38. "This is embarrassing."

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WARNING: In this chapter there are flashbacks (descriptions) of the encounters with Titans (devastations, deads). If you do not want to read this or if you are too young for this topic, please skip this chapter. 


"We need 18." Mike noted the number on his pad and joined Erwin, who was watching two foals eating. "Or should we round up to 20 horses?"

Erwin shook his head. "No." The Commander looked around the stable. The replacement horses from Peter's team were in their boxes. But the boxes of the daily horses from Peter's team were still empty. Four days ago, Shiganshina had fallen. Another conspicuous Titan, whom everyone now only called the armored Titan, had broken through the second gate - the inner gate. After over 100 years, humanity had lost all of Wall Maria's territory in a matter of seconds. "We're still waiting."

"Whether Peter's team will come back?" Mike had guessed Erwin's thoughts.

Erwin nodded. "Then we'd already have their trained replacement horses." The Commander rubbed his eyes. He had hardly slept since the fall of Shiganshina. At any moment, that 60 metre Titan or that armored Titan could reappear. And then?

Erwin shook his head as Mike offered him a home-rolled cigarette.

"Do you think they're still alive?", the Commander heard Mike ask on their way out of the stable.

Erwin shrugged his shoulders as Mike lit his cigarette. "They will still have tried to rescue people."

"Maybe they are with the refugees, assisting with proper procedures." Mike tried to stay optimistic.

"The refugees." Erwin sighed. They had lost a third of the humanity's territory. The food would not be enough for the number of people behind the walls from now on. Dramatic scenes would occur. He also thought with concern about the meeting with the government in the next few days. Sooner or later they would have to solve the food situation and Erwin already suspected that the Scout Regiment would not play a good role in this. "Then one of the team would have come to us for an initial report anyway," Erwin finally replied. "Can you prepare a request for more horses?"

Mike nodded.

"But leave the number out for now. We'll wait until the meeting with the government," Erwin added and continued his way to the training ground. He wanted to have a look at Levi's training.

"Who are you taking with you?," asked Mike before taking a drag on his cigarette.

"Just the two of us will go. The rest will train," Erwin replied firmly. Since the loss of Wall Maria, the training sessions had intensified.

Erwin glanced at Mike's notes. The Commander had ordered an inventory. "Have you already checked our gas tanks?"

"No, I'm taking care of that next," Mike replied. "You're trying to get more equipment for us at the meeting with the government, aren't you?"

"Shiganshina has shown that the Scout Regiment is the most capable unit. The others have only fought wooden constructs during their training period, but never fought a real Titan," Erwin explained. Besides, he didn't want to take on the role of the devil for free.

"Do you think we'll get more recruits in the summer?", Mike wanted to know.

Erwin shrugged his shoulders. "The Garrison Regiment has lost in reputation. Maybe that works in our favour."

Mike stepped on the cigarette butt. "I'll bring you the complete list later," he called over his shoulder to Erwin and headed towards headquarters.

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