Chapter 8

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I wrapped both my arms around one of his and rested my head on his shoulder. He tensed but slowly un-tensed realising the movement. He sighed and rested his head on top of mine. "You ok?" I asked. "Do I look okay?" He said back replaying my words from earlier. I smirked a bit. "Absolutely not." I said while giggling a little. That seemed to put more of a firm smile on his face other than a faint one. "I love you. And I'm sorry I didn't get you sooner."He whispered to me. "I love you to. And it's not your fault, now quit blaming yourself." I whispered back. We sat there for another hour or 2 before heading to bed.
It's been a few months since the fire place I love you's and sorry's and things are going pretty good. I have come closer to Damian, and done training with the whole bat fam. I was sitting on a ledge in the bat cave waiting for the heroes to come back from patrol. Maybe I could be a hero? "Nah," I scoffed to myself quietly. I looked up from my lap to see Helena doing something. I couldn't quiet make it out since her back was turned. A loud-ish mechanism sound brought me back to reality from my thoughts, and I heard motor bike engines and the one and only bat mobile.
The whole team zoomed in and parked their vehicles. I noticed Helena watching them intently. Red Robin ran straight to the computer and started to rapidly type and click things on the computer. And then I saw it.
"Breaking news! The joker alive?" The news reporter said on the screen. "Fuck." I heard red hood say semi quietly. All the heroes looked to each other in concern and surprise. Red hood had killed the joker 5 months ago. There is no way he is somehow alive. Right? And then I remembered. The Lazarus pit. Had someone revived him? Maybe, maybe not. But who would do it? I was in deep thought and frowning slightly, when Damian came over. "You ok?" He asked looking a bit concerned since he knows how I feel about the joker. I'm not scared. Just uncomfortable around him. His mouth and eyes and really everything about him is disturbing. I titled my head in thought and nodded slowly to him. I could tell he was about to say something else when he was called over to the others, he reluctantly left to go to them. I watched after him and then went back to staring off into the distance. I could sense that someone was coming up behind me not very stealthily but sort of stealthy. I turned my head to them and they jumped back. "How did you know I was here? I was so stealthy." They pouted. "I grew up around assassins for 15yrs of my life Helena." I said to her. How do people forget that? She came and sat next to me on the ledge and together we watch the heroes argue, gather weapons, train and so on and so forth. I was about to say something to Helena when Batman came over in all his glory. "We have come to an decision that you guys can have a say on." He said. I turned to Helena and she turned to me and we both turned back to Batman. "We're listening." I replied. "*sigh* do you guys want to be heroes?" He asked a bit hesitantly. Helena cocked her head in thought. That's so funny how I was just thinking about it. I mean I could be a hero. I haven't really thought about it. Fighting crime? And saving the innocent people of Gotham. Maybe. "YES!" Helena said a bit to enthusiastic. I raised my eyebrows and then quickly went back to my normal blank face. "Ok.." Batman said then he turned to me. "Can't be that bad. Sure." I said plainly, unlike Helena. "All right you guys can begin training tomorrow." And with that he went off to the others. Probably to tell them our decision. "What do you mean sure?!" Helena asked me. "What do you mean yes." I replied back. "Cause it's gonna be cool. Fighting crime and all." She said. "You've that about this a lot haven't you." "Only recently." She said fiddling with her thumbs. I sighed shaking my head and looked back to the busy heroes. "What are your hero names going to be?" A familiar voice asked us from behind. Helena jumped in surprise and I just smirked. "Damn you Damian." I heard Helena mutter. I giggled a bit from the commit. I turned to face him. "I dunno probably something to do with a bird." I replied. "Copycat." He muttered while smirking.  "What should mine be?" Helena said while tapping her chin. "Dog girl?" "No" I told her. "Kit Kat? "No." "Ok I'm out of ideas." She said. "Sleep on it." I told her. "Okay." She said just as happy as before.
—————- time skip (few hours) —————-
"Scarlet Death!" I yell out of no where. "What?" Dick asked. "For my name." "That sounds cool. Can you do mine?" Helena asked. "No." "Aww man." "Why scarlet death?" Batman asked. "It's based off the bird called the Scarlet Tanager." I answered. I heard Tim type quickly on the computer. "That's actually a really cute bird." Tim said from the computer after pulling one up. "It's not for the cuteness Tim." I answered. "I hope not." He called back. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Bruce. "Cool. Do you have a name Helena?" He asked turning to her. "Can I just be huntress?" She asked innocently. "But that's your villain name." I said frowning slightly. "And?" "Well your on the other side now." Bruce said. "Ok I'm out of ideas." "What about a bird?" I asked. "Can it be a purple one?!" She asked, eyes bright. "What about peacock?" I asked turning to Bruce for confirmation. "That can work." He said nodding to me. "YAY!" We heard Helena say.
——————- time skip (next day)—————-
I woke up at 5:00 like I normally do and looked around the semi dark cave. I saw Helena sleeping peacefully on a bed not to far away. At least her nightmares have stopped. Mine not so much, but then again I don't scream so it's not to bad. I heard a mechanism near the entrance to the cave from the manner and saw Damian and his brothers come through. I was throwing my kunai (little sword things on chapter cover) up in the air and catching it. Focusing on that always calmed me. But i was so focused on catching them on the handle instead of cutting my hand, I didn't notice someone was sneaking up behind me. "Boo!" They yelled behind me. It caught me off guard and I had to switch my hands around quickly so I didn't cut my hand. "Aww your to good." The sound of Jason's voice said from behind. I twisted my body to meet his shins, for he is now standing, and punched them once hard. "Oww." He yelled in pain. I could slightly hear his brothers snickering over his yells. "That's what happens when you try scare a crazy ninja you fool." Helena said, waking up just in time to see Jason scare me. I laughed quietly at that. "Alright let's begin training EVERYONE." Bruce said coming into the cave.

A/n: thank you guys so much for 102 reads! And yes the cover for this story is your hero suit. And scarlet death is your name. If you don't like it then sorry. But tbh I love it. Helenas suit will be cover of next chapter! And again thank you guys so much for reading this story and waiting for the updates!!
Love you all <33

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