Prolouge (10 yrs ago)

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Your POV

It was snowing. I was looking out of the small window of my room, into the bliss snowy grounds of infinity island. It's been a week of snowing and my grandfather, Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) and my father Adam Wilson (DeathBlade), has left the island to go solo. I was left to train with the rest of the young assassins including the heir to the demon head, Damian. We weren't close since one of the rules of being an assassin is to not trust anyone let alone be friends with someone, cause that makes you soft and weak and gets you killed. Except this day was different. I don't know how but I could feel it with in me. I was in deep thought when I heard my door creak and light from the hallway flooded into my dark room. The moment I heard the door handle turn I jumped up to the rafters on my roof. If your wondering why I did that well, while I did train with all the assassins, at night when we were dismissed my father took me away from all the eyes and ears and took me to the woods on infinity island and gave me private lessons. Sometimes grandfather came and watched and sometimes joined in on the lessons. I was taught to never be seen. I was trained to become the shadow. My father wanted to call me Shadow but my mother argued against it. So they agreed on Y/N. Anyway that's besides the point. From me being taught to be the shadow, if someone sneaked up on my and saw me or scared me, I automatically jump to hide in the shadows cause I was never meant to be seen. My mother walked in and looked around for me. "Y/N, you can come down. No need to be scared." Mother said. I breathed in heavily and sighed quietly. I hoped down from the rafters and landed silently. "Sorry about that. I'm not scared of you if that's what you think." I said to mother. "It's alright Y/N but you need to get ready now, it's almost 5am, for you training." Mother said to me. I nodded and she walked out. I got my assassin gear on, it's the darkest shade of my f/c but it's not as dark as black. Like you can still sort of see what the main colour is. I got the assassin mask on and grabbed my two katanas in the sheaths and strapped them to my back.

(A/N: like that but swords are a bit longer, like down to top of hip

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(A/N: like that but swords are a bit longer, like down to top of hip.)
I grabbed my belt with all my little killing gadgets and trinkets that it holds. Who knows what we will be training for today. I also added a thigh strap that held my dagger on my left thigh. I walked out of my room at 4:50am right on cue when I saw Damian walk out of his room further up. Damians pace was fast and he caught up with me quickly and slowed to match my pace. "We need to talk after training." He whispered in my ear when he walked past me when I stopped to let him go first since he is meant to be there first, than me even if I'm the granddaughter of the ex apprentice of the Demon Head. Damian and I walked out of the building in single file, onto the training grounds when the sun still hasn't risen yet and Sensei was waiting for us and the rest of the assassins. Damian and I took our places and stood tall in resting position. The rest of the assassins that were training today came out of the building when the sun was just starting to rise. Sensei looked to his left and Lady Shira stepped out from the building enough for Sensei to see her nod, the sign to start training, before she turned and walked back into the building. I wonder what they all do when they are not training while we are. I thought. Sensei stepped a bit more forward and said "Let's start." We did the usually stances and swings of the swords sort of like when you see karate movies except with swords... you know?... no ok. And then Sensei told us who we were being paired with first and then we would swap in half an hour and keep swapping once we have fought with 10 people, 1 row had 10 people in it. But if in pairs it would be 2 rows to fight. If that makes sense. There was 60 people in, that was training today. I fought with Damian first. He pulled out his katana and I took my two that were on my back. He raised both his eyebrows cockily and smirked, gesturing bring it. He ran at me and I ran at him. I pulled my katanas up in front of me. Both diagonally in front, one lower and one higher. Damian brought his up directly in front of him. I managed to block his attack with my katanas and push him back while we circled 180 degrees swapping places and we ran at each other again. We both run and bring our swords up to block the others attack and my swords were brought up in an X. My swords were at his neck an his sword was at mine. We did another half circle and he sweeper his leg and knocked my to the ground. I landed on my arse and man did it hurt, but I can't focus on that now. I pushed the pain back and I rolled left in time before Damian could get his sword to my neck to declare he won. I got up quickly and went after him. He turned to me just in time to block my attack making him grunt lightly. We continued blocking each other's attacks for a bit until I managed to knock him to the ground. I nearly got my sword to his neck but he managed to roll out of the way and get up and swing his sword at me. We clashed swords until I put one sword away and we fought like in pirates of the Caribbean.

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