17 // The House

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Wilbur strolled out of Tommy's room – it took the blonde about twenty seconds to process that he was supposed to be following him. Tommy quickly ran through the doorway to catch up to Wilbur; who was waiting for him in the room where Tommy appeared in.

"Always shut that door behind you. I'm adding that to the rules." Tommy just nodded and followed Wilbur as they walked out of whatever room they were just in and into the hallway. "That was my room. Don't go searching though it, just walk straight into your room," Wilbur added as an afterthought, "I'll know if you do."

Wilbur's room and the rest of the house looked a lot more modern and high end than Tommy's room. It was obvious that he noticed it, but Tommy didn't say anything in fear of Wilbur's wrath. Instead, the blonde just focused on the rest of the house.

The downstairs was mostly open plan with a large kitchen area and barstools lining the kitchen island. There was a dining room to the left with six chairs surrounding the large marble surface.

There was a living room to the left of the dining room that contained two sofas, an armchair and a large coffee table in the centre. A huge 10 inch television lined the back wall and a fluffy rug covered the floor. Next to the living room and kitchen was a staircase leading to the second floor and an immense bathroom. The ground floor was huge and you could really appreciate the shear space with the open plan design that it had.

After you went up the stairs, you were immediately greeted with more open space. There were two chairs and a coffee next to a big window but aside from that it was an empty landing.

There were six separate doors which each contained identical offices and pc set ups. Well... four of them had empty spaces where the pcs would go once the other's arrived.

Tubbo, Ranboo and Phil each had a room on the third floor. Wilbur didn't take Tommy into any of them, but it was fairly obvious they looked a lot more like Wilbur's room than Tommy's and judging by the ground floor they were undoubtedly massive. There was also a bathroom on that floor. This one had two showers, two sinks, two mirrors and a separate cubicle for the toilet. This house was fancy fancy!

The next floor up contained Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy's rooms. Considering the layout of the rest of the house, it was pretty easy to assume that Techno's room was just as big as Wilbur's. There was another bathroom on that floor (identical to the one below it) and they had a band room where Tommy's rooms would have been.

After the tour, Tommy was told to go back to his room. Compared to the standard of the resort of the house, it was more like a closet than a room! Wilbur came in shortly after and added two more rules onto the wall before he locked the door and left Tommy alone to his thoughts.

The rules were 'Always shut your bedroom door' and 'Don't let anyone into your room'. Tommy guessed they were to stop the others realising the difference between the rest of the house and his room, but Wilbur had reminded him that they wouldn't have cared even if they knew. Tommy supposed that made sense. Tommy didn't know how many hours had passed, but at some point Wilbur had called him down to dinner. Tommy was surprised to learn that there was a small speaker in the corner of his room, but shrugged it off and opened his bedroom door.

He didn't know when Wilbur had unlocked it but he must have done so at some point as the door was now open. Tommy was a lot more awake than he was earlier that morning (or what he assumed to be morning) so he was able to take in more details of Wilbur's room.

There was a king size bed in the middle with a large desk, built in wardrobe, floor to ceiling shelves and an entire freaking sofa in it. There was a large, fluffy rug in the centre and a guitar stand in the corner.

Yeah, Tommy could see why Wilbur didn't want anyone going into his room after seeing that.

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