41. "Then where can I find the books about the Titans?"

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"Does that make sense?" Hanji had finished her presentation of the trainings Erwin had in mind for the future.

Ron and Steve nodded slowly.

"And is that possible to realise?," Hanji asked. She was in charge in the absence of Erwin and Mike.

Ron and Steve turned their eyes away from the training plan that hung on the wall and looked questioningly at Peter. Their former Commander had been looking out of the window for some time. The long riding as well as the fighting against Titans had not been good for his injuries. Since their return, he had been lying in the infirmary again. Again with his legs tied high because Steve was worried about the burns. And with a slight fever on top of that.

"I'm sorry, Peter. I know you need rest. But Erwin wanted you to know his intentions as soon as possible. So you could start thinking about the right trainings," Hanji explained sheepishly and sat down on the stool in front of his bed.

"What trainings are supposed to save us anyway?," thought Peter. Shadis had been right then. The most important building blocks are trust and teamwork. But the day Wall Maria was lost was also the day when Peter lost his trust in people. Even comrades wanted to let them die. Again and again, the scenes in front of the gate of Wall Rose appeared before his eyes. Most of the soldiers of the Garrison Regiment refused to open the gate for the survivors and his team. So who guaranteed that in the next emergency the best-trained soldiers would not also run away like scaredy-cats and abandon their comrades?

The door to the infirmary opened and a new member of the Scout Regiment entered with hesitant steps. "Um, excuse me?," the brown-haired boy began, pressing his handkerchief with more pressure on his injured hand.

"Yes?," replied Steve, getting up from his chair beside Peter's bed. Ron moved forward, so Steve could pass.

"I stupidly hurt myself during training. I don't think it's bad," the injured boy explained, showing Steve his bleeding hand.

Peter recognised the boy. He had trained with him from time to time at Shadis. "Shadis." The training camp and the real home of Peter's team was also lost. Not all the trainers and not all the recruits had managed to get to safety in time after Wall Maria was lost. And yet, or perhaps because of it: The Scout Regiment had an influx of new members like never before.

"Mmh. Band-aid will do," Steve said after looking at the wound. "Hold it under the water," the doctor added, pointing to the sink in the corner as he opened a drawer. "Walter, isn't it?," Steve asked as he removed a band-aid and closed the drawer again.

"Yes, Sir," the boy replied as he held his injured hand under the water.

"Don't say Sir, Steve is enough," Steve said as he pointed to a chair. The boy was told to sit down.

"Walter," Peter began.

"Captain Peter!" The boy smiled as he realised who was lying in the infirmary bed at the end of the room.

Peter nodded. "Is Shadis in Mitras too?"

"Yes, Captain. Shadis has come with us to headquarters and left for Mitras with Commander Erwin and Vice-Commander Mike. It is said that he will find out there which training camp he will be in charge of in the future."

Peter nodded and grinned as Walter winced as Steve disinfected the wound.

"Why are you here, Walter? Why didn't you join the Military Police Regiment?", Peter wanted to know.

"Because I want to keep training with the best. And here I don't feel completely useless. After all, the Military Police Regiment don't do anything. And the Garrison Regiment almost -," Walter broke off.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now