65. "Boy, we only have today."

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Ayumi moved her hand over the bed sheet. It was cold and empty. When she felt the edge of the bed, she lifted her head. Sleepily, she looked around. She was alone in bed. The darkness in the room told her that it was the middle of the night. Only a small bright glimmer entered from Levi's office room. Sighing, she climbed out of bed and went barefoot to the door. Indeed. Levi was still sitting at his desk, working. His eyes were barely open. Although she hated it when he worked late into the night, she had to smile. Over time, she had figured out that she got more attention from him if she didn't push him, but left him alone. It was enough if she lay next to him in bed and stroked his back. Or his arms. Sooner or later he would seek her affection on his own, kissing her, touching her, exchanging caresses. On nights like these he would crawl into bed exhausted and call her name pitifully. His sign that she should hug him tightly. He would then always start the next morning with many endearments of his own.

Ayumi waited until he had finished the document and put it on a pile. He was easier to convince when there was no task in front of him on the desk. While Levi ran his free hand over his eyes, Ayumi went next to him and took the pen from his hand.

"What?," began Levi tiredly. "You're not sleeping?"

Ayumi shook her head and put the pen back to its place. As long as she kept to Levi's order, it would be easy for her. She gestured for him to go to the bathroom. Levi waited for her to say something. That he could start a discussion. But if she didn't say anything, he couldn't counter it. Instead, she leaned in and gave him a kiss. Her soft lips met his chapped ones. He hadn't had enough to drink. Levi allowed her to take off his jacket and unbutton his shirt. When she was done, he slowly got up, let Ayumi take off his shirt and went into his bathroom. Before he closed the door, he saw Ayumi hang his jacket over the back of the chair and get a hanger from his closet to hang his shirt on. He closed the door. "How did she manage that?," he thought sleepily. He did as she said. Levi began to wash his face. But he had to admit that he liked it when she took care of him.

When he finally crawled under the blanket next to her, Ayumi had already fallen back into a light sleep. As soon as he lay, she heard him whimper quietly: "Ayumi."

Smiling, she wrapped her arms around him, snuggled close and kissed his neck.

"Sleep well, Levi," she whispered against his skin.

Levi sought one of her hands and kissed it. "You too," he murmured, pressing her hand against his chest.


Ayumi blinked. The first light of the cold December day came through the window. She did not want to get up. She wanted to stay in the warm bed. Snuggled close to Levi, who had woken her by rubbing her back. Even though she didn't say anything, her eyes were closed and she was staying very still: Levi always knew when she was awake.

"How?," wondered Ayumi drowsily as she felt his lips against her forehead. It was his morning ritual. As soon as he realised she had woken up, he kissed her forehead.

"You're certainly sick," Levi murmured in a hoarse voice.

Sleepily, but at the same time startled, Ayumi looked at him. Did she have a rash? Was her forehead warmer than usual?

"And you've certainly already infected me," Levi continued to murmur, closing his eyes. "So we have to stay in bed."

Slowly, Ayumi understood. Levi was also just a human being who needed breaks every now and then.

"At least a week," Levi added with a sigh.

"Shall I give you a massage?," began Ayumi softly, stroking his cheek. "Or would you like me to bring you tea?"

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now