9. Happy New Year - What does private mean now?

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Levi furrowed his eyebrows. The constant sound of clearing the throat next to him was annoying. He turned his head away from the disturbing noises and blinked. Fabric. Levi tried to open his eyes.

"Oh yes," he thought sleepily. He had been napping in the armchair. As he always did. He stretched his arms upwards. The woollen blanket fell to the floor as he did so. Levi wondered. Since when had he slept with a blanket? And why had he been covered up to his shoulders? Levi pulled his shoulders up. It was cold. Was that why he had covered himself? With a frown, he looked at the fireplace in front of him.

"No!" he thought. He had fallen asleep in the common room. For how long? It had been after midnight when Chagara and he had sit down in front of the fireplace. And now the morning had already dawned. Anyway, Levi could see a dreary December morning out of the window.

He sighed and ran his hands over his eyes. When was the last time he had slept this long? He hadn't woken up from nightmares. Chagara! All at once his feet were on the stone floor. Was she still asleep? But when he turned to the armchair where Chagara had been sitting, he found someone else there. Erwin. The commander pulled the corners of his mouth down in embarrassment.

"Excuse me Levi," he began, "but we have something to discuss."

Levi just nodded briefly, picked up the woollen blanket and began to fold it.

"Today Peter's troop officially moves into the headquarters. Please make sure everyone behaves," he heard Erwin say.

"What do you expect?" asked Levi.

"Bad mood, distrust, hostility," Erwin explained briefly. "It's official at twelve," with these words Erwin rose from his chair.

"What?" questioned Levi, who didn't miss the commander's little smirk.

"Nothing." He smoothed out his jacket. "Just seems you can get some sleep without the stress and battlefield after all. That's good," Erwin commented.

"Tch. I dozed off just before you appeared," Levi said, walking towards the door.

"Oh, I see," Erwin replied, amused, silently recalling the moment when he had entered the common room more than two hours ago. Chagara had covered Levi up to his shoulders and then left the room.

"If you wake him, you'll be shorter than me," she had whispered to Erwin as she passed.

"So I'm just supposed to stand out there at twelve?" asked Levi as they walked through the empty corridors.

"Yes, please."


"The situation among our supporters is tense. We don't need reports of the Scout Regiment banging heads among themselves as well," Erwin explained.

"And who are they exactly?"

Erwin stopped in astonishment. "You didn't talk about that?"

"With whom?" the commander heard two voices ask at once. Behind Erwin suddenly stood Peter.

"Who talked to whom about what?" questioned Peter.

"Apparently nobody talked about anything," Erwin replied, looking at Levi. The latter raised his eyebrows. Why was Erwin smiling gently?

"Levi, you'll excuse us," with these words Erwin left Levi alone and went into his study followed by Peter. "We'll talk another time, Levi," Erwin called over his shoulder.

Levi knew it was Erwin's way of apologising to his loyal friend. He continued to stay clueless. A clarifying conversation had still not taken place. Every time he had tried to approach Erwin about this squad around Peter, someone or something had intruded. Shaking his head, Levi continued on his way to his room. Why hadn't Chagara woken him up? Why had she just left him behind?

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now