2. Crash

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WARNING: In addition to bloody memories of fights, this chapter also deals with the topic of possible rape. If you are too young to deal with such topics or do not want to read such topics, do not read this chapter.


Slowly, he ran his naked hand over the cushion. A satisfied sigh broke the silence of the room as he looked into his clean palm. The much-needed cleaning of the armchair was complete. Not a speck of dust, not a crumb, not a loose hair was to be seen anymore. Now he could take a seat, maybe doze a little - if he was lucky. As soon as he sat down, however, his gaze fell on the pile of documents on the small wooden table next to his armchair.

Shortly after entering the room, when he had visited those responsible for cleaning his quarters and explained to them that they were completely incapable of cleaning, another soldier had hesitantly approached Levi. Instructor Keith Shadis had sent him. He had the records of promising recruits with him. And so Levi had entered his room the second time with cleaning utensils and a pile of resumes and evaluations.

Levi hypnotised the pile. Erwin had given him the day off. But it made no sense to Levi. Their stay here was temporary. Erwin had been unexpectedly assigned to other tasks. Judging by the expressions on Erwin's and this Peter's faces, the surprise developments were also top priority.

Levi rolled up his shirtsleeves. How are they related? Erwin didn't have any siblings. 

Unlike usual, Levi did not take a single file, but the entire pile on his lap. He was looking for something. Something specific. A name. But none of the files on hand had the name Chagara. So she was too young to graduate any time soon after all? Or was she too bad? Did she just have a quick-tempered nature? That was too dangerous for the Scout Regiment. He didn't need that.

"Tch." What was he even thinking? But where had she got those scars? Levi massaged his temples. Dark images from memory returned. Some women had such wounds to make them submissive. Rapists used such cuts to let their victims know that it was their last warning. If the women continued to resist, their rapists would kill them directly. Levi swallowed. Once Furlan and he had almost been too late. Once, Isabel almost...

Levi's fist thundered on the armrest. In the next second he threw the pile on the small wooden table and went to the window. He undid the top button of his shirt after pulling the window wide open and greedily inhaled the cool night air. However, as he went to stretch, he winced. His back muscles ached from training and riding here. He looked at the clock. Should he go for a little walk outside? Just before half past three in the morning?

On his way to the door, he glanced briefly at his damp jacket hanging over the back of a chair next to the wardrobe. Should he put it on? Levi reached for the door handle. "What the hell," he thought and closed the door behind him.

The corridors were quiet. Was everyone asleep? Oh yes. This was a place where people were in training. They had never fought Titans here. Only Titans made out of wood. They weren't haunted by nightmares every night. Haunted by fears. Haunted by fears of death. Haunted by images of dying comrades. Haunted by images of comrades lying dead and mutilated in the blood-soaked grass.

Levi rolled down his sleeves as he felt the cold night air against his skin. He looked up at the starry sky. Would it snow? A clacking sound was heard. And again. Several times. And a whoosh. Several times.

Levi walked towards the stable. Had he seen shadows? He narrowed his eyes. Were they still training? At this hour? There was another shadow. And another one. They flew over him. Since when did the youth train at night? Suddenly a whirring grew louder behind him. Looking over his shoulder, Levi saw a shadow approaching at high speed. Had he not been seen?

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now