Chapter 3

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(You are now 16)

I've  been here a year and i have discovered a few things. The adult villains are all maniacs except for Cat Woman. She's like my second mother. Joker Junior (JJ), is the Joker's and Harley Quinn's son. He is in love with me, and constantly flirts with me. Flower, is Poison Ivy's and Bane's daughter, she constantly messes with me and I gave threatened to kill her multiple times. Icicle Jr. (Jr), Icicle's son. Also flirts with me a lot. And then there is Helena (Huntress), Selina Kyle's (Cat woman's) and Batman's daughter. She is practically my sister from another mother. And yes she is Damians half sister. Helena knows her father is Batman but doesn't know his true identity. Unlike her mother who keeps it a secret. I don't think Batman knows of Helena though. The heroes have attacked some of the injustice leagues warehouses that were full of abducted kids and teens that are given to the Joker, Penguin and Poison Ivy as their personal guinea pigs to do whatever they want with them. As long as they pay the league of shadows for the kids.
I was training by myself in my room, practicing with both my katanas and also just the one.
"Y/V/N! (Y/N villain name) We are having a meeting!" Huntress called out side of my door startling the shit out of me and making me almost cut my hand. "Alright coming." I said putting my katanas on my back and making sure my belt was secure along with my thigh strap. I pulled up my mask and ventured out to the meeting room.

(Like that except your kind and style of hair and no cape

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(Like that except your kind and style of hair and no cape. The blue is you favourite colour and the brown and black are just black. No mask around eyes. And mouth mask bit more firm.)

Everyone was around the table and I stood on the right of Huntress. Once I was there they started talking about how the heroes kept destroying their warehouses. And saying that they should put the young villains at they ware houses to fight the heroes. Their explanation for that is since we are younger than them, we can move quicker and are flexible than them. All adults agreed, Flower, JJ and Jr nodded and Huntress and I just shrugged and nodded slowly. "Fantastic!" Said the Joker clapping his hands together once. "You will go tonight!" Said the Joker. He is wayyy to excited for this. I thought while exchanging worried looks with Huntress seeing that she was thinking the same thing.
              —————TIME SKIP—————
I had grabbed my cloak on the way out the door to go to the warehouse. JJ and Jr were outside the warehouse while Flower and Huntress were inside. I on the other have had to be in the shadows on the roof. I had my cloak on so it made me blend in easier with the shadows. In the middle of the roof there is a strip of glass but the rest was concrete. If they don't want heroes in the building why would you have glass on the roof? And wouldn't you also have kryptonite so Superman and SuperBoy no longer have there powers to break the concrete? I wonder. "Hey Y/V/N, you in place." Huntress crackled over com. "Yeah." I replied and I saw her nod through the glass. This warehouse was a long rectangular building and I was sitting in the corner, in the shadow of a vent. Concealed in the darkest shadows I took out the binoculars I was given too see if any heroes were coming so I could alert the others. I saw a few figures in the sky but they were to far away for me to see if they were human or not. I looked again and they were coming this way and I saw the S symbol. I gasped. "Guys! Bat Boys + some other are coming this way. And fast." I crackled over com. "Right." Huntress and Flower said over com.  "SHIT!" JJ and Jr said over com. But I heard them from being outside. I laughed softly to myself, the amount of different reactions people give. Super Boy landed on the roof with a loud thud. Idiot, he just alerted everyone and I couldn't talk anymore since he has super hearing. I thought to my self. I pulled out my throwing stars from my belt slowly and silently. The had kryptonite in them, but only enough just so that SuperBoy won't have his powers for a while. I through one at SuperBoy and it made the slightest cutting sound. Damn it. Of course it would do that when every other time I've thrown it, it was silent. But I still managed to hit SuperBoy between his shoulder blades. He yelled in pain and could feel his powers draining from him. "SuperBoy's powers are down and don't ask me how. And rest of heroes here."  I said over com. "Ok." everyone said. Robin jumped down from the heroes little aircraft thing and ran to SuperBoy silently. "Argh. What hit me." Asked SuperBoy. Robin had made it over to him and was about to yank it out. "Robin? What are you doin——" started SuperBoy before he was cut off my his own yelp from Robin pulling out the throwing star. "Hmm, kryptonite." Robin said staring at the throwing star. "Someone had kryptonite throwing stars?" Asked Red Robin. "Yeah but in this one it's only enough kryptonite to take your powers away for a bit when it's not in you." Robin said to SuperBoy. "So there is an assassin working with the injustice league?" Asked Red Hood. "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I know who it is." Robin replied looking over in my direction which was were the star was thrown from. "I can hear a heartbeat from over where the star was thrown." SuperBoy said once he regain his powers. Shit. That's not how it was supposed to go. Robin took out his katana and walked over in my direction. I sighed loudly and stood up drawing my two katanas from under my cloak. And stood in the ready stance. "Where the fuck did they come from?" I heard Red Hood say. Robin and I just stared at each other still in ready stance until we charged at each other and I flipped over him and landed over near the glass. "Guys. Come in, their on the roof." I said over com. "Ok I'll try get up there to help you." Huntress said over com. She was the only one who bothered to reply. SuperBoy came towards me and I judo kicked him in the stomach pushing him off as he still hasn't fully regained all his powers. Robin came at me from my right and I blocked his attack with my katana and pushing him back. Red Hood tried to shoot me in the leg which his gun but I deflected the bullets just in time with my katana. SuperBoy came behind me and grabbed me  and lifted me up. I got my legs around his neck and got myself out of his grasp and then getting a throwing star of kryptonite and putting it near him. He groaned and started falling. I pushed off his shoulders and did a backflip back to in front of the vent. SuperBoy landed on the ground but was regaining quickly. I put my throwing star back in its capsule so it didn't effect SuperBoy anymore. All the heroes were now on the roof and staring and glaring at me until Nightwing and Robin charged at me. I just smiled even though they couldn't see it and I walked backwards into the shadows and disappeared. Robin and Nightwing skidded to a stop in confusion. "Where did they go?" Nightwing asked in bewilderment. I just laughed from the shadows as I was now on the other side of the roof. The heroes all froze up except Robin. "Who the hell are you?" Red Hood asked into the shadows. "My name is Y/V/N but that's only recent. My real name is non of your concern." I told Red Hood where I was now behind him. He jumped forwards and whipped around to where he heard me. I cackled again. "Im not there anymore idiot." I said, oh I love scaring the shit out of people. "I know exactly who you are." Robin said to the shadows in my direction. "Oh yeah? And who am I?" I said to him. "Y/N Wilson. Granddaughter of Deathstoke and daughter of DeathBlade." Robin said challengingly to me. "You think you know everything don't you? Damian." I said challenging him back, everyone except Damian and I gasped. I stepped out of the shadows slightly and pushed back the hood of my cloak revealing the bit of my face that isn't covered by my mask. I heard Red Hood, Nightwing and Arsenal gasp.

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