23. The biggest coward

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To his complete astonishment, Chagara had managed to mop the kitchen and the canteen by the time lunch was distributed. But as expected, the wet floor did not dry quickly. Dark footprints - everywhere you looked. From the entrance doors to the food counter, from the food counter to the individual tables, from the tables back to the food counter in case the cutlery had been forgotten, and back to the tables, then on to the tray drop-off and from there outside. To his surprise, Levi only noticed the dirt after he had finished eating. His thoughts had previously revolved around only two topics: First, the soup, which he enjoyed. He caught himself thinking that he would have liked to eat a second portion of it. As he always did when he ate Chagara's dishes.

Chagara. That was the second thought. Where was she? He scanned the entire canteen as he spooned his soup. Several times. But the girl was nowhere to be seen.

And now? Now he stood in front of the closed door. His hand on the door handle. If she was in the canteen cleaning? For the second time? Was she already finished? Was she angry? He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. No one was to be seen. The room was empty. The floor had been mopped again and was as good as dry. It was not as spotless as if he had cleaned it himself. But it was acceptable. Was she in the kitchen? As he was about to enter the canteen, he suddenly heard a: "Don't you dare!"

Levi looked in the direction from which the voice came and saw his wiper swinging. A moment later, Chagara came into his view. She had been lying on one of the benches and was now sitting upright. Her face showed no emotion. That was out of character for her. That was dangerous for him. He would have preferred her angry and thus he tried to provoke her: "Do you think you will escape my training because you are now sitting on your bench waiting for the entire floor to dry?"

In reply, she just threw him two cloths. Levi raised his eyebrows questioningly.

Chagara lifted one leg and pointed to her boot. She had tied a cloth around the sole and gestured Levi to do the same.

"Tch." His attempt had failed.

"This has something to do with respecting each other's work. Didn't you learn that in your squad?," she explained without showing emotions.

Levi felt uncomfortable.

Surprised, Chagara watched as Levi tied the cloths around his soles and walked towards her. With wide eyes, she watched him as he sat down on the bench opposite her. "So, now he wants to be close to me again. If only he would say what's bothering him."

The only thing between them was his bucket, which Chagara had filled again with Levi's brushes, cleaning products and remaining cloths.

"Stressful day or why are you taking a break?"

"It's raining," Levi replied, looking into her dark eyes. "We're waiting."

"Oh, I see. You're made of sugar. That's why you're so small." Chagara hadn't even closed her mouth before she was standing in front of Levi. How had he done that? In a flash he had jumped up, grabbed the handle of his mop in her hand and pulled her towards him with a jerk. She had had no chance to escape him.

"Ten," he growled.


"We'll run ten laps. For the beginning," he explained. "What?," he asked as she looked down at the ground, smiling.

"You're not that cold. Your breath is warm. And tickling."

"Twenty laps. And stop fooling around."

Chagara put the hood of her cape over the head. "Where's yours?," she wanted to know.

"I don't need it."

"Here." Chagara held out another cloth to him.

"What do you want me to do with this?"

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now