Chapter 13

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10 years later ~
S/N = sons name D/N = daughters name

"And that's the story of how your father and I became a couple." I finished.
"Wow." Said 6yr old D/N. She had my hair colour and figure but her fathers eyes and skin tone.
"I didn't realise how much you and dad went through. It's... cool" said 7yr old S/N, he had his fathers black mop of hair and his bulk and a mix of our skin tones but my eye colour. I smiled, S/N was a lot like his father, cold and quiet, never seemed to share his emotions but has a bit of the bat brothers' personalities from him being around them a lot. D/N, however, was more calm and collected and shares her emotions a bit more, especially when she wants them to show, they play off excellently. She would be a good actor. She likes hanging around with her Aunt Cassie, Aunt Steph, Aunt Rachel and Aunt Barbra. They were all on patrol at the moment. I would be to but I couldn't get a sitter and Alfred is in England at the moment and Bruce is busy with Selina. I finally coaxed my kids to fall asleep and went out to the living room to await my husband and eldest daughters return. I turned on the tv and grabbed my laptop. I half listened to the tv as I did some work on my computer. I heard something hit glass and then saw the glass windows shatter into a thousand pieces. I quickly closed my laptop, stood up and whipped out my staff. I reluctantly looked over the grey couch to see a man in black, filled to the brim with weapons of every kind rolling around and groaning on my living room floor. I saw a symbol branded on his arm that I hadn't seen in a long time. The league of assassins.

Ra's al ghul sign/symbol 👆

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Ra's al ghul sign/symbol 👆

I flipped over the couch cushion revealing my utility belt, and clipped it around me. He was about to get up and I quickly flipped out my knives and threw them at him. One in his shoulder, one in his hand. He yelped in pain and surprise. I quickly grabbed my hero mask that was under the couch, and jumped over the couch in front of this strange intruder. I bent down, grabbing another knife and tilting his head up to face me with it. "What do you want." I said coldly to him, my tongue laced in venom.
"He... hhe... he sent me." This terrified man stuttered out.
"Who." I said more sternly, frowning, pushing my knife a bit into the bottoms of his exposed skin that wasn't hidden by his mask.
"Dde..deathblade." He barely whispered. And at that moment there was a loud crash behind me, I turned to see what it was and saw a hole in the roof and a silhouette of a man I dreaded all to much jumped down.
"Hello, father." I said, my spine prickling with goose bumps. Warning me to be careful.
"What is it that you want with me now?" I asked cautiously, eyeing him up and down.
"You." He said plainly and clicked his fingers. And tens of assassians jumped or from who knows where and started to attack me. I quickly kicked my captured assassin in the head, knocking him out cold, and took the blades ebbed into him. And started throwing them at the other assassins. I got 5 down but still had a lot to go. Four grabbed my arms and attempted to drag me, but I flipped out of their grasp and kicked two of them down and punched the other two in the face. 9 down, a few more to go. I recited in my head to keep me focused. I continued on with this until all the assassins were down and my father was left.
"I didn't want to have to do this. But here I go." I heard him say, before he signalled someone and then proceeded to charge at me. I swerved his legs, making him fall to the ground. I was about to knock him out when I felt something sharp prick into the back of my neck. My vision began to blur and I swayed from side to side a bit. Tranquilliser. I scolded my self. I turned around in the direction the dart came from and took out my last knife from my utility belt and aimed in the direction of the dart shooter. I threw the knife and heard a cry of pain and a thud of someone landing on the roof. Knocked out from the impact. And with that relief, all went dark.
                 —— time skip ——
"Beloved," I felt a distant voice say desperately. As a gently shaking made to my shoulders became rougher, intending that I must wake up.
"Ugh, yeah?" I eventually said groggily, barely opening my heavy eyes.
"Oh thank god," I heard a male voice say, wrapping his arms around me.
I felt the familiar leather rub against my bare arms. I smiled faintly and collapsed into my husbands arms. I eventually opened my eyes fully and looked around the room slightly, not leaving my position from Damians arms. A lot of assassins were down on the floor knocked out. A lot of blood. My hair was stiff with dried blood, I don't even know if it was my own or not. I saw the guy that I first attacked and knocked out was beginning to wake up. I slowly left the comforts of Damians arms to crawl my short way over to the awaking man. I sat in front of him. Legs cast to one side, leaning all my strength into my right arm. I flicked the male assassin in the head, making him wake up faster.
"Ow! Bitch," he said under his breath.
I slapped the back of his head with the back of my hand.
"Now your going to answer my questions right away and truely. If not then I will push my longer knife  slowly and painfully into the side of your neck. And if you are a true assassin then you would know that, that leads to certain death." I told him plainly, looking him dead in the eyes.
I saw terror portray in his eyes as he quickly nodded and cleared his throat. I smiled under my mask, and swiftly took out my long serrated knife that usually goes on my thigh, but has a special place in my utility belt. I pressed it against his throat and removed his mask. I swiftly changed my seating position to cross legged.
"Now, who are you?"
"Jonny," his deep but sweet voice was coated in terror.
"And what did they want me for?"
"To run test on you and use you as a guinea pig, the joker thought you as a perfect candidate." Jonny told me, cautiously looking slightly behind me every now and again, terrified.
I nodded along to his words as he spoke. I saw Damian eyeing him from behind me, still in his whole Batman getup. I smiled at that but still pressed harder on my knife to his throat, a trickle of blood running down his neck.
"Ack! What was that for?" Jonny yelped in surprise and pain.
"Eyes on my idiot." I coldly told him. "Now where is the jokers current location."
"I don't..." he started.
I pushed the blade in a tad further in to his neck, making the wound deeper.
"I said.." I told him, looking him straight in the eyes while pushing the blade further into his neck.
"Alright! Alright! I'll tell you! Just please stop putting a knife to my throat!" He almost screamed.
I released pressure on the blade, and got him to tell me.
"Ok, he is in a warehouse, downtown Gotham. It literally has his name on it. Spray painted in joker colours." He said.
I nodded.
"You better be telling the truth." I told Jonny, while standing and turning away. "Or your dead meat." I said turning my head to look back at him before trotting over to Batman, or well Damian. I enveloped him in a well needed hug. Resting my head on his rubber covered chest. I felt his arms hug tightly back around me, resting his head on mine and sighing deeply.
"How are the kids?" I asked, realising as they were in the house the whole time.
"Alright. They slept through the whole thing," he said.
I smiled and frowned at that.
"I don't know weather to be impressed or concerned at that." I stated. Damian just chuckled and hugged me tighter.
"I'm glad your okay." He whispered so only I heard him.
I looked up to him. "I'm glad your okay too." I smiled.
We just stood there, wrapped up in each other's arms for who knows how long. When Nightwing finally broke the comfortable silence.
"I have a lead, and it's where this Jonny dude said." He looked up from his hologram. He looked straight at me. "I suggest you suit up." He gestured at me.
I smiled and left Damians grasp to go suit up.

After suiting up I checked on the kids. Still sleeping peacefully. I smiled and shut the door. I went out to my friends and family.
"Let's put an end to this." I said, and everyone agreed and we all jumped out the already smashed window and grappled together all way into the distance. In the direction of downtown Gotham. To finally put an end to Jokers schemes.

The end

A/N: Hey guys! I hoped you liked this! It took a really long time to write, especially when I had writers block a few times. I don't think I will do a sequel but, you know, things change. If you guys are reading this when it was completed then you probably know how many spelling mistakes I made in the beginning chapters and a few more along the way. I am planing on editing everything! And if your new and there were no spelling mistakes then YAy? I did my job right. Anyway I had a really fun time writing this book and pls read my other books! If you have any ideas please feel free to DM me. Stay safe guys and eat, drink and sleep! <3333

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