74. "What a day."

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Levi looked at the menu again. All the tea flavours were familiar to him. "But they hardly have any good products," he noticed with satisfaction. They knew his new favourite tea in this tea shop, but it had run out.

"Yes, it's quite special in its flavour," the shopkeeper had agreed with Levi. "And rare. Only produced here on our island. Near the harbour."

With that, Levi's interest was aroused. "On this island?"

"Yes, for three years? Or five years already?," the owner had pondered. "Oh, if you have time, have some tea here. There should be a delivery today. They usually come in the morning. Then you can ask the supplier about the history of this tea."

And so Levi sat in the tea shop in front of a cup of black tea and waited. Again and again his eyes wandered to the bag on the next chair. What Erwin had left him? Carefully he opened the old envelope. A letter and an old paper came out.

Dear Levi,

If you are reading this letter, it means that I am no longer alive. I hope, however, that I was allowed to learn the secret of the cellar from Eren's father myself. If not, you have certainly told me about it. You have been not only a loyal soldier but also a true friend all these years. That always meant a lot to me in those times and in our situation. In these years we have experienced, survived and learned a lot from each other. But there is one thing you did not know.

Before I even took on one task in the Scout Regiment, I had another job. I was once allowed to work in my father's role and be a teacher. My first and only student: Ayumi Chagara. When we met, she was eleven years old. And she couldn't read or write. I taught her. I kept her first essay. I think it's in good hands with you now.

I am very sorry that your time together was so short. Even though I didn't like the fact that two of my best soldiers had a relationship and I often worried about losing both of them before the Titans were defeated, I was happy for you. You have grown as a human being during this time, Levi.

I sincerely hope that you will experience a life without Titans and walls and find a new happiness.

Thank you, Levi.


"Tch," Levi's hand moved over his eyes. He folded the letter carefully. Even more carefully, he opened the older paper. "So this was Ayumi's first essay?" He smiled and shook his head the next moment. "That brat, what a poor handwriting she had back then." The words were difficult to read.

My kitchen duty

Written by Ayumi Chagara

I am supposed to be in the kitchen at 4.30 in the morning. But I'm always there at 3.30. I clean the floor, the work tables and wash dishes. The kitchen chef's name is Wilhelm. He always gives us the evil eye. But he's quite nice. He always gives me leftover bread. After breakfast I peel potatoes or help with soups. I also tidy up the store. Sometimes I find seeds in the empty potato and vegetable sacks. I then keep that. Maybe one day I will have my own vegetable patch and I will be able to cook my own food. After lunch, I wash dishes and dry them. After dinner I have to wash the rags and kitchen towels. Then I hang them up to dry and I'm done.

"Should I have a vegetable patch in the garden?" Levi thought when he had read the essay a second time. "You never got to know carefree days either, did you?" Levi slowly folded up the crumpled piece of paper, gently put it in the old envelope with Erwin's letter and placed it in the book Ayumi had once given him. "Ayumi." Levi took a sip to calm himself. "What a day," he muttered to himself, shaking his head. "Erwin, Ayumi and Steve. The one who picked up Ayumi's things. Why?" The window reflected his forehead wrinkles. "Is Steve still living here in town?" As a doctor? "Probably." He would have been working as a doctor then. If so, he had certainly opened a medical practice. "He would have been stupid to close it after the walls collapsed. Now that the city is flourishing like this." Or had his medical practice been destroyed then? Would the registration office give him information about Steve's whereabouts? And if not? Should he go and see Historia? She would surely have ways and means of tracking Steve down. But how was Levi to explain all the effort? And what did he expect from the effort? "I'll end up with ancient chocolate leftovers and marked cards," he thought with a grin, looking out of the window. Out of the corner of his eye he had seen large wings flapping. "Such a huge bird in the city?" And it seemed familiar with humans. Because it perched on a cart that now blocked Levi's view. Was it the supplier? But Levi's forehead wrinkles deepened. "Speaking of the devil!" With his  mouth open, he stared in disbelief at a strong-built man bouncing around on the cart. Dark, curly hair. Slightly greying. Unkempt beard. Glasses. "Steve?" Levi walked slowly to the window.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now