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We arrived at Allure Model Management. Mew parked the car and was unbuckling his seatbelt when I stopped him.

"Are you kidding me? You think I will let you go in there alone?" Mew scowled at me.

"Please." I pleaded. "I won't take long. I'll just ask how my photos got to them. I will not take the offer. I told you already."

"No way. Either I go with you inside or we go back home. Choose, babe."

I held his hand. "Please... Just wait for me here."

I honestly didn't want him going inside with me anymore. I was certain everything was a mistake. I didn't submit any of my photos to anyone. Just thinking about it infuriated the hell out of me. Whoever did this was playing a joke on someone. Why the hell are they including me in this prank? I decide to exclude Mew of this foolishness and just take care of the matter at hand by myself.

Mew still had a disapproving look on his face.

I shook his arm. "Please. Promise I won't take long. Please. Please. Please."

Mew, as always, gave in. "Fine," he said while sighing. "If you're not back in 15 minutes, I'm going inside myself. You can't stop me."

I showed him my most handsome smile. "Noted," I told my very considerate man. I gave him a peck on the lips before going out of the car. "I'll be back in 15 minutes."

I was ushered to a small conference room on the third floor. I waited alone for a couple of minutes before the door opened and a man in his mid-forties entered holding an envelope. I stood up right away.

His face lit up when he saw me. "Good day, Mr. Tanapong. I'm Ryan Kang, casting manager for this awesome project," he introduced himself with a big smile on his face. "Wow. You look even more tall and handsome in person. Please, have a seat."

He sat opposite me. He was still staring at my face. "Do you need anything? Water? Coffee?"

I shook my head as I sat down again. "No, Thank you," I awkwardly answered.

"Wow. Just wow. I think I found our newest endorser. I don't think I need to meet all the others anymore. You fit perfectly for the person we have in mind," he chuckled.

"I'm sorry but I'm actually confused," I told him. "I didn't submit my photos for an audition. You must be mistaken."

It's his turn to get confused. He frowned and opened the envelope he's holding earlier. He looked at the photos one by one and looked at me and then looked at the photos again. "No, this is you. This is you, right?" he showed all three photos.

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

The pictures showed me smiling on the stage when I sang at the cocktail bar several nights ago. The photos were all me indeed!

What in the world???

Does this mean somebody stole snapshots of me at the bar? I didn't recognize anybody there aside from my friends. Who the hell did this?

"It's you, right?" Mr. Kang asked again when I went totally blank and quiet.

I nodded timidly. I was still processing everything in my head.

Mr. Kang smiled in relief. "Oh, thank God. These shots were not the ones we put in the guidelines but when we saw you, we knew immediately that it had to be you. I don't understand why your photos arrived to us without your consent but they're clearly heaven-sent. Please think this over, Mr. Tanapong. This isn't a hoax. We will also do this project collaboration for a cause and that's what I was supposed to discuss with you today."

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