26. Dirty thoughts

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Warning: This chapter contains masturbation. If you are too young or do not want to read this, please skip this chapter. 


Levi felt the cool air at his back. Nevertheless, he did not want to open his heavy eyelids. His head rested on his arm, which lay on his desk. He was too tired to concentrate on the rest of the documents.

"It has to be ready by tomorrow. We leave for Mitras at 8 am," Erwin had said as he had handed him the papers. Levi just decided to lie there. Until the cold breeze would make him too uncomfortable. After that, he would continue. He was on the threshold of the feared deep sleep when suddenly the cold draught was no longer felt. Instead, warmth had surrounded his shoulders and the scent of black tea reached his nose. Was he dreaming? He had never dreamed before.

Until now he had always been haunted by nightmares. Of titans. Of soldiers bleeding to death. Of severed limbs. Of comrades he had to watch die. He felt someone caressing his head and fingers gently stroking through his hair. A soft "Mmh" was heard. He liked these caresses. A second "Mmh" was elicited when he felt a kiss on his cheek. Had he actually been kissed? Who had kissed him? "Am I really dreaming?," he was still thinking as he crossed the threshold into deep sleep.

The noise of hooves galloping by under his window reached his ear and pulled him out of his nightmares. This time, however, he had not had to relive any cruel scenes from his time in the Scout Regiment. This time he had been in the middle of bloody forays with Kenny. "Kenny?" Why was he thinking of him after so many years? Probably because he had remembered his childhood days more often lately.

Judging by the thundering hooves, it must have been a larger team that had left the headquarters. Levi blinked. The wall clock showed 3:32 am. Who had left? And why so early? He rubbed his eyes. He would jump in the shower and then work on the rest of Erwin's documents. As he was about to get up, he paused. A blanket was around his shoulders. Who had put it around him? Irritated, he looked around. A teapot stood on his desk. Next to it was a used cup. Had he not been dreaming after all? The rest of the tea was cold. Nevertheless, Levi poured himself a cup and took a sip from the used cup. He guessed that it had been Chagara who had brought him tea and put the blanket around his shoulders. But had she also stroked his head and kissed him?

He slowly rubbed his cheek and raised his eyebrows. Only now did he notice a small jar next to his papers and the note under his pen. The handwriting was unfamiliar to him. It was lively and the letters had more freedom. In his case, the letters were close together.

"I'd rather keep watching you sleep. But we are leaving. To Shadis. Try the ointment if your ankle hurts. See you soon, Chagara," Levi read.

Sighing, he stroked her note several times. "Why didn't you say goodbye?"

Levi unlocked the top drawer of his desk and put Chagara's note to his other important documents - his residence permit as well as his new birth certificate, the folder with the deposit slips from the bank and the box of his rare tea leaves.

When he had got up, he folded the blanket, entered his bedroom and put the blanket at the foot of his bed, which he had never used before. On the way to his bathroom, Levi noticed that his uniform jacket, which he had lent to Chagara, was hanging over a chair. Would it smell like Chagara now?

"Levi, you idiot, is the brat all you can think about?," he muttered, shaking his head, and put the small jar in the inside pocket of his jacket. "At least this way you'll be with me a little bit for the next few days."

Again he shook his head at himself, closed the bathroom door and flipped up the toilet lid. "Why do you have to go to Shadis? And then in the company of so many?," he asked himself as he looked down at his urine flow. "When are you coming back?" Levi pressed the toilet flush and put down the lid. Would it be three months again? Or longer? Why now, when they had begun to exchange first caresses? He lathered his wet hands. The face in the mirror looked more sullen than usual.

Levi dried his hands and began to undress. As he took off his uniform trousers, their first encounter came to his mind. She had been standing in front of him with her trousers down in her black panty. A second image forced itself into his mind. How she had stood in front of him yesterday in her tight tank top. "Tch!" Levi ran a hand through his hair and got into the shower. Why was he seeing this brat everywhere?

Noticing his penis pulsating, he took a deep breath. But it was no use. He turned the water to the coldest temperature. "Fuck," he moaned between his teeth as he gripped his erection tightly with one hand, trying to reach his orgasm as quickly as possible. "If you kept being here, you wouldn't want to watch me sleep. You'd be begging again and again for me to do you again," Levi gasped as he leaned his heated body against the cold tiles. This brat was his end.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Where stories live. Discover now