2 // I'm Fine

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Today was the day! It was two days later and the SBI were all preparing their streams for the lore. This was it! One would have thought that Tommy would be excited, but he was still having doubts.

He was going to destroy the house Techno and Phil had spent months building; he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He was also upset about having to play victim and weak for the stream rather than the confident character he usually played.

Tommy and Wilbur were on a call together and the brunette could sense his hesitation. "What? Still upset about the lore?"

"... a little – but it's okay I know you've worked really hard on it."

Wilbur took a moment to contain his smile before continuing. "Good – I was afraid for a second that you were going to be selfish and complain about your character. I'm glad you're mature enough to see other people's opinions."

Tommy gulped. He was about to reply, when Techno joined the call. Tommy's response was quickly cut off by Wilbur. "I'm ju-"

"Heeey Techno! How you doing? Ready for the lore?"

Techno noticed how Wilbur had cut Tommy off, but chose to think nothing of it. If Tommy had a problem with it, Tommy would say something, right? Besides – the two had been friends for years and he knew that they got on great. So much so that he internet even theorised that they were brothers!

"I'm doing good Will," Phil joined the call midway through Techno speaking, "I'm excited for the stream."

"Aren't we all mate!"

"I'm glad!" You could practically hear Wilbur's smile.

"... Tommy? You alright there mate? You haven't spoken a word."

Tommy stayed silent. That is, he did until he received a text from Wilbur. 'Answer them. Say that you're fine and don't cause them any unnecessary trouble.'

"Y-yeah I'm fine."

"If you say so." Techno's monotone voice caused Tommy to jump. They all had their cameras on so everyone noticed it.

After a moments pause, Phil spoke up again, "You sure you're alright, buddy? You seem a little on edge." Tommy just stared at nothing; only causing more worry for the others.

"I'm sure he's fine guys," Wilbur said with a hint of force lining his words. He sent another message to Tommy, 'It's not nice to make your friends worry. Don't be so selfish and tell them that you're fine.'

"Yeah I'm fine guys. Just... excited for the lore?" He said it more like a question than a statement, but it seemed to satisfy Wilbur enough. Good.

"I'm glad you're fine. Ready to hit stream guys?" The others reluctantly agreed and hit start stream. They all muted so they could greet the chats.

After Tommy's signature start, he went on to give a quick intro to what was about to happen. Chat must have seen his reluctance because Techno had a donation that asked him to check on Tommy.

"Hey dude, you sure you're fine?"

Wilbur answered for Tommy. "He's said yes three times. If he wasn't fine, he would have said something by now."

Tommy only nodded and put on a watery smile. "Yup – I'm fine. Just... excited for the lore! Can I get some 'pog champs' in the chat please!?" He boy was quick at deflecting the tension with his chat; which only raised the others' suspicions even more. However, there was noting they could do, so they just got on with the filming.

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