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"have you decided your booth?" the teacher asked the students who are now sitting on the floor of their classroom. the representative teacher decided to gather them all once after their hectic schedule with exams and school works.

it's been days since they announced the joint festival, every day, hour, minute and second are nerve wreaking to junkyu, but can't seem to let it out since it's only a secret between himself.

"ma'am i would want to do the horror booth" a girl raised her hands in full of confidence. it was the president of class A. Karina.

"oh that's very unique i see i would be looking forward to that" the teacher said and gave her a thumbs up.

"how about the boys? have you already chosen? or should i assign each of your class" the teacher asked them since the start of their meeting no one is responding to her.

"ma'am i think you should be the one to assign them, they're always having a hard time" one girl student said and the other student hummed in agreement.

junkyu just bit his lip trying to pray all the heavens to give them a proper booth or else he just wanna be buried in the soil for days.

it would be embarrassing if your first booth would be a fail since almost all the school students will be attending, and specifically his significant other.

"okay when i call your name please speak up" the teacher said and started on looking at his school book with names indicated there.

"okay first our one and only.. kim junkyu" one sentence and junkyu's sanity is gone.


"okay there you are, for you i want you to build the wedding booth"

just the teacher mentioned one of his hated booth he felt his world crumbled into pieces.. does the world really hates him?

"here take this paper and fill up the necessary questions with your partners in the said booth" the teacher handed junkyu who is frozen but manage to take the piece of paper given to him.

the teacher continued what are her plans for this big event, from performances, talent shows, sport events, and also fireworks.

the event will run for about 2 weeks, that's why they're doing their best for the school to have a good impression from other schools and students.

they should give them good vibes to maintain their reputation.

while junkyu is spacing out he didn't even noticed the meeting ended, he really had a deep thoughts that he didn't even felt two figures in his back.

"hey junkyu you're still here? the students are coming out. let's go eat some cake my baby is hungry" the other muttered while shaking his head while looking at his friend lost in thoughts.

"you can probably smack him" hyunsuk whispered to jihoon that made the other smirk.

just jihoon was about to smack his back, junkyu unexpectedly faced their direction with a confused face.

"di-dd you wait for a long time?" he asked that made the couple shook their heads.

"yeah probably an hour" jihoon exaggerated, that earned a face palmed from hyunsuk.

"not that long we just arrived here, btw since the start of the meeting about this joint festival thingy you started to space out more than before. is there something bothering you?" hyunsuk asked in full of worry of their friend since he always kept his feelings to himself and doesn't bother to share it to anyone.

"im fine i guess just a little nervous?" junkyu said that earned a disapproving look from hyunsuk but quickly fade away when jihoon swiftly pulled the two of them.

"stop the chits chats let's go home, im tired as f. i need to take my evening sleep earlier today" he said and continued to drag the two outside.

"wait up, i need to get my things" junkyu reasoned out so he can successfully escape the two couple.

"okay we will wait for you at the cafe beside my apartment" jihoon said and junkyu just nodded and quickly went outside to get some fresh air and privacy.

when jihoon and hyunsuk is out of sight he quickly went to his contacts and pressed the letter H. it rung about 7 times before it was picked up, and what welcomes him is a deep baritone voice.

"kyu?" the man asked in the other line.

god knows how misses that voice so much, but junkyu is aware of the boundaries they have so they need to keep it lowkey.

"what's up?" the latter talked again, after not getting response to the other.

"umm, nothing.. i just want to hear your voice" junkyu said half lying and half real, because a part of him wanted to meet him soon.

"hmmm, I'm sure that's more than that but i miss you too my kyu" just a statement from that, made junkyu's heart leap and almost bursting out of his chest.

"yah, stop that" junkyu said, trying to collect himself trying not to smile after seeing some couple of students walking in front of him.

"so tell me, why did you call me first?" the latter asked, trying to investigate what's going on to junkyu's mind.

junkyu quickly glances over the area before trying to speak up again.

"haruto it's really nothing, is it bad that i miss your voice too much?" junkyu asked that earned a chuckle from other line. it was a music in disguise to hear his laugh like that, but it will be better if he can see him in front of him right now.

"okay i will let you pass for today, btw goodluck on your on going event, I'm 100% sure that I'll be going to your booth first" haruto said on the line that made junkyu froze on the spot, oh shit reality hits him. he got the most annoying booth...

"umm, that's not really necessary you can go to other booths first before mine, it's fine with me" junkyu tried to say it cool but the other noticed his panicked state.

"hmm hearing your nervous voice made me want to look forward to it" he teased him up that made junkyu face heat up.

"goodbye, jihoon is looking for me" junkyu lied, because there is no one looking for him but just cold wind and dancing leaves. he just wanted to end the call before he tease him more.

"ky-" so there he ended the call before the other can say more.

he shoved his phone to his pocket before walking outside the school.. ah what a nice way to end this day.

getting his nightmare booth and now he's now being teased by his boyfriend and now he needs to go to this couple friend that will make him the third wheel.

just great.

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