Chapter 9

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"Aww your to good." The sound of Jason's voice said from behind. I twisted my body to meet his shins, for he is now standing, and punched them once hard. "Oww." He yelled in pain. I could slightly hear his brothers snickering over his yells. "That's what happens when you try scare a crazy ninja you fool." Helena said, waking up just in time to see Jason scare me. I laughed quietly at that. "Alright let's begin training EVERYONE." Bruce said coming into the cave.
We began training with our main weapons (that were fake) against dummies. We did that for a few minutes before training with a partner for hand to hand combat. I trained with Dick. He's a pretty good teacher even if I could do the basics already. We worked more on my punching form then anything. We again did that for only 20 minutes before we moved onto sparing. Dick was using his Eskrima sticks and I was using my swords. We were pretty similar in strength and stamina. We both took turns on defence and offensive. I liked it. He actually made me try unlike when I was in the poisoned youth (young injustice league) or even when I was in the league of shadows. He swung a stick at me and I ducked. Low to the ground and I moved my legs behind his, making him trip and fall in his back onto the training mats. I quickly got up and held out a hand. "Good job." He said grabbing my hand. I nodded and was about to pull him up when I felt ankles around my ankles and I fell backwards. "But never leave yourself open." He finished. "You sound like my father." I said to him joking slightly.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked while helping me up. "I honestly have no idea." I said laughing lightly at the end.
—————— time skip (1 week)—————
"Y/N, Helena! We have your suits." I heard Nightwing yell. Helena came running over straight away. I just walked in the shadows. "I love it!" Helena said happily. I hopped out of the shadows briefly to grab my suit and run back to the shadows. I saw Nightwing squint from where I disappeared but I was already in the other side. I snuck back out of the shadows and tapped his shoulder. And he jumped. "Where the heck did you come from?" He asked bewildered. "The shadows." I stated like it was damn obvious. "Whatever just get in your suits. You guys are on patrol with us tonight. Helena came running back out in her suit like a kid in a candy shop. I rolled my eyes and went back to the shadows and into the medical area and got changed. I put all my smallish weapons in the belt and my swords on my back. My staff was retractable to I just had it in its smallest form and attached it to my belt. I pulled my mask up and walked out. I went into the shadows to see if it's stealthy enough. Maybe best to stay in the darkest shadows for maximum stealth, I thought. I walked out of the shadows just when red hood turned around and he stepped back a bit. "You really need to stop going into the shadows like that. Your becoming more and more like demon spawn, and that's not a good thing." He said the last part quietly to himself but I heard it. I just smirked in return under the mask. "You'd be surprised Jay." I said just before Helena/Peacock came and dragged me away.
————— time skip (on patrol, midnight) ——
I've been on patrol for about an hour with the batboys and Helena. We have stopped a few robberies but it really was quite boring. We were sitting on the highest building in Gotham so we could see any crime happening all over Gotham. Legs dangling over the side of the roof. Some of the heroes were talking to one another while I was just staring ahead into nothing. "You ok?" I heard Damian say while sitting next to me. I hummed in response. I turned my head to meet his. "I'm fine. Why?" I said. "No reason." Damian said shaking his head lightly. I could tell he wanted to say something but still hasn't made the decision to say it yet. "What is it?" I ask. "What?" He asked surprised. "That look on your face. I can tell you want to say something. So just say it." I tell him with the tiniest bit of encouragement. He opened his mouth to say something when there was a giant boom. And a building went up in flames not to far away. And then another. And another. Soon all the buildings on that block were in flames and people were screaming in fear. It happened so fast that you couldn't even say Batman in time before the whole block was on fire. We all got up quickly and grappled down. We got to a building thats across from the burning buildings to see what was going on. "Firefly." I heard Dick say. Oh great. I have never liked firefly. Like I don't hate them but just not my favourite person. "We can talk later if you want." I say to Damian. He nodded and we were off. I saw dick call for back up as we got to the ground and started getting people to safety. I looked around at the burning buildings and I could tell that there were a some people still in the buildings. And I made a run for it. Jumping through the flaming entrance to the buildings. I could barely see anything for the amount of smoke and fire.  Luckily my suit was fire proof and my mask was like my villain mask and I switched it to gas mask. I calmed my breathing and started to call out if anyone was in here. "Please! Help me!" I heard a female voice say. I ran to the area I had heard it come from and saw a woman struggling to get out from under the capsized roof that had fallen on her. I quickly got to her, jumping over fallen debris and fire. I used my staff and was able to lift the roof just high enough for her to be able to squirm out from underneath. "We have to get my sister." The young woman said. She seemed to be in her early twenties. I nodded. "Where is she? I'll get her, you get out." I said. "She should be in the second room on the right down the hall way." The woman said quickly. I nodded. "Alright, get out now. I'll get your sister. I promise." I said quickly and ran down the hall way. I could tell she nodded and I saw her quickly get to the door, clutching her stomach that was bleeding badly, and saw a pair of glove hands grab her through the fire.  I counted the doors and made it to the second door on the left and saw a little girl crying and surrounded by fire.
            ——— meanwhile ———
Damian POV
"We can talk later if you want." She said to me. I nodded quickly and we jumped off the buildings and landed. I took off, helping people out of the fire and out onto the safe-ish street. I was double checking the buildings to make sure no one was still in them when I saw Y/N jump into a flaming building. What the hell is she thinking! I thought. I grabbed another civilian that was running from a collapsing building. I got them to safety still looking at the building that Y/N went into. And then I saw an young woman figure that wasn't Y/N. It's someone that was trapped. Y/N saved them. I ran over and pulled them over the fire. They were coughing like crazy from the amount of smoke they took in. They were covered in cuts and bruises, a huge gash in her stomach. I took her away from the fire and gave her to one of the civilians that had their arms open. "The girl that saved me *cough* is still in there *cough* with my *cough* sister. * cough cough*" the young woman said between coughs and a raspy voice. My eyes widened a bit but I nodded turning back to my brothers that were fighting firefly. I joined them and helped push him back. "Robin go into the building Scarlet death went into. The building is going to collapse soon." A wounded Nightwing said clutching his side. I nodded. I swiftly got inside the building. My cape turned to thermal to protect me from the fire lapping around me. I heard heavy breathing and creaking from the building. "Scarlet!" I yelled out. "Robin?!" A familiar voice answered. I sighed in relief and ran to her. She was clutching a young girl that was clinging to her neck. They were surrounded by fire and the building was collapsing.
                 ——— meanwhile ———
I jumped across the fire to the little girl and she immediately wrapped her arms around me as I bent down telling her it was going to be alright. "It's ok. I'm one of the good guys." I said. That sentence sounded weird on my tongue. 15yr old me would have never thought in my life that I would say that sentence. The building was beginning to collapse, bit by bit. And then I heard a call. Like an angel. "Scarlet!" He yelled. "Robin?!" I answered in relief. The building began collapsing faster and my grip tightened more on the girl. I was bent down. One knee on the ground and one knee up for the little girl to sit on and wrap her arms around my neck and cry into my hair. Her trembling, small fragile body was gripping onto me for dear life. And then I saw him. The silhouette of the man that I have been in love with for all my life and hadn't told a single soul besides him 7 yrs ago. Not even Helena. He saw me and ran into the room and jumped over the fire and some debris. He ran over to us just as more of the building collapsed. "Is the woman that I got out of the building safe?" I asked him as he knelt down next to me. "Yes but she has a very severe wound. If the ambulance gets here in time she might just make it." He answered as he wrapped his arms around me and the young girl. Bringing us closer. I could feel his hot dewy breath on my neck and heart racing. More debris fell into the building around us. The exit was covered just after Damian came in. "Are we going to die?" I heard the young girl ask. "No. We will not die. People will come and get us. We just have to stay strong." I tell her. I could feel Damians stare on me as I said this. I had a arm under his shoulder and around his back for stability and he had a arm wrapped around both my shoulders. "Why don't we talk about something else. Like what's your name?" I ask the little girl. "Lilly." She answered looking up at me. "Ok Lilly. I'm scarlet death but you can just call my scarlet. And this is Robin." I said gesturing to myself and Damian. He nodded and held us tighter as more debris fell into the room and some of the roof collapsed. "And how old are you Lilly." Damian asked clearly trying to get the topic of dying off his mind. "I'm 10." She answered not holding as tightly onto my neck and I could actually breath a bit better. "Was that other woman in the household your sister?" He asked. Lilly nodded. "Is she alright?" She asked looking worried. I turned to Damian. He shrugged. "We think so." He answers for both of us. "I hope so. Both of my parents are in a place were they can not leave. Sister says that it is for the best but I don't know." Lilly said, starting to play with my hair a bit. My eyes widened a bit and raised my brows as I heard this. "Who knows." Damian answered, voice wandering off, looking at the collapsing walls. There was a big creak above us and we all looked up and the roof was getting cracks all in it. We all held each other tighter. Heads down as the last giant snap was made and the rush of the roof fell towards us. But the impact never came. Instead there were wings with feathers made of steel wrapped around us. Protecting us from the falling concrete. I looked up and around and saw that the wings of steel feathers was coming from Lilly's back. Lilly had wings. Steel wings. I watched her as she moved her shoulder blades, which moved her wings to be able to open up the top of the ball. Large chucks of concrete sliding off the wings on to the floor, but a few small bits had entered. The majority of the flaming buildings were standing. All the fire was extinguished. Some buildings were completely collapsed like Lilly's home. Lilly shook off her wings and retracted them just before the smoke and steam cleared. I'll ask her about that later. But apparently Damian couldn't keep his curiosity contained. "How did you do that?" He asked. Lilly shrugged. " I don't know it just kind of happens. I could do it ever since I was born. I think." She answered. Trying to press herself into me like she was trying to hide. I could tell Damian was going to ask something else about Lilly's abilities when I smack his shins lightly, since he was now standing, signalling him to stop and ask later. He got it and nodded sighing. The smoke completely cleared and I saw Nightwing, red hood, red robin and Batman run in. "You guys okay?" Nightwing asked concerned. "Yeah, we were lucky." I replied breathlessly, deciding to keep Lilly's abilities a secret until we found out more. Batman nodded and said we should head back to patch up any wounds. We all agreed and headed back to the cave.
—— time skip (next day. Around 4:00pm)——
We just got notified from the hospital since Lilly would now be staying at Wayne manor, that sadly Lilly's sister, Daniell, has died from to much blood lose and internal bleeding. They couldn't save her. Lilly was a crying mess on the floor. I did my best to comfort her but I couldn't do much. I just sat down next to her and held her in my arms. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours until Lilly fell asleep in my arms. I scooped her up and put her in a room that Alfred had prepared for her. I tucked Lilly in and closed the door silently and sighed. I felt warm arms wrap around my waist. I twisted my head to see who it was. And of course, it was Damian. "I have something to show you." He said. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. Walking me up 2 sets of stairs. Until we reached the roof. The sun was just starting to set and Damian took a deep breathe. "Um, the thing I was going to ask you before. Do you still want to know?" He asked me hesitantly. I nodded my head. "Yes." I replied. He was really tense, I noticed. "Do you-," he started and then sighed. "Do you want go on a date with me." He asked closing his eyes not wanting to see the reaction. "Oh Damian. Of course I want to go on a date with you." I said smiling as he opened up his eyes as I said that. "Really?!" He asked. I nodded enthusiastically. He towards we and grabbed my waist spinning me around before setting me back down, foreheads touching. Bringing back memories of when he had to leave the assassins. Leave me. Normally I would have been sad when I thought about it. But I'm smiling, knowing that I will always have him.

A/N: hey guys, wow long chapter! Sorry it took so long. Hopefully this makes up for it. :)
Stay safe!

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