Chapter 4: Can I have this dance?

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Jeongguk was actually on time today, which seemed to surprise the professor, and Yoongi couldn't help but smirk at her slightly peeved look as he strolled in.

Yoongi was sitting next to Hoseok in their usual spot closer to the back. Hoseok was already stretching, and Yoongi was more or less not really joining in. The red haired had managed to wrangle Yoongi into buying a pair of sweats and a sweat tee, so he was wearing those.

Jeongguk wandered towards his usual place, the back corner, but he hesitated as he neared Yoongi, who met his eyes and offered a soft smile on his paler features. Warring within himself, he finally huffed and turned on his heel and tossed his bag next to Yoongi's and settled on his right side with flushed cheeks.

Yoongi seemed to accept it without question, but he felt the stare of his red haired friend like laser beams on his profile. He shifted, feeling uncomfortable, and Yoongi seemed to notice since he slapped his friend's arm.

"Ouch! Damn it, Yoongi! That hurt!"

"And? Staring is rude," the pale hyung replied. Jeongguk shot him a grateful look before he awkwardly looked towards the red haired who at least looked sheepish and offered a bright smile that made Jeongguk want to scurry back into the safety of his corner.

"Ah, right. Sorry Jeongguk," he said, then stuck out his hand, "I'm Jung Hoseok, by the way. You can call me 'hyung'. I am a second year, dance major."

Jeongguk reached over and felt his entire face turn red as he shook his hand. He mumbled a soft 'nice to meet you hyung' and 'Jeongguk' before he pulled his hand away to stare at his lap. Yoongi nudged him gently with his shoulder, causing the younger to look up with large eyes.

"It's alright. He doesn't bite much. He's more of annoying loud mouth who is way to bubbly for college," he said, and chuckled as Hoseok whined and complained, begging Jeongguk to not listen to the pale man next to him.

Jeongguk felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips. "That's okay. I have a kind of... friend like that. He's loud and weird too," he admitted. Hoseok groaned and pouted but Yoongi scowled in distaste, smacking his head.

"Stop- you aren't cute, you horse."

"Says the turtle."

"Yoongi hyung doesn't look like a turtle," Jeongguk protested, glancing over at said man. He searched his oval face, pouty pink lips, and the way his black hair fell over his soft features before he smiled. "He looks more like a kitten."

Yoongi felt the way his eyes widened. Hoseok broke into loud laughter, clutching his stomach as disbelief flashed over the older's eyes. Jeongguk had a sly smirk hidden on his features as he cast the pale man a sweet smile.

"I am not a kitten! I am highly intimating," he protested heavily, shaking his head. Hoseok slapped a hand over his mouth to try and cover his laughter but was failing basing on the angry look that fell over his face. "Excuse you, bitch, but I am too highly fucking intimidating. I'm more like a wolf!"

"Nah, you're a sweet little black kitten," Jeongguk interjected with a wink.

"You been dissed by a Freshman! Oh my god, I can't breathe," he bellowed, clutching his stomach. Yoongi rolled his eyes and shoved him, causing the red haired to fall over- still laughing. Jeongguk was grinning when he saw that there was no real anger in Yoongi's eyes.

"Yeah whatever- I'm fucking intimidating," he muttered. Jeongguk cooed playfully when he saw the slight pout that was taking over his features. Rolling his eyes, he smacked Jeongguk lightly in the arm but the younger just laughed.

The professor broke through their moment of friendship with a sharp whistle that caused Yoongi to hiss through his teeth. Everyone went quiet. "Okay, I have the partners made. This person will be for this lesson and there will be no changing. You are to create a dance together and perform it together- this teaches how to work with others and fluidity."

Hoseok rolled his eyes and feigned choking himself. Yoongi laughed and quietly agreed as names started to get called out. Yoongi glanced at the younger beside him and saw that he was back to being reserved and nervous- fingers picking at his shirt and eyes locked on the floor.

"Min Yoongi and Jeon Jeongguk."

Eyes widening, Yoongi glanced towards Jeongguk at his side to see he exhaled heavily in relief and shyly cast a look towards Yoongi to see his reaction. He offered a bright smile. "I thought I was supposed to be paired with someone experience?"

Jeongguk laughed. "You did. I've been dancing for years. I use to dance hip-hop a few years ago, but, uh, something came up and I stopped for a while." There was something in tone that asked Yoongi to not ask. "Anyways, are you... okay with this?"

"Definitely! But... I am going to warn you I am not a dancer. I don't even like moving, so... sorry." Yoongi gave an embarrassed smile as he ran his fingers through his coal hair. Jeongguk waved him off and told him 'it's fine'.

"Now, remember, this is a partnership. You both need to participate to get a good grade. This cannot be half-assed. You will need to work on this outside of class." She looked around the room. Jeongguk shifted, eyes widening in slight shock at the words. "Now, everyone stand. It's time to start dancing for the day."

When class was over, Yoongi was pretty sure he wanted to remove all his limbs. Just hack them off if it meant that this pain would go away. He felt like putty, or maybe clay that could fall apart at any moment.

Jeongguk, panting still from the harsh workout, offered a shy smile. "You okay, hyung?"

"This is death. This is how I die."

"So dramatic." Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "Come on, gramps. Class is over. Go die at your place."

Grunting, Yoongi managed to get to his feet with a hiss through his teeth. Jeongguk fought off a smile as he bent down and grabbed his bag, wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel and nervous smile.

"You did good today, hyung. And, uh," he flushed, "thanks for the coffee."

"Sure thing." Yoongi bent down to get his stuff when Jeongguk's phone went off. Frowning, the younger grabbed it and checked the ID. He paled when he noticed the class went way over than usual.

"Holy fudge nuggets- I... I have to go!" Jeongguk shouted and dashed for the exit. Yoongi blinked, moving to call out Jeongguk's name but the other was already gone. Dumbfounded, and slightly confused, he barely registered Hoseok's presence.

"Did he... just say 'fudge nuggets'?" Hoseok wondered, staring at the door. Yoongi nodded numbly. Hoseok clucked his tongue. "Who even says 'fudge nuggets'? And why 'fudge'? I heard he corrected Namjoon once on swearing in class, then turned bright red and apologized."

Yoongi hummed but didn't say anything as he grabbed his bag and sighed. "Let's just go, Hobi. I'm exhausted."

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