19 // Breaking The Rules

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That's how tommy lost consciousness that night: crying himself to sleep. He wasn't sure if he was excited or dreading the arrival of the others – maybe a bit of both. Tommy woke up much earlier than usual. He didn't have a clock in the room, but guessing by the small amount of light peaking into the window,  it was probably about six or seven in the morning. Tommy leapt out of the bed and ran towards the door – only to find that it was locked. The blonde just banged on the door. He couldn't sleep and now it was Wilbur's problem.

About ten minutes later, the door unlocked and there stood a very angry Wilbur, "Shut up!"

"But I wanna get breakfast! It's not my fault you locked me in – you wouldn't even be awake right now if you'd just kept the door open like a normal person!"

Wilbur cursed under his breath before dragging Tommy out of the doorway, into Wilbur's room, down the three flights of stairs and into the kitchen.

The brunette reluctantly reached into a cupboard and brought out a box of cereal, some milk, a bowl and a spoon. The forcefully slammed it onto the kitchen island (in front of Tommy) before making his way over to the living room space to go and look at his phone.

After finishing the cereal and putting away the things he used, Tommy jumped down from the bar stools. He was bored and that was about to become Wilbur's problem.

"I'm boooooored!"

Wilbur looked around, but after seeing Tommy rolling across the floor whining like a small child, he instantly turned back around to his phone, "Tough."

"Uuuuuuugh can't we do something?"

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "Shut up! Can't you find something to do yourself!? What do you normally do at home?"

Tommy stopped rolling to hit upright, "I'd stream... THANKS WILBUR GOTTA GO BYEEEEEEE!!" Tommy bounded up the stairs to where he remembered the offices to be.

Wilbur sighed and leaned back into the sofa, until he realised what Tommy had just said. He was going to stream. Shit! Wilbur leapt off of the sofa and ran after Tommy – he hadn't gone over the rules of streaming with him yet... and Tommy'd called him Wilbur not Wilby.


"Oh sure! Let me just stop running and I'll be down in a sec – NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!" Tommy slammed the office door shut and went over to his pc. He quickly turned it on and sat waiting for the log in to load. All of a sudden, a rather frazzled Wilbur opened the door – well more like slammed it open.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Wilbur took two strides over to the pc before turning it fully off. He then turned around to face Tommy and gave him a hard glare; causing the boy to shrink farther into his seat. "You've broken not one, but two of my rules – you lied to me and called me Wilbur. I'd say that this calls for a punishment."

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