49. "It sounded like a beast."

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With her eyes closed, Ayumi stumbled into her room and fell onto her bed with her sweaty uniform and her dirty boots. Making growling noises, she put her hand over her eyes. Her room was brightly lit by the midday sun and she had no possibility of darkening her window. "And in autumn it will start raining in my room again." Ayumi palpated her ribs. They were more noticeable. Since she had night trainings again, she only ever made it to dinner and breakfast. She usually skipped lunch out of exhaustion and tiredness. With Erwin and Mike breathing down her neck, she trained harder with the young soldiers. Sneaking into the kitchen to pick up her lunch later, she didn't dare. She was afraid that Erwin would see her doing it - with the result that he would make her life even more depressing.

Sighing, she turned to the wall. "Seven days." She hadn't spoken to Levi in a week and at most had seen him briefly from a distance at the training ground. "If he has his break right now? If he's in the canteen now?" Should she go to lunch after all? And then? He would surely be sitting with his team. "And my face would fall into the plate." Ayumi crawled laboriously under her pillow. It was a little darker that way.


Ayumi jumped up sleepily. Was that a shadow? Yawning, she rubbed her eyes and refocused her gaze on the door. Indeed. Someone was standing outside her door and had pushed down the handle.

"Levi, do you have a moment?," she heard Erwin's voice in the hallway again.

Sadly, Ayumi watched as the key turned again in the lock, the door handle was released and the shadow under the door moved away. When the footsteps and voices could no longer be heard, she pulled off her boots, cursing, and threw them against the wall. Furious, she threw herself onto her stomach and hid under her pillow again. Why did the Commander have to walk down the corridor now of all times? Did Levi just want to see her or did he have a reason? Ayumi punched her mattress. She probably wouldn't know for another two weeks. "Unless the training schedule changes again," she grumbled into her sheet. "Or ... maybe ..." With a grin on her lips, she fell asleep.


With trembling legs, Konrad climbed down from his horse. Could there be anything more wonderful than stepping onto the ground behind the walls? "Where do these guys from the Scout Regiment keep getting their courage from?" The team leader wiped the sweat from his forehead and noticed one of his soldiers racing towards the toilets. Lucas, on the other hand, sat retching on the ground. "If we'll ever get our normality back?," pondered Konrad, continuing to hold the reins of his horse. He didn't know whether his legs would carry him or wether he would fall onto the ground.

After the loss of Wall Maria, his team had come to Wall Rose. The soldiers around the gates had been increased. After all, the loss of Wall Maria had shown that the gates were the deadly weak point. Compared to before, there were now three times as many soldiers from the Garrison Regiment stationed at each gate. And the fear always hovered over them: When would the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan show up again?

Konrad pocketed his handkerchief again and played nervously with his dark beard. They had done a good deed. "Haven't we?" Then why did he continue to have goose bumps? "Is it the adrenaline?" Usually there were always Titans to be seen from the wall. Every now and then, they would stand alone or in small groups right next to the wall. But since the early morning hours, all the Titans had suddenly disappeared. "If it had something to do with that terrible scream?" Konrad winced at the thought of the scary scream. "It sounded like a beast. I wonder if it was that Colossal Titan? Or the Armored Titan? Or is there something worse out there?" Again Konrad winced. After all, he had just been out there. For the first time in his life.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now