1 // The Plan

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It was early spring. A crisp breeze whistled through Tommy's open window. The blonde yawned and stretched his arms. This was... surprisingly pleasant. After about five minutes, he reluctantly left the warm embrace of his bed and begrudgingly got changed. He made his way downstairs to a tired mother preparing a delicious feast of pancakes.

"Mmm that smells delicious mum!"

"I'm glad. Help yourself while I go wake your dad up. Oh, and Wilbur tells me that he has something to show you... something about a door?"

"Lore Mum! It's lore!"

His mother fondly laughed and rubbed his hair. "I know dear, I'm only joking. Have fun talking to him."

"Will do," Tommy says while stuffing his face with food. The women only shook her head and made her way upstairs.

Once Tommy was sufficiently stuffed with pancakes, he ran up the stairs to his room and logged onto his pc. Sure enough, there was a message from Wilbur demanding him to join vc.

"Wassup big man!" Wilbur chuckled.

"Hello Tommy! I've got something cool planned," Wilbur paused dramatically in order to build up suspense, "I've planed some more lore for out characters!"

Wilbur went on to explain how Tommy's character would get tricked by Wilbur's character into destroying Technoblade's house. Then, in an epic fight against Techno and Phil, Wilbur would accidentally hit Tommy's character and kill him. Dream would then revive him and a few streams later, Wilbur would rescue him.

"That all sounds... really great?"

"What's wrong? Don't you like it? You know I spent a lot of time and effort on that."

"Nonononononononono it's fine it's great I love it! It's just that... my character has always been this defiant, strong individual. Now I'm going to be reliant on you for the next few streams and... actually I'm going to have to become a victim."Wilbur went silent for a second. "Wilbur?"

"Oh no Tommy! It's fine! It's not like I've spent HARD WORK and DEDICATION on this! It's fine!" His voice was becoming patronisingly high pitched. "Don't worry Tommy! Of course I'll just delete the plan because YOU don't like it!"


"No no! It's fine! Bye Tommy."

Tommy tried to talk again, but Wilbur had already left the call. What? Tommy felt like breaking down and crying but he knew that would only make things worse. Sighing, he contemplated his options. Was he being selfish to decline Wilbur's plan. He had spent a long time planning it.

After about a minute of contemplation, Tommy decided to call Technoblade. Surely he would know what to do; seeing as he must already know the plan since he's involved in it. Ring. Ring. Ring.


"Hi Big Man – or are you a pig? HI BIG PIG! No – that doesn't sound right. HI PIG MAN!!"

Techno chuckled. "Hi Tommy! Excited for the new lore?"

"Yeah actually that's why I wanted to talk." Techno didn't have his camera on, but if he did you would see him raise an eyebrow curiously. "What do you think of it?"

"I think it's really well put together. I'm looking forward to the fight – really excited to see how that one goes."

That was true! Technoblade was really excited for the lore. It was just... he had a very different idea of how it was going to go than Tommy. Wilbur had called him a few hours prior to explain the plan to him.

Techno was told that Tommy was going to get influenced by Wilbur to attack Phil. Techno would step in and fight the boy, but neither would die. He thought this was really good script planning and made sure to thank Wilbur multiple times for the brilliant plot.

"O-okay." Tommy seemed reluctant. "I just... I want to make sure you're okay with what I'm going to to – seeing as you put so much effort into it and all."

Techno was confused. Effort? Oh – he must be talking about the armour and weapons that would undoubtedly get used up. The hours of work Techno had put into becoming so rich.

"No worries Tommy – I can always make more and built it all up again."

The blonde audibly sighed – that was a relief. "Alright – thanks Techno!"

"Any time."

Once he had left the call, Tommy went straight to Wilbur's contact and typed the following message:

'I'm sorry that I overreacted. The lore sounds great and I can't wait to do it.'

After a moment of hesitation, Tommy hit send.

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