16 // Rules

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Tommy's head was spinning. He groaned while sitting up, rubbing his head. Where was he? After a moment, he was able to take in his surroundings.

Tommy was lying on a metal bed; it looked like something you might see in a youth hostel or hospital. It was a single bed and was covered in plain white bed sheets. Tommy stretched – the bed was not very comfy... but it wasn't uncomfortable.

Looking around the rest of the room, Tommy noticed that the walls were painted a pale blue. There was a small wardrobe in the corner and under closer inspection Tommy realised that the clothing he had packed was already inside it. Actually, someone had unpacked all of his belongings. Small books and keepsakes lined the shelving. There was a plain desk with nothing on it in the corner of his room. A knock on the door made Tommy suddenly sit upright; wide awake.

"W-who is it!?"

The door opened to reveal a smirking Wilbur, "Good morning Toms, did you sleep well?"

Tommy's heart dropped as the last 48 hours came flooding back to him, "What do you want Wilbur!?"

"You know, I think I'm going to set out some rules. What do you think Toms?"

Tommy had an empty look in his eyes. Wilbur looked down at him, impatiently awaiting an answer – not that an answer would change anything. Wilbur wasn't asking a question: he was forcing it on Tommy whether he liked it or not.

Eventually Tommy realised this too and just gave a shallow shrug while refusing to meet Wilbur's eyes, "I guess..."

"Right! Well then..." Wilbur brought out a permanent marker from his pocket and walked over to the wall containing the door (which was opposite the bed), "I think rule one should be to always tell me the truth. I'll know when you're lying so don't even try it."

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"Ah, that brings me onto rule number two: only speak when spoken to or if you're having a conversation. You really need to get that attitude under control so you'd be annoying everyone a lot less if you don't start unwanted conversations."

"I'm not tha-"

"What? Not that annoying? Please ask anyone you know and they'd all say the same thing, Toms. You're lucky I even hang out with you." Tommy said nothing and just looked at the ground; causing Wilbur's smirk to grow. "This brings us onto our final rule... for now. I'm going to add and change them as I please."

Tommy rolled his eyes and Wilbur quickly picked up on it. The brunette advanced towards him and placed a hand on each of his shoulders – looking right into his face. "Don't disrespect me again. You should be thanking me."

Tommy just looked to the ground and mumbled some sort of apology. It seemed to satisfy Wilbur as he walked back to the wall. It was only then that Tommy realised he had been writing the rules down on the white paint in big, thick, bold lettering.

"Rule three: don't leave this house without me. I think that should be all for now, what do you think, Toms?"

Tommy nodded and stared in disbelief at the writing. Suddenly, this was all feeling a lot more real.

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