5 // Driving

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About an hour and a half later, Wilbur's car pulled up outside of Tommy's house. The blonde said a quick goodbye to his parents before excitedly opening the door and running outside. He ran towards the brunette; who welcomed him with open arms.

"Bring him back before eight," his dad called through the open front door. His dad and Wilbur had met each other about half a year ago and had quickly bonded. When Tommy was out filming or meeting up with other YouTubers, it was usually Wilbur's responsibility to keep the boy safe.

"Will do!" The brunette turned towards Tommy, "get in." He opened the door and Tommy quickly obliged.

They drove for about ten minutes in silence, before Tommy opened his mouth to speak. "Don't," was all Wilbur told him before they continued their awkward silence. About five minutes later, Tommy opened his mouth again, "Don't." This time, Wilbur's tone was a lot more assertive - despite his eyes never leaving the road in front of them.

"But wh—"

"Dammit Tommy!" Wilbur pulled over and turned around to face him.


"I told you not to do something and you didn't listen. You've brought this upon yourself."Before Tommy even knew what was happening, Wilbur had brought out some sort of pill. "Eat it." Tommy just looked at Wilbur. "Relax it won't kill you – now eat it before you're in even more trouble than you already are."

Tommy reluctantly took the pill from Wilbur's outstretched hand and put it into his mouth. Wilbur then handed him a glass of water (which he greatly accepted and took a big gulp from). After a few moments of silence – and Wilbur's ominous staring – Tommy got bored.

"What does this eve—" Whoah! Tommy suddenly felt very lightheaded. He squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds, but when they opened again, black dots were clouding his vision. "Wilbur wha... I... you... wh..."

"Shhhhh Tommy," Wilbur affectionately rubbed his hair; only adding to the boy's growing headache. "It's just something to help you get through the ride without getting impatient. Just go to sleep and I'll wake you up once we arrive." After a moment of struggling, Wilbur's smile turned into a frown. "Tommy. Don't resist it or you'll be in even more trouble once we arrive."

After a moment, Tommy's eyelids grew heavy and the world faded into black. The last thing he saw was Wilbur's patronising smile. Where were they even going? Tommy didn't think to ask.

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