Chapter 2

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There was a click of a door handle being turned and my eyes shot open. I turned my head to the door to my quarters were being opened and I jumped to the rafters above me. I made it over to the just now opening door and I hung upside down while yanking the door towards me and scaring the shit out of my father. "Shit!" He yelped. "Why would you do that." He scolded me. "Your the one that told me to become the shadow." I answered him while rolling my eyes. "Just get down from there and get your assassin weapons and attire on and come to the meeting room." Father told me and stalked off. Leaving me to shut the door. I closed it and huffed. Mother sat up and looked to me. I turned to her once I did a side spin and front flip to the ground. I just shook my head and sighed at her. She just smirked in a way showing that she knows exactly how I feel. But I got my weapons on me since I was already in my assassin clothes from last night and brushed my hair and put it in a plait (if your hair is to short to do a plait than a pony or if to short to do that then leave it out!) I grabbed my mask and put it on and hugged mother quickly on my way out the door. I walked in the shadows swiftly to the meeting room. I knocked on the door and heard a voice telling me to come in. I opened the door and there was father, staring at a screens in front of him, of where all the heroes have attacked there inland bases. He sighed and turned to me. "You will be leaving the league of shadows and become an actual villain by joining the young villains of the injustice league." Father said plainly and straight. "Umm, may I ask why?" I asked. "Because you need to learn teamwork. You will only be there for a few years but we also need someone to keep track of the injustice leagues actions." Father answered. "Um are you sure you don't mean the justice league?" I asked. "No we have Terra for that. We need you in the injustice league to make sure they don't try do anything that will hurt our system." Father answered. I sighed and looked away for a few seconds before looking back to him. "When do I leave?" I asked, sounding a bit more strangled than I meant. "Tonight." He said. Wow don't really give you enough notice on these kind of things do they? I thought. "Go back to your quarters and tell Y/M/N everything and then pack don't come out for the rest of the day unless you need food then go to the meal hall." Father instructed me. I nodded and turned around and reached for the door. "Oh and one last thing Y/N." Father said. I turned my face to him. "Hmm?" I replied. "Don tell any other assassin or any of the injustice league what you are doing." He said. "Can I tell the injustice league I'm an assassin?" I asked thinking of it. "Yes they are expecting you." Father replied. And with that I left.
         —————— TIME SKIP ——————
I am all packed and I'm leaving in a few minutes. No one was coming with me but father did say he would be there sometimes. To check up on everything. But I will be getting a device that I can write a few notes on of the actions of the injustice league that are worrying to the league of shadows. Hopefully it won't be used much. Hopefully. I stepped out into the open air where the helicopter was. Piolets already inside and all I needed to do was to get in. I only had one backpack that I was bringing with me it was f/c and I had a black cloak over the top of my normal assassin gear. To help me blend in more with the shadows. It was late at night possibly midnight and I got in the helicopter. I sat on the left side and took of my mask. I kept my hair up since I was going to be in the air. We lifted off the ground and I had one last look at Santa Prisca. And that's when I saw the heroes from last night but like they said with back up. I counted them all, 20 heroes to infiltrate Santa Prisca. I saw Robin look up at the leaving helicopter and locked with me. I saw his eyes widen in surprise and face movements as though he had gasped, i couldn't really tell from the mask covering his mouth. I wonder why. Maybe he knew who I was. No, impossible. No one knew who I was since I were my mask all the time. The only people that knew what I looked like under the mask was: Mother, Father, Grandfather, Old Sensei, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul and.... I gasped. Damian.... I looked back at Robin as the helicopter's head was now facing away from Santa Prisca and I saw the resemblance. The black raven hair, the emerald eyes, the posture, the katana. Damian was Robin.... But that makes Batman his father. But... who's Batman? I pondered trying to think on who Damian's father was.

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