Chapter 5

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Tw: Torturing and rape (not in depth at all.)If you are uncomfortable reading here is the summary of this chapter. This may be a sensitive topic to some people.
You and Helena lose the diamonds that the joker had ordered you to steal and you both got the consequences the joker had warned you about. He takes you into the 'Play Pen' (jokers torturing chamber) and he electrocutes you both and inject a solution into you that makes you semi numb but unable to get away from the joker for an hour. And he rapes you first then Helena. While the joker is doing Helena, Super Boy and Robin save you both.
(The raping isn't in depth at all just that you know it's happening.) btw you are now 17 in this chapter.
"Y/N and Helena. Come into the mission chamber." The speaker said. Helena and I excused ourselves from our friends and went on our way to the mission chamber. We just stepped in to the chamber where the Joker and Mr Freeze stood there waiting. They bref us quickly on the mission. To steal all the diamonds from a top security building. "If you guys come back without the diamonds, you will get some severe consequences." The joker said to us. I swear I saw his smile become bigger. What ever the consequences are they will definitely be good fun for the joker but not for us. We left the injustice HQ and went on our way.
—————————Time Skip —————————
At the building
Huntress and I were outside the wall of the building. I took out some chalk and blew it onto the wall, showing lasers that covered the entire wall all around. Above the wall was barb wire. "How are we going to get in there?" Huntress asked. "By cutting the power." I said plainly while walking over to the power source. Huntress was about to cut the power but I stoped her. I blew more chalk onto the power source. More lasers. I sighed. I took out a little remote beetle and it flew through the lasers and turned off the power. All the lasers and lights went off. We heard yelling and shouts of confusion and Huntress and I ran back to the wall and climbed up it. We were able to jump over the barb wire to the ground and scurried to the side of the building and scaled up it. I took out the blueprint I have on my arm and saw that the diamonds were on the 7th floor. We climbed up to the 7th floor and I took out a second beetle that I controlled, to laser a hole big enough for huntress and I to fit through. We got into the building and saw that the cameras were off but the lasers were still on the diamonds. I bent down below the largest diamond that was in the middle of the room and was able to cut the power to the lasers on the diamonds. I gave Huntress the go ahead to smash the glass to the diamonds and stuff them in the bag. Except the smash must have been loud because we heard guards grunt to each other and hear them running with there guns. They came to the sealed door that leads to the diamond room and I heard one of them, probably the captain, call Batman. Great. I whisper shouted to Huntress to hurry up before Batman gets here with his gang of adopted orphan sidekicks. She did and we just got to the hole in the window when we saw Batman's cape come down and saw his white eyes stare into us. I felt my neck hairs rise in fear. Damn it. If father found out that I was scared of a middle aged man dressed as a bat fighting crime he would probably disown me. Probably kill me for being scared of anything. Huntress and I backed up a bit from the window and Nightwing, Red hood, red robin and robin came through our hole in the window. WTF. How the heck did Nightwing get that butt through the window 😂. They came in and surrounded us. I round house kicked red Robin knocking him out cold. And punched Nightwing in the face. Huntress and Red Hood were fighting so that left me with robin. He smirked at me and pulled out his katana. I smirked back under my mask but he knew that I was. I pulled out my two katanas from my back and held them up in front of me. Just like old times. I thought. He charged at me and I slid to the right and blocked his attack. We kept running and blocking each other's attack for a while when I heard Huntress getting defeated by Hood. I drop kicked Robin and ran behind red hood and hit the side of his head that wasn't protected by his helmet with the hilt of my sword. "Get out the window and I'll throw the bag of diamonds to you." I told her quickly. She nodded and ran and jumped out the hole in the window I quickly grabbed the bag and ran to the window. But without me realising Robin came up behind me, recovered from my kick and grabbed my legs pulling me back. I yelped and chucked the bag out the window. Hopefully she got it. I twisted my body to face robin to push him off me. I managed to squirm out of his hold and punch him in the face. He went down on his butt with a pained expression. I lent over him and pulled my mask down and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed immediately and was stunned there. I pulled my mask back up and turned and walked to the window. I turned my top half of my body to see Robin still stunned. I smirked. "See you around birdie." I cooed with a little salute with my hands I jumped out the window. I landed on the ground and saw Batman and Huntress doing circles about to fight the bag of diamonds on the side. I ran and kicked the bag of diamonds further towards the wall and went to Huntress' side. "Was wondering when you'd show up Y/V/N." Huntress whisper shouted to me. Batman was watching our every move. I saw in the corner of my eye a flicker of shadow coming from the window. I turned my attention to that and so did Batman and Huntress. With Batman distracted by my curiosity I grabbed Huntress' arm and ran to the wall were the bag of diamonds were under the tree. I saw a quick gloved hand grab the bag from the trees and run off through the trees. Damn you Robin. Damn you Damian. I scolded under my breath. "The diamonds!" Huntress cried out. I grabbed her arm and ran to climb up the wall. "We don't have time. If we wait any longer we will be in prison." I said to her. "But who took the diamonds? Maybe the joker sent someone to get them if we failed?!" She semi shouted below me. "Nope! That was Robin. He took them. Cause the person who took them just went into the window." I semi shouted back to her looking over my shoulder to see Robin looking back at me through his domino mask. We hoped over the barb wire and went back to HQ.
————————— Time Skip —————————
Back at HQ after being scolded, yelled and screamed at.
Helena and I had gotten out of out suits and were telling the rest of the Poisoned Youth how we had failed the mission and that the joker was going to make us pay for it. "It's probably torturing." JJ said plainly. Helena's eyes widened. "Oh ok." I said plainly back. I have gotten tortured a few times by the joker from not doing something right. It mostly consists of electrocuting and stabbing. But I heard of a rumour that if you were really bad there was something else that the joker did. But I never knew what it was. Were Helena and I that bad? I wasn't sure. But I guess we will find out soon enough. We had left at sunset to steal the diamonds. We were only there for 3 hours so we had gotten back in time for dinner. Helena and I were walking to dinner when we were grabbed by Bane and dragged towards the 'Play Pen' giving Helena a small yelp in shock. A few adults looked towards us being dragged away. One of the ones I saw was Selina. She looked worried for she had heard the joker screaming and yelling at Helena and I. We got dragged into the Play Pen where the joker was waiting. There were 2 electric chairs waiting for us. The whole room was dark except the 2 white lights above the chairs, that illuminated the chairs and the equipment to be used on us. The joker was standing there. Hands behind his back grinning and eyes wide in excitement. They strapped us in to the chairs. And the joker dismissed Bane. The joker looked to us and asked, " and why do you 2 little cuties think your here?" Helena and I looked at each other in fear before looking back at the joker. "Because we didn't get what you wanted and what Mr. Freeze needed." I barely whispered, eyes diverted anywhere else then the jokers glimmering ones. "Exactly Y/N. Good girl. And you know what good girls get? They get to go first!" The joker exclaimed looking up and laughing maniacally at the end. He looked back with a demonish grin and grabbed the tools he needed and put the volts to 100 volts. I didn't scream, all I could feel was the hum of electricity flowing through me. He turned it up to 200 volts and again I didn't scream I only felt the electricity turn from hums to zigzags. He told his assistant to electrocute Helena. Her eyes widened in fear. The assistant put the volts on 100 volts and put it on Helena. Her face twisted in pain yet she didn't scream. The assistant turned it up to 200 volts and her mouth opened to scream but nothing came out. The assistant and the joker both turned out volts to 300 volts. My face twisted in pain and Helena started screaming and the joker laughing. The assistant took off the electricity on Helena for a moment and then put it on again in rapid motions. So it's like her scream is on and off. It isn't ear deafening loud yet though. The joker put my volts onto 400 volts and I started to see stars and my mouth opened to scream but no sound came out. My throat was clogged with pain. The joker frowned and bumped mine up to 500 volts while Helenas stayed at 300 volts. That's when I started screaming. 500 volts of electricity flowing through my body. The joker was on and off as well. He told the assistant to bump up Helenas to 400 volts which he obeyed to. The joker bumped mine up to 600 volts and I started to see big circles in my vision and I started screaming louder and Helena screaming louder. Our thunderous screams shook the equipment. They bumped both our volts another 100 volts and Helena had stopped screaming after being on 500 volts for 30 seconds. She had passed out from the pain. The assistant turned off the electricity to Helena and took her into the darkness. I heard a few clangs of metal as well as the joker turning up my volts to 800 volts and I lasted about 10 seconds or so before passing out.

Damian POV
We were back in the bat cave, armour off and bandaging the bruises and a few small cuts that we had gotten from Y/V/N and Huntress, when Father got a distress call from Catwoman. Saying that the joker had taken her daughter and Y/N to torture them and maybe worse. The moment I heard that i grabbed my armour and called SuperBoy and we decided to meet up and get Y/N and Huntress out of there.
———————— Time skip———————————
SuperBoy and I had meet up and we discussed our plan to get the girls out of the jokers claws. We took any precautions and really this was our plan: get to the HQ find where the joker was holding Y/N and Huntress. Then SuperBoy  and I will sneak in and save the girls from the joker. Easy right? Well that's what we thought...

Jason POV
I noticed that demon spawn had gone to the corner and was talking to someone. He nodded and ended his call and silently exiting the cave with his suit. I decided to follow him in case he got into trouble. You know what he's probably saving Y/N. He did say he liked her and that he was going to save her. So that's the most likely explanation. He was probably talking to SuperBoy. I over heard one day when he was talking to the demon that he admitted his felling for Huntress. I thought to myself. I silently left the cave following Damian. I was on the roof above the demon when he meet up with SuperBoy which I thought he would and they discussed their plan. Yeah, good thing I followed them. (Damian, Jason and Jon are all in their hero suits btw) and they flew off together. Should've known they would do that. Anyway I know where their going. I'll be there when they need me. And I started running on the buildings towards the injustice leagues HQ.

I awoke in the dark. Wrists in clasped in chains lifted above my head. Knees slightly bent from how high my wrists were lifted up. Dizzy as hell. I made out another figure in the dark a few meters away. Must be Helena. Then blinding white LED lights shinned onto mine and Helena's face causes us to groan and shout from the blinding sudden light. After our eyes adjusted to the light, the blurry stance of the joker became solid. He was smiling that weird unnatural smile again. Like yes he is always smiling but this is even bigger then his normal one. His eyes were gleaming with lust, excitement and hatred. He came towards me and for the assistant to hold me up. He began toying with the top of my pants. Pulling at it, and really just playing with it. He began to take it off, when I heard a burst of glass breaking from the other side of the room. The joker got distracted enough for me to be able to get my legs in front of the joker and push him away hard. I felt a zap of heat at my wrists and I twisted around to punch the assistant holding me. I knocked him out and we both fell to the ground with a thud. I looked up just in time to see SuperBoy shoulder-barge into the joker and Robin running and skidding to a stop and bringing me into a hug. I could hear Helen's muffled sobs into SuperBoys shoulder. I heard a gun shoot and the jokers laugh came to an end. I could feel the warmth coming of Robin. My Damian. He has finally come to save me. And with that. I passed out.
A/N: sorry :/

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