliminate the threats.
"Right." Maybe she will play nice with this one.
"So Hinata-chan ,said with a slight mock, are you and Sasuke friends? Cause I don't remember speaking of you before."
"We were just classmates before. But I like to think that now we are".
Sasuke entered the room wearing only a lousy set of pants. His hair was wet and was using a towel to dry them.
Whole Karin's attitude changed in a split of a second.
"Why are you still here?"
"Um Sasuke-kun I thought maybe we could do something afterwards". He flinched. " I mean with Jugo and Suigetsu".
"I told you I'm busy".
Then his eyes met Hinata. Siting happily in his couch. He remembered that his chest was exposed and felt emparrased as her eyes met his naked skin.
They stared at each other until Karin broke the silence.
"Hinata-chan dropped by to bring food and coffee."
Hinata-chan? He should warn Hinata about Karin.
"And you're drinking hers".
"She obviously didn't know you are here. She brought these for her and me."
"Oh it's okay Karin-san. I offered it to you anyway." Hinata stepped in when she saw Karin's embarrassed face. Then she glared at Sasuke as she scolded him.
He looked back with a whatever look on his face.
"Time to leave."
Hinata stood but Karin stopped her.
"He's talking to me". Her voice sounded defeated and sad.
Hinata hold her hands.
"I think we should get a coffee sometime. And some cinnamon buns. Only for the two of us". She emphasized the last part.
Karin' cheeks blushed and just nodeed. She left in a hurry.
"Don't be so mean to her. She likes you".
"And I don't".
"That doesn't mean you shouldn't be nice."
She sat on the couch and drunk the coffee that was supposed to be his.
"Like Naruto was to you. And that helped you just fine".
He sat beside her and took the coffee out of her hands.
The truth is he was avoiding her the last couple of days. There was a tension between them the other night and he was afraid things will be awkward. He cursed himself several times with the way he left. Everytime he replayed everything in his head he wanted to hide inside and never come out. The kissed she placed on his skin left a mark that wasn't visible. That part was the hardest the first night. But now siting like this relaxed him. He missed her. The way she talked to him, the giggles she made. She was a friend he didn't want to lose. He was an idiot avoiding her. Hinata Hyuga had the ability to toss away your worries.
"So are you busy or you told Karin just to make her leave?"
"Unfortunately I am." He sighed.
"Ne, I'll be leaving then."
"We have time Hyuga. Let's just eat."
After they ate she addressed him again.
"Who's the person that make you sigh so much?"
"Nara". Sigh again.
"Come on Shikamaru is nice and a really interesting person".
"As a friend maybe. He invited me to have dinner with him and Temari".
"Great. I love Temari. Nothing to worry there. She seems rude and tough but she's funny and cute when she wants to." She stopped and looked at him straight in the eyes.
"Kinda like you."
He frowned and she laughed so hard her belly pained. He hit her head lighty.
"Serves you right."
"So what's really the issue here? You just don't like them?"
"No. I not really know her. And Nara irritates me but it's not that."
"I think I'm not supposed to go to a friendly dinner to hang out. It's just an act. I think the hosts aren't Nara and Temari.?"
"Then who?"
"Advisor of the Hogake Shikamaru Nara and his future wife Temari of the Sand".
Hinata knew. Temari has never said anything to her more than a friend. But she hated advisor Shikamaru. And he always discussed his business with her. He wanted her opinion on his thoughts. She was an incredibly smart person who challenged Shikamaru's intellectual head on. It will be an unpleasant dinner.
At first she was a little jealous her friends didn't invite her but after hearing Sasuke she felt relieved. I feel bad for him though. They are a tough couple to beat.
"What's with the grimm face? Now I fell more uneasy."
" Maybe you got it all wrong." But I don't think you do.
"Yes maybe. But just in case come pick me up after an hour or two. I will tell them we have plans."
"That will be rude."
"Will you not help me Hyuga?"
"Okay. Okay. Don't be scary."

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