18 // Another Awkward Dinner

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After a minute of staring, Tommy realised that Wilbur was probably waiting for him so he sprinted down the three flights of stairs and skidded to a halt once he reached the dining room. Wilbur rolled his eyes but directed him to sit down at the table.

Tommy hesitantly say down and looked at the meal in front of him: classic mash potato and sausages. The blonde looked up at Wilbur (silently asking to start eating) to which he received a nod in return. Tommy immediately dug into the delicious feast in front of him.

"Mmmm this is delicious!"

"Don't speak with your mouth full: it's rude."

"Sorry Wilbu-"

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?" Tommy quickly looked down to avoid the harsh glare from Wilbur, "and I'm adding a new rule: only call me Wilby. If I catch you calling me anything else – to my face or not - you're going to be in deep trouble." Wilbur waited until Tommy had finished eating before finished it his rant, "Do you understand me?"

Tommy begrudgingly replied, "Yes Wilby," to which he just nodded.

"Good! Well finish your meal then head off to bed. The new rule will be on the wall by morning. I expect your best behaviour for the others tomorrow."

With that, Wilbur put his dishes in the sink and washed them up before heading off to do who knows what. Tommy followed soon after and went straight to his room.

He dived under the think covers of the duvet and started crying. He let out all of his pent up emotions slip away like the tears on his cheeks.

His sobs were mostly muffled by the thick walls so Wilbur didn't notice... or if he did, he didn't do anything about it.

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