Chapter 6

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I have been staying in the bat cave for around a month now, Helena and I have healed up now and Batman said that we could stay as long as we give up our lives as criminals/assassins. The heroes knew of Helenas identity and mine. It was about 10 at night and the heroes were getting ready for patrol. Damian came over with his mask off and sat next to me on the stone ledge at the wall of the cave. "You ok?" He asked. "Do I look ok?" I asked. "No" he stated plainly. I looked to him meeting his gorgeous emerald green eyes staring into mine. "I'm fine." I said turning my head away from his. The memories still haunted me. Nightmares where I wake up in a pool of sweat, tears running down my face and lack of breath. But no one knew that because I never screamed. But Helena did. They should be concerned more about her. Especially since that was the first time she was tortured and I was barely slightly used to it. I put up a face that I was fine and no one saw through. Well almost no one. Damian saw right through it but didn't push for me to tell him what else happened. He knew that, that wasn't the first time I was tortured. I've seen the look in his eyes for this past month concerned. One time I over heard Nightwing and Red Hood talking about Damian say that he blamed himself for what happened and that he should've gotten to me before. I felt guilty. It wasn't his fault. I felt damians eyes leave me and about to get up. I grabbed his hand gently before he left completely. "It's not your fault." I said only loud enough for him to hear. He squeezed my hand lightly and left to go on patrol. I knew he still blamed himself. I didn't know what I could do to get that guilt off him.

—————————Time skip——————————
Damian POV
(On patrol)
I could tell that Y/N knew that I felt guilty for what happened. And I should. 7 years ago I said I would come back for her. 7 years! And I only got her when I found she was in trouble. Well I have tried to get her before by stealing the batmobile and batplane but I got stopped before I could even get out of the cave. My brow creased into a frown and I scolded. Todd looked back to me. "You ok?" He asked. "I'm fine Todd." I answered. I start to know why
Y/N always says it. You can't bothered answering questions nor hearing them. Jason stopped. He turned fully my way. "I know your not. Tell me what's on your mind." He said sitting down patting a spot next to him. "What? I won't tell anyone you tell me. I promise." He said. I raised a brow, crossing my arms. "Is that so?" I asked. "Ok look. This time I won't tell anyone. If I do I will allow you to kill me with Bruce's permission." He said. How the fuck is he going to get fathers permission for me to kill him? "Tt, fine." I said. I sat down next to Todd. He took off his helmet for more movability. He turned his head toward me leaning back against the wall of the building we were up against. "Why are you always annoyed?" He asked plainly. "I'm not annoying." I said. "I didn't say that. I said why you always annoyed like you could've done something or be doing something instead your stuck at the manor with supervision so you don't go do something reckless." He said plainly with a straight face. "Cause I should've been getting Y/N instead of having to stay in one spot." I said plainly back. "You know if you had have told Bruce or any of us we probably would have helped you." Todd said. "Yeah but I didn't want you guys to use it against me or tease me of being romantic or what." I said getting annoyed. Why am I telling Todd everything? What the hell am I doing. "Ok that's fair. But you couldn't have known that this was going to happen and you can't see the future or change the past. All you can do know is live with it and help Y/N." Todd said. "Have you done this before?" I asked him. He was surprisingly good at this. "Yeah I did it for Jon." Todd said cracking a small smile. I smirked. I'd have to ask Todd later what Jon said. He's a pretty emotional person. We just sat their against the wall. I could tell Jay was about to say something when we heard a smash of glass and a bunch of people laughing. Jason but his helmet back on and jumped up. Me following suit. We ran around the corner and saw Mr. Freeze, icicle Jr and joker Jr breaking into a jewellery shop. They started smashing cabinets that held diamonds and anything. They all had their back to the entrance. I noticed the power was cut and that Red hood was moving in slowly. I slowly and silently snuck in behind the villains. Red hood behind icicle jr and me behind Joker jr. We got icicle and joker jr by the mouth and muffled their restraints. We both knocked them out. We put them down and snuck towards Mr. Freeze. But of course at that time. He turned around.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not uploading for a while. It's been a bit hectic. I wont be updating as much tho cause I'm back in high school ;-; anyways sorry for the short chapter. I'll try make it longer next time.

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