Chapter 7

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I slowly and silently snuck in behind the villains. Red hood behind icicle jr and me behind Joker jr. We got icicle and joker jr by the mouth and muffled their restraints. We both knocked them out. We put them down and snuck towards Mr. Freeze. But of course at that time. He turned around.
Mr freeze turned around and grinned like he was expecting us. "Rush em." He said and with that his ice hockey followers jumped out of every place possible, and started fighting us. I pulled out my katana and started blocking attacks from all sides. I heard gun shots and cries of pain. I kneed the nearest guy to me in the gut and kicked another's legs from behind. What I didn't realise was there was someone behind me. Joker Jr had become conscious again with out me realising and pushed my back making me fall face first with him landing on top of me. "Keep em busy." Mr freeze said while collecting the rest of the diamonds. He put a few into his container to reset his temperature. He sighed in relief. "Sorry lads but I must leave. Got places to be. Bats to destroy." He said walking out of the building. Joker jr managed to slam my head into the ground making me fall unconscious. Icicle jr doing the same to Jason. And it all went black.
—————————Time skip——————————
I woke up. Cold. Freezing. I looked around, I was on the floor. Glass was everywhere. I looked to me left and saw red hood groaning and lifting his head to look around. He took of his helmet to see more and spotted me. "Hey demon." He laughed weakly. It was so cold. I started to get up giving a few grunts and groans. The moment I stood up the coldness just wrapped it's talons around me tighter. I started to look around to see why it was so cold. So many broken cabinets. I saw the air conditioning was stuck on cold at -10 degrees. And that the entrance was covered in ice. Actually all the walls and roof were covered in ice. Then I remembered. We just had a fight with mr freeze and his followers. They escaped with the diamonds and we are standing here freezing. I shuffled over to Jay and held out a hand for him to grab. He grabbed and hoisted himself up while staggering a bit forward. "We got to get out of here before we freeze to death." I told him quickly. He nodded slowly and we shuffled towards the icy entrance. I moved my slightly icy glove to me utility belt and pulled out a heat laser. I turned it on and made a sort of door for us to get through. It took a while and in that time our hair got a bit of ice in it from the bit of sweat from the fight before. We managed to get through the ice and now all we had to do was quickly push the ice before it cools down and rejoins the rest of the ice. We moved and pushed the ice. We slid halfway and then it got stuck and rejoined the ice. We weren't fast enough. We did it again and got out. The quiet cold nights of Gotham did no help with our temperature. There was no way we would make it back to the manor by ourselves. I tapped me utility belt calling back up. They were here in a matter of minutes and but blankets around us and got us back to the cave.
————————Time skip———————————

Once I heard that Damian was slowly freezing to death along with Jason I was pacing around the bat cave. Of course no one knew I was since I was in the shadows. Please be okay Damian. I can't lose you again, I thought. I only just got him back after 7 years and I can't loose him to the cold! I heard the motor of the bat mobile with a Nightwing at the front. He came in the cave entrance and hopped out helping Jason and Damian. They moved to a fire in the cave having to remove their armour and replaced with warm dry clothes. I saw Roy Harper (arsenal) come over to jason and hug him. I smiled. I silently snuck over to Damian and sat next to him. He looked to me and the light in his eyes became brighter. He smiled lightly and looked back to the fire. I wrapped both my arms around one of his and rested my head on his shoulder. He tensed but slowly un-tensed realising the movement. He sighed and rested his head on top of mine. "You ok?" I asked. "Do I look okay?" He said back replaying my words from earlier. I smirked a bit. "Absolutely not." I said while giggling a little. That seemed to put more of a firm smile on his face other than a faint one. "I love you. And I'm sorry I didn't get you sooner."He whispered to me. "I love you to. And it's not your fault, now quit blaming yourself." I whispered back. We sat there for another hour or 2 before heading to bed.

A/n: Hey guys!! Thank you so much for nearly 80 reads! The next chapters will really be about you becoming a hero and dating Damian. Updates might be a bit less since I'm going to start another book that again is a Damian x reader but is different different background to this story. So cya!

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