Chapter 4

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"Y/N Wilson. Granddaughter of Deathstoke and daughter of DeathBlade." Robin said challengingly to me. "You think you know everything don't you? Damian." I said challenging him back, as I stepped out of the shadows slightly and pushed back the hood of my cloak revealing the bit of my face that isn't covered by my mask. I heard Red Hood, Nightwing and Arsenal gasp.
Warnings: Mention of dick/doodle/penis/cock at near end of chapter.

I took of the hood of my cloak revealing my eyes and the few scars that I have on my face. One on my left cheek bone. The a small one on my right eyebrow at the end. One running diagonally across my top of my noes (from brow). One on my lip. And one on my right jaw. (But they can't see the lip or jaw or cheek scar cause of the mask.)

(A/N: Like this

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(A/N: Like this. Except for the neck scar. For those who want to know who's in this picture it's Cassandra Cain aka orphan.)

"Come inside, Y/V/N and bring the heroes in with you. Make sure you have a gas mask on." Flower crackled over the com in my ear. "Ok." I answered her. I pulled the hood of my cloak back over my head and put my katanas away. "Have fun." I said and then I ran and did a front flip and crashed through the glass. Cloak flowing around me like a cape and I glided down a bit to the first level which was just a walk way that ran around the warehouse with stairs leading to ground floor. This warehouse wasn't the biggest. Once I landed i turned on the gas mask option on my mask. The heroes followed me through the hole I made in the glass. I ran quickly into the shadows and Robin ran after me. I quickly double checked my mask was on gas mode. I kept Robin on my trail as I ran through the shadows. Huntress gave a nod in my direction and I quickly said to Robin, "sorry about this." And I jumped from the shadows onto the rail of the first floor and jumped across and down to ground floor. And Robin followed me not realising what I had told him and Huntress and Flower released a bunch of fear gas and Robin caught the most of it. All the heroes got it and where under the fear gases control and we ran out. I heard a bunch of them screaming and crying and yelling in fear. I felt so bad. No I shouldn't feel bad. I'm a villain for fuck sakes. As well as an assassin who was trained not to feel anything about others. I kept telling myself until my heart shattered. And I heard the one thing that made me stop in my tracks. Huntress, Flower, JJ and Jr. kept running away but since I was in the shadows they didn't realise I had stopped. I heard in the distance the familier voice shouting my name. Scratch that.... Screaming my name in fear as well as saying that there sorry. Damian.... I turned around and looked back to the warehouse. No I shouldn't go in there. But.... No. Yes. No. I kept having an inner fight. Stay on the path my father made me go on. Villainy. Or save the one that I have been loving with all my heart for the past six long sad horrible years. Damn it Damian. I thought as I ran back to him. I came back and was overwhelmed with all the screams and yelling of names of people they love and care about. People yelling names of those they are afraid of and people screaming of things they were scared of. I looked for Damian as he wasn't were I saw him last. He was curled up in the corner of the ware house, shaking uncontrollably and crying. I was taken back. I had never in my life seen Damian cry. I ran towards him and grabbed an antidote for fear gas. I had 4 in case the others got infected somehow. I injected one into Damian. His fear gas was retreating slowly. At least he had stopped shaking and screaming my name as well as his brothers and fathers. His tears slowly reduced and he blinked rapidly to get the rest of it out. By the time it had cleared away I was gone. I had left him with the 3 remaining antidotes I had left. I was back on track and caught up with the rest of my 'friends'? I mean I could call them my friends we are pretty close even if they do irritate me to pieces. I saw them up ahead and they had stopped for some reason and were laughing uncontrollably. "What the......?" I started as I appeared out of the shadows. They all jumped when I came out of the shadows then started to laugh again. "What's so funny?" I asked. Huntress had calmed down a bit but when I had asked her what was funny she cracked up again. "Umm ok I'm confused." I stated. After standing there with a hand on my hip waiting for them to calm down they finally did after about 30minutes. "Ok ima ask again. What was so funny?" I asked cautiously. "JJ—Do it again—." Jr. Said between hiccups. "Let's not." Huntress started. But JJ was already under way. He pulled out his dick and bring out his balls as well and shook them around together. And he imitated a really hi pitched voice. "Hi I'm Mr. Dick Doodle Penis Cock and I like to suck cock and drink white liquids from cock." JJ said in a high pitched voice. Flower, Huntress, JJ and Jr. all started laughing again while JJ was putting his dick and balls away. I just stood there while they were laughing. Their laughter died down and I just sighed really loudly. "You guys are so immature." I said while sighing deeply again. "Oh come on Y/N. You have to admit. That's pretty damn funny." Huntress said to me. I cracked a smile under my mask and shook my head even though my shoulders were shaking as I tried to keep my slowly building laughter at how dumb it was until I burst out laughing and everyone joined in as we continued walking sided by side slightly swaying side by side from the laughter, we looked kinda like we were really drunk. "Ok i admit that was funny." I finally admitted as we strolled up to the Injustice League Head Quarters. "IKR." Everyone said as we entered the building.

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