13 // I'm Sorry

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The brunette walked to the bottom of the stairs, "Toms? Toms I know you're up there."

"Don't fucking call me that!" A muffled yell could be heard; coming from Tommy's bedroom.

Wilbur rolled his eyes and hopped up the stairs two at a time to where he knew Tommy's bedroom was, "I can call you whatever I want Toms."

"But I can't? What's the deal with the stupid Wilby thing anyway - it's dumb and I hate it."

"Now now Toms, we all say things we don't mean," Wilbur said as he reached Tommy's bedroom door.

"Don't call me that!" Tommy spoke again right as Wilbur opened his mouth to speak; only angering the brunette even more, "and I'm very certain that I do mean it!"

Wilbur turned the handle of Tommy's bedroom door – only to find that it was locked. "Toms open the door."

"Not. A. Fucking. Chance."

"Toms open the door before I do something that you might regret."

"... like what?"

"Hmmm," Wilbur leaned against the nearby wall - facing the closed door - as his mind began to think, "well... right now I have Tubbo's number and you don't."


"I have your discord password and I have a phone that I can log onto to access your account. I can contact Tubbo and you can't. I can say some... morally questionable things to him as you, and I don't think you will be able to do anything about it. I think I can hurt Tubbo pretty badly... and you won't be able to do anything about it."

"T-that's not-"

"Then again, I doubt he would be surprised. Deep down, he's just using you; he doesn't care about you. He wouldn't care if I ruined your so called friendship. In fact, he might even be glad. Toms, we both know that I'm your only friend here, now open the door before you loose me too."

A small click indicated that Tommy had done as he was told. I wish to stress that some people might interpret parts of this chapter in the wrong way. I don't ship minors with adults (Tommy and Wilbur) and I'd just like to make that very clear before continuing. So yeah please don't ship them... now onwards-

Wilbur smirked and opened the door as if nothing had happened. He was met with Tommy – who was looking at the ground and digging his nails into the palms of his skin.

"Careful Toms, you might injure yourself like that."

Tommy only shrugged, to which Wilbur rolled his eyes and grabbed Tommy's hand. Tommy tried to pull it back, but Wilbur only gripped it harder.

"L-let me go!"

"I don't think I will, in fact," Wilbur grabbed Tommy's other hand and pulled it to the other, "I think that I need to show you that resisting me will only make things worse for you."

"I'm sorry Wilby."

"Oh sucking up won't get you anywhere!" Suddenly, Wilbur pulled out a piece of string from his pocket and tied Tommy's hands together.


Wilbur slapped his hand over Tommy's mouth and glared at him, "I guarantee that shouting will only make things so much worse for you."

A muffled 'fuck you' only made Wilbur chuckle a low, ominous laugh, "Oh Tommy, you really like making things hard for yourself, don't you?"

Angry mumbling only made Wilbur roll his eyes, "Suit yourself - don't say I didn't warn you." Wilbur grabbed a handkerchief and removed him hand from Tommy's mouth. The child had just enough time to shout the word 'wait' before the handkerchief was shoved into his mouth.

Wilbur smirked. "Now that's better - don't you think?" He paused to let Tommy's muffled yelling fill the room, "oh wait, you can't reply!"

Tommy's muffled screaming got louder and louder, until he suddenly reached his foot out and kicked Wilbur's shin... hard.

Wilbur yelped, but quickly straightened himself back up and advanced towards Tommy. He pinned the blonde against a nearby wall; using one hand to pin both of his arms above his head. "Now that wasn't smart." Wilbur spoke with venom dripping from every word.

They spent the next five minutes staring each other down, before Wilbur finally lost it. A deafening smacking sound ricochet around the room as tears formed in Tommy's eyes. Wilbur had slapped him.

"Don't. Misbehave. Again." After a moments contemplation, he spoke again. "I'd stay quiet if I were you. Now... what do you say?" Wilbur removed the handkerchief from Tommy's mouth.

Tommy stayed silent.

"Toms what do you say?"

Tommy still stayed silent.

"Toms, I think you should apologise."


Another loud smacking sound filled the room. "You know why."

"No I fucki-" Another slap sounded across the room.


"I-I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry!" Tears started rolling down Tommy's cheeks but there was nothing he could do to make them stop.  "I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry I'msorry!"

"Tommy?" Tony called from downstairs, "is everything alright, i head yelling?"

"Everything's fine Mr Simons!" Wilbur called – momentarily looking away from Tommy. That was a big mistake... well it would have been a big mistake if Wilbur wasn't easily five times as strong as Tommy. The blonde stomped onto Wilbur's foot and used both of his hands to simultaneously punch Wilbur in the stomach. He would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for Wilbur's quick reactions.

Tommy got pinned to the wall...again. "Now that was just stupid!" Tommy tried to respond but he got slapped in the cheek again, causing him to let out a squeal of pain rather than a chain of curse words.

"Now, as much as I would like to keep chatting, we have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow so we should probably be heading to bed. I'm going to leave now - don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"Are you going to untie my wrists?"

Wilbur smirked and shook his head, "I don't think I am, Toms."

Tommy just nodded and watched as Wilbur left the room. He was frozen still; he didn't even move when he saw the door shut and heard Wilbur walking away.

Tommy stayed put. It must have been what... ten minutes? Twenty? Tommy didn't know when, but at some point he slid down the wall and curled up into a ball. That's how he fell asleep.

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