85. "Where's my brat?"

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Her classmates had already left the classroom some time ago when Josefine slowly stood up and reached for her bag. As soon as she stood in the empty school corridor, she leaned her forehead against the cold wall. With tired eyes she looked down at her trembling hand in which she had been holding her report card since it was handed to her. She had just barely managed to transfer to the higher class. She could now repeat the previous year's school subjects while working during the holiday period. But was that enough?

"You should consider with your mother whether you should leave school and start an apprenticeship," her class teacher had repeatedly suggested to Josefine in the last few weeks. But Josefine didn't want to bother her mother with it. "She already has enough to worry about." Without wanting to sound arrogant: Nile's daughter knew she wasn't stupid. That she would do very well at school under different circumstances and could go to university - if she wanted. But she had to support her mother. In the household, in raising her younger sister and with the money she earned at the bakery. So how was she supposed to get better grades in the next school year if she didn't have time to study again? "And then I won't get a degree. And then I went to school for a year for nothing. And then we could have used the money for better things and not spent it on school stuff. And I might have been able to earn more money already." It were those thoughts again that Josefine hadn't been able to escape for weeks. "Should I apply for an apprenticeship?," she muttered, packing up her report card. Her mother would say nothing about her grades. After all, she knew the circumstances only too well. But it still made Josefine sad that she couldn't see her mother happy. "But am I not already too late for that?" Josefine tied her hair together. She would spend the next week writing applications. If she received a positive answer, she wouldn't attend the next school year.

"At least I have a little time today," she thought with a smile as she glanced at the wall clock at the entrance. It was just after noon. She didn't have to be at the bakery until half past three.

"Josefine!," suddenly sang an all too familiar voice behind her. But the girl did not feel like turning around. "If I quit school, at least I'll have my peace and I don't have to deal with them anymore," she thought, as she tried to leave the schoolyard. But a hand on her shoulder forced her to stop.

"Josefine, didn't you see us?" Tom played the offended. "We waited especially for you. Because we were worried." He looked at his friends with a grin. "Whether you succeeded. We would really miss you in our class." Josefine wanted to push Tom's hand away when suddenly someone took her school bag.

"You're late," she heard Naoki say beside her. "I've been waiting here for over half an hour. Why are you so slow?," asked Naoki annoyed and wanted to drag the girl behind him. But Tom held her arm tightly.

Irritated, Josefine looked into Naoki's face. "Why is he waiting for me? And what does he want anyway?" The last time she had seen him was at his parents' shop. The day Natsuki had beaten Tom.

"HEY!," shouted Tom. "We're having a conversation with Josefine right now. So get lost!," he growled at Levi's son.

"Tom," a black-haired boy with chubby cheeks whispered to the leader. "That's an Ackerman. Let's get out of here."

But Tom took no advice. "The brother of that bitch?"

Naoki remained calm, but Josefine was startled to notice the angry glint in the eyes of Natsuki's brother.

"Your sister almost broke my nose. What do you say to that?" He started to nudge Naoki.

"Don't," Josefine shouted and tried to intervene. But Naoki kept her away.

"Do you want me to finish it?," replied Naoki emotionless.

"What?," asked Tom, confused, lowering his hands.

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