59. "And why are you running?"

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"Where has the year gone?," pondered Henry Dober, putting the newspaper aside. The church had already published an announcement about the Christmas masses in December. Because of the feared crowds, services would also be held outside in front of the church. The bright little bell on the door rang. "Huh." Henry Dober raised his eyebrows in surprise. He recognised Steve's head in the doorway, eyeing the bookshop curiously.

"Is everything all right, Steve?," he greeted the soldier from the Scout Regiment.

"Yeah," Steve cheeped, swiftly entering the shop and leaning against the closed door.

Henry Dober nodded. "I think you should have some tea. It'll be good for you."

"Mmh," Steve replied in a high pitch as he hurried to the shopkeeper behind the sales counter.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind," Henry Dober commented as he noticed that the doctor kept looking around to all sides.

Steve just nodded hastily. "Where the hell is she? She did walk in here, didn't she?"

"Ymir, could you please be so kind and bring a cup of tea? I have a visitor," the bookshop owner called to the back. Eyes widening, Steve looked towards the storeroom and moved a little closer to Henry Dober. Nothing could happen to him next to the bookstore owner, right?

"Would you like to read the newspaper?," the older gentleman wanted to know.

Steve nodded and glanced briefly at the counter in front of them. One document got his interest.

"Last will?," asked Steve, irritated.

"Yes, I am just taking care of my belongings," Henry Dober said with a smile. "I'm not that young anymore."

"And what will happen to the shop then?" As far as Steve knew, the bookshop owner had no family.

"The exclusive books go to other bookshops. But I can donate the books for the general public. So if the Scout Regiment would like those books, you can have them. I would just need a letter from the Commander for my own documents," he explained, taking a sip of chamomile tea.

"So this bookshop will close one day," Steve muttered sadly. He liked the bookshop and its smell of paper, ink and tea.

"Yes." Henry Dober nodded.

"And who will get it then? I mean, what's going to happen to the shop premises?", Steve wanted to know.

Henry Dober sighed and pushed his glasses nearer to his forehead. "I'm afraid I missed the deadline to report a successor." He scratched his head. "So the shop has ended up on the list for interested candidates. Three options are being considered right now. Either you'll be standing here one day in a bakery or in a tailor's shop. Or you'll meet a shoemaker."

"Mh ..." That was all Steve could say as he looked again into those two brown eyes. Ymir had placed a cup of tea in front of him. With raised eyebrows, she watched Steve pull the saucer closer with a trembling hand. "I wonder if there's poison in it. No. It's not like she knows that I suspect who she is. Right?"

"Oh, excuse me, please. Friedhelm," waving, Henry Dober greeted an older man who entered leaning on a walking stick. "I have all my documents." The bookshop owner placed the outspread sheets on a pile and took it. Ymir showed no interest in any of the visitors and disappeared into the storeroom. "But perhaps it would be better if we discuss this in my flat," Henry Dober thought aloud. "Because I have a few questions too." His eyes widened as he reached for his cup. "Well, haven't I drunk out of it already? Why is it full?" Astonished, he looked at Steve, who was bringing a half-empty cup to his mouth, not taking his eyes off Friedhelm. "I wonder if he'll live to see the legal conclusion of this last will," the doctor pondered as Friedhelm crept past him, breathing loudly. He nodded in greeting to Friedhelm as he stopped and removed his hat in salute. Breathing heavily, he followed Henry Dober to the stairs leading to the private rooms.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now