Chapter 1

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(5yrs after Damian left) (you are now 15yrs old)

The leader of the league of shadows is now, unfortunately, my grandfather Deathstroke. And he has 2 second in commands. Lady Shiva and his son, my father DeathBlade. And the league of shadows, has been moved from Infinity island to Santa Prisca. And I am their new human weapon. Damian was the human weapon first but Talia took him away. I don't blame her. At first I did but, Deathstroke is... well.... how do i say this? He's very thick headed and a forceful dickhead. So it's a good thing Damians out if the way cause who knows what Deathstroke would have made Damian do if he was still here. And yes, I am with my father and grandfather again. And Lady Shiva is my new Sensei. Mother is barely around anymore since she is always sent on missions. But I get trained even more extensively so I become my "best potential self''. At least that's what my grandfather says. Days have gone by so fast and I am now sitting on a mountain side in Santa Prisca on my night watch. The other 3 doing night watch tonight were also on the mountain but we each had a quarter of the island to ourselves to watch. I've been sitting here for the past hour thinking about how many people I've killed in the past year. I sat there counting fingers of my victims and I stopped in horror. I've gotten to 100 and I'm only halfway though the year. I stood abruptly and walked around the ledges on the mountain side shaking the pins and needles out of my legs from sitting cross legged. I was able to stop the intense pain of pins and needles and rest my back against the mountain and look up to the evenly star lit sky. The sky was clear of any cloud. The sky was full of purples and pinks and blues and blacks all swirled together. I was in deep thought when I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. I looked to where I saw the shadow slip into the trees. I silently slipped into the shadows more and went after the shadowy figure. I made it to the tree line and heard quiet distinctive talking. "What did you see Robin?" Asked a voice. I got closer to put a face to the voices. "4 guards. But each have to watch 1/4 of the island. They would have to be almost as fast as flash to be able to alert anyone that we are here before we are gone." Said the short young boy named Robin. "Good." Said the first voice which I saw was Nightwing. What the hell are they planning? I thought. "We will be back tomorrow with back up so when you slip in tomorrow to see what's going on and if you get caught we will be able to get you out of there." Said Nightwing. I saw Red Hood and Arsenal nodding to Nightwing's words. "You think I'm going to get caught?" Robin asked challengingly, crossing his arms. I didn't know if he did anything else since his back was to me. And if I moved they might hear me. "I said 'if you get caught' wasn't saying you were going to. Not challenging you." Nightwing said calmly. "Oh." Damian said slowly dropping his arms. "Ok, B wants us back." Nightwing said. And they all turned and swiftly made it to the shores of Santa Prisca. Should I follow them? I wondered. No, I need to go back to my post in case they find out I'm not there. I don't need another lecture on staying put. I swiftly made it back to my post with out a single sound. I was there til 1am when someone came out and took my position. I made it back to my quarters that I shared with my mum and found her sleeping soundly. Good she's back. She didn't looked harmed which was good. Then again grandfather made her an assassin when he found her. So I shouldn't be worried about her getting hurt in missions. That makes me weak. I shook my head and growled at myself quietly. I shouldn't be concerned about another persons wellbeing. I took off my weapons and put them neatly and quietly away and took of my mask and let my
h/l, h/c out. I shook my head again ruffling my hair. I sighed quietly and went to bed. I couldn't be bothered getting out of my assassin clothes. I was to busy and thinking of whether I should tell my grandfather and/or father about what the heroes are planing. Then again I don't know their whole plan. I'll wait for them tomorrow and find out their plan. And with that confirmation I started to drift off to sleep.

Damians POV

We were back at the bat cave and Nightwing was filling father in on how many guards were there. I kept think on when I was telling Nightwing the information on the guards on Santa Prisca this very night and feeling a pair of eyes on me from the shadows behind me. Maybe it was just being in the presence of so many assassins again. Well I haven't been in a place full of them for 5yrs, probably just my mind messing with me. And then I thought, is Y/N in Santa Prisca? Maybe when I slip in there tomorrow I can get to her. I still remember the day I left her there. "When do you leave?" She asked me while looking away. "Tonight." I said with a sigh. "Y/N, I just want you to know something." I said. "What is it?" Y/N asked. "Its just.." I started. "I know this is sort of a rule I'm breaking here but.." i said. "Go on." She said encouragingly, while smirking. I breathed deeply. "I love you." I whispered just loud enough for her to hear. "More than a friend and I couldn't leave here with out telling you so...." I told her. Y/N just stood there. I stood there in anticipation. What she going to say. She quickly looked away. "You don't have to reply. I just wanted you to know." I said quickly after she looked away. She looked back to me. She looked into my eyes and I looked into her e/c ones. "I love you too Damian." She said to me. "Hey, demon spawn! What you thinking about?" Jason asked me. Shit. I didn't realise I started to blush lightly and was smirking of the memory. "Nothing!" I said to Jason way to quickly. "Aww. Does little D have a crush?" Dick said off to the side of me. "No." I growled. "Come on spill it." Jason teased. "It's no one!" I said raising my voice. "Ooh so you were thinking about something." Jason said raising a brow and smirking. I heard Dick snicker from the comment. Dick came over to me and Jason. "Come on little D you can tell us." Dick said. "Ugh, if I tell you will you leave me alone?" I said a bit more aggressive than intended. "Yes!" Dick and Jason said in unison. I sighed. "There is a girl that I used to train with..." I started. Dick and Jason gasped. "So there is a girl!" Jason said excitedly. "TODD SHUT UP OR I WONT CONTINUE." I yelled at Jason. Dick slapped Jason's arm. "Shut up jay I want to hear this." Dick said in a hushed tone to Jason. "Thank you Grayson." I said. "Continue little D." Dick replied. I sighed again. "I told her that I loved her...." I said, "and??" Dick and Jason said together. "She said she loved me too." I said. "So... where is she now?" Dick asked. "She's still an assassin. She's probably in Santa Prisca. Her Grandfather is Deathstroke." I said plainly. "WHAT?!" Dick and Jason shouted together. And then they ran off. Arsenal came up behind me and whispered into my ear. "I couldn't help but over hear about your... situation." He whispered. I jumped back. "You scared the shit out of me Harper." I scolded. "What do you want to know?" I asked Roy. "Please don't tell me that the only thing you said to her before you left was I love you and she said it back and then you were gone." Roy asked. "No, I told her I was leaving than said that I loved her and she said she loved me too and then I said I would come back for her and told her not to forget that." I said simply. "So are you going to?" Roy asked, "are you going back for her?" "Of course! I keep my promises unlike some people." I answered while pointing behind me with my thumb towards Jason.

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