51. "Can you dress me again now?"

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual actions. If you are too young or do not want to read this, please skip this chapter. 


Levi blinked. Ayumi's fingertips stroked his arm. When they had felt the blanket, his girlfriend reached for it and covered Levi up again. A slight smile flitted across Levi's face. Blinking, he watched as her hand moved over his shoulder and finally came to rest on his chest. He turned his head towards her and kissed her forehead. A soft moan reached his ears - barely audible over the chirping of birds outside his window and the buzz of voices from the forecourt.

"Birds? Voices?" Levi sat bolt upright in bed. It was broad daylight. Had he overslept? "Me?" Levi tousled through his hair as his feet touched the cold stone floor. The blanket behind him rustled. Two arms wrapped around his neck, preventing him from getting up.

"Where do you want to go?," whispered Ayumi as her lips moved over his neck.

"Where I want to go? Training. And that's what I also recommend you to do. Get out of my bed," he replied in his husky morning voice and took away the blanket from her.

To his surprise, he heard her laugh softly.

"Levi, it's your day off," he heard Ayumi say as he put some strands of hair behind her ears. "Holiday. You remember?" She tried to pull him back to bed by his shirt but Levi didn't move.

"I have the day off?," murmured Levi sceptically, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

Ayumi nodded. "Mhmm. We're both off today." Her hand stroked his chest. "Come back to bed," she whispered in his ear. "You've been sitting at your desk most of the night writing reports."

He tried to remember. Slowly, the memory of the previous night came back. He wanted to have everything ready so he could spend the day off with her. When he finally put down his pen and got up from his desk, the first light of dawn was already breaking through the black night.


This time he let her push him back onto the mattress. Before Ayumi could pick up the blanket from the floor, however, he grabbed his girlfriend and swiftly turned her into the spoon position. "Is she cold?" Levi snuggled closer to her. "No, body temperature is fine," he thought sleepily, hiding his face in her hair. But with his cuddling he had destroyed the peace by himself. Only when a moan escaped his mouth he realised his mistake.

"That brat!" Levi took a deep breath and tried to remain calm as Ayumi continued to move her pelvis slightly, massaging his morning wood.

He liked it. Still, he threatened her quietly: "Unless you want to continue sleeping alone on the stone floor in the next second, you will hold still now."

His words seemed to be successful. But the next moment Ayumi broke free of his embrace and turned to face him - to his annoyance. She said nothing. She did not move after that either. But this silence worried Levi. Annoyed and nervous at the same time, he opened his eyes.

"Oi!," he hissed at the girl when he found her staring curiously at his hip region. There was no hiding for his morning erection. And it didn't get any better when his gaze wandered over her bare legs and stopped on the borrowed boxer shorts. He swallowed. Behind that thin piece of fabric was a little unexplored paradise. Suddenly Ayumi's lips were at his ear.


No answer.

"Don't you want me to help you?"

Levi felt her tongue on his earlobe.

"Wha ... t?" Ayumi hadn't even had a chance to blink. That was how quickly she had flown off the mattress and was now looking after her boyfriend in surprise. "Where are you going?"

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now