Chapter 10

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He towards we and grabbed my waist spinning me around before setting me back down, foreheads touching. Bringing back memories of when he had to leave the assassins. Leave me. Normally I would have been sad when I thought about it. But I'm smiling, knowing that I will always have him.
Y/N now 18


Dead, he was dead. And it's all because of her. I looked to all the pictures I had of her, the girl I loved was the reason he was dead. Mother was in a terrible state. And it's all because of HER. I glared at the last photo I had of Y/N on my wall. The rest were thrown around the room and ripped and burned. I hate her, i will make her pay for what she did to MY family. I turned around, fire flickering around me, reflecting in my eyes. Mother looked terrified from where she was, strapped in a chair. "It's ok mother. I will make her pay for what she has done to our family." I told her. My face forming a wicked smile. "I am now the Joker." I yelled, cackling loudly after.
Bruce has adopted Lilly for me since I was to young to adopt her. I will though when I am old enough which is only a few more years. She calls my Y/N but sometimes calls me mum. I don't really want her to though, I mean her mum may be bad but she is still her mother. Damian is happy most of the time, Jay is really weirded out by it. Damian was usually grumpy or looked like he was plotting his family's death. Tim has been doing more research on the joker and found nothing. It's like he had disappeared. Bruce had gotten Jon to X-ray the jokers grave and his body was still there which brung Helena and I some relief but also confusion for all the heroes. I was sitting in the longue leaning against Damian while he had an arm wrapped around my shoulders. Dick was at work and Bruce was in a meeting. Jay was in the lounge room also with Roy, and Helena was there too. We were all watching TV. The tv went static and Damian tensed and Jason leaned forward out of Roy's arms. The Tv came back on but there was now a man standing in the middle of the room. Head down so we couldn't see his face. He was wearing a purple suit with a blue tie. His hair was a light toxic blue and his skin we could barely see what his skin looked like but it looked white. He whipped his head up, revealing a wicked smile of red; his skin, ghostly white. Terror washed over Helenas face as she realised who it was. "JJ" I barely whispered as it dawned on me, Damian picked up on what I said. "Fuck" was all damian said and Jason and roy nodded in agreement. "hello," he said staring intently at me. "I am the joker, perhaps you have heard of my father? You know, the dead one." he said still staring into my soul. "I have a proposition for you. Give me Y/N and I will disappear into the shadows and you will never hear of me again. if you dont then I will reek havoc on Gotham and I will kill you all and take her myself. You have till Dawn."  He said. And the Tv once again went static and the normal Scooby doo came back on. Like nothing happened. Helena was relaxed a bit but I was tense. He wanted me. Why? Damian wrapped another hand around my waist and pulled me closer. Jason looked over to Damian and opened his mouth. "No," Damian pretty much growled low. "If we don't then he will just take her anyway. We can get her after. And when we do we can kill him." Jason stated sternly. "Father doesn't allow killing." Damian said slowly. "He doesn't have to know." Jason said back. "He's right Damian." I said slowly turning my face to meet his. I can't believe I'm going along with this. "Giving me to him will save a lot of lives and pain and you can just get me back after and put all the people that work for him and jail including..."I said being cut off by Jason. "And one of us will kill joker. That being me or Y/N I'm guessing." He said. "Sure" I slowly said. We discussed plans and we finally got Damian to agree.
——— time skip (after patrol: 4am) ———
Third POV
Red Hood, Arsenal, Peacock, Robin and Scarlet Death were standing on the roof top overlooking the city of Gotham. The meeting spot where they are to meet the joker was just below them. The heroes watched the sky turn from black to pink and purple as rays of orange and yellow cut through the sky. Movement came about at the meeting spot and the joker emerged. And all the heroes dropped down. "I see you came with my prise!" The joker said joyfully, clapping his hands together. "Hand her over now." The joker said sternly. Making grabby hands towards Y/N. She reluctant walked over and stood next to him. "This is going to be fun!" The joker said, eyes filled with glow before they went dark. "Take care of them." He said whilst grabbing Y/N and taking her into the shadows. And with that, all the jokers henchmen jumped out of every place possible and started attacking the heroes. Jason just pulled out his guns and shot them all in the head before they could even get to them. He turned to Damian "Get her now and we will follow after we clean this mess up." He said to Damian sternly. Damian just nodded and quickly followed the joker and Y/N. Damian was dead silent the whole time while he followed the joker and his beloved, not making a sound. He saw them up ahead and they walked into a broken down building. And Damian quickly followed after them.
The joker said take care of them and quickly pulled me into the shadows and I stumbled on with him we got out of the skinny alley way and onto a field of broken buildings and smoke filled the air. I soon realised that this was where we had the fight with firefly. I tried to get out of JJs grasp but he tasered my arm and I yelped in pain and stopped trying to get away. He walked into a slightly broken down building and dragged me with him. It was dark and I couldn't see anything but he continued to drag me somewhere. He flicked a switch and the whole building lit up. There was a chair in the middle of the room that he dragged me to a shoved me roughly on to and chained my hands behind my back to the chair as well as my legs to the chair. "Do you know why I want you?" He said in his slick voice as he leaned in front of me, his hands on the back of the chair. I just glared at him not giving him an answer. He sighed "your here Y/N, because you are the reason my father is dead. The reason my family is broken and the reason that everyone that I have ever known and gotten close to has left me." He started and continued going on about his sucky life while pacing back and forth in front of me. Waving his hands around like a useless chicken. I saw in the corner of my eye a quick flash or red and yellow until it disappeared into the slight shadows that are in the edges on the walls. JJ continued talking about why he hates me and then pulled out a gun. "And lastly it because you broke my heart and started dating a fucking bird!" He yelled at me, tears threatening to fall down his face. His arms were shaking as he put the gun in front of me. "I want that little birdie to feel my pain when you leave this earth." He said, his voice filled with pain. There was about one metre of space between my head and the jokers gun. And he pulled the triger st me as he saw damians figure. But damian got there before the bullet pierced my skull and instead shot damian in the stomach. He fell to the ground as the jokers gun fell out of his hand. Damian quickly picked up the gun and shot the joker in the legs then shot my chains. I quickly got out of the chains and kicked the jokers head, as he was now on the ground, and knocked him out. I quickly ran to damian and pushed my hand on his now bleeding stomach, and heard many foot steps running into the building. The sun now rising as the heros came rushing in and surrounded us. Arsenal checked the jokers pulse checking if he was alive, and he was. "Jason, we need to get him to a hospital or something. We need to help him." I said to Jason, my voice cracking slightly. He nodded quickly and picked up Damian and ran out the door as Arsenal called his car. Jason got in with Damian and drove off to the bat cave as the rest of us just called the police telling them that the so called joker was the jokers son, and we have him. The police came and we told them that the original was dead but his son is not. They nodded and dragged the unconscious joker to the car and took off to put him in belle reve prison. After that we quickly made our way back to the cave to see if Damian was ok.

A/N: Hi! I'm not dead, just been busy with school! I have covid though so I will be able to update a bit more since I'm not at school. This book is nearly finished! And then I will put all my focus on 'forever mine'
Stay safe!

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