Chapter 33: Family

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"But do you have sunscreen?" Jeongguk asked, brow knitted as he stared down at the brown duffel bag with his bottom lip between his teeth and nose twitching nervously. Yoongi glanced up from his all black duffel, amused and exasperated as he stared at the younger man. "Min will throw a major fit if he ends up sunburned-"

"Guk!" Yoongi groaned, throwing his head back as he raised his brows past his currently bright blue hair- he did not want it but it was Minjun's choice and he can't deny the little booger anything.

Jeongguk flushed, ears burning as he realized that he was doing it again as they stood in their shared bedroom. Two of their bags filled with clothes, swim trunks, and another smaller bag that was Minjun's between them.

"Sorry- I was just-"

"Baby, you're worrying like a mother," Yoongi teased, walking around their queen sized bed that was a decorated in soft burgundy duvet to match the tan and white trim of the room of the master bedroom.

Jeongguk sighed, closing his eyes as Yoongi placed his large hands on his waist, pulling him so that their bodies were flush against once another and the scent of his mint breathe and cologne whirled within his senses.

Yoongi nuzzled Jeongguk's cheek, watching in slight amusement as the tension between his shoulders lessened slightly and he unwound like a coil beneath his slightly chilled nose shifting down to his collarbone.

"Stop worrying so much. Yes, the sunscreen was packed. We packed extra diapers just in case, his snacks, his clothes. His swim trunks, inhaler. All of it." Yoongi nipped at the spot between his collarbone and neck, a hiss echoing as Jeongguk grabbed Yoongi's shoulders to steady himself. "Stop fretting- you're acting like a wife."

"Shut up!" Jeongguk snapped, though there was no real fire behind his words as he narrowed his brown eyes on his boyfriend and lover. Yoongi chuckled and pecked his lips.

"Then stop worrying. We are going to Jeju Island, not america, babe," he said, then kissed him again just to hear their bedroom door get pushed him. Yoongi withheld a groan as he pulled away from Jeongguk to see Minjun standing in the doorway with a pout.

"Daddy, Yoonie, I'm hungwy," he pouted, tiny hand gripping the knob. "Snack pwease?"

Jeongguk sighed, slight frustration in his eyes as his hand raked through his hair. He moved to grab Minjun's hand and pull him to the kitchen but Yoongi shook his head, silently telling him he got it before he gestured for the bags.

Kissing his cheek, he let Yoongi take Minjun's hand and lead him to the kitchen of their one story, two bedroom, two bath house that they bought months ago- back in February- and had been living in ever since.

It was pretty simple setup, something Yoongi appreciated, and the color schemes were all picked by Jin because neither Jeongguk or Yoongi could really be bothered. The living room had black leather couches, a nice wooden coffee table and a nice TV and a TV stand.

There was a bookcase that was filled with part movies and part books that was on the other side of the two couches and recliner. The floor was simple hardwood because toddler's and carpet do not get along- at all.

After a small hallway was the dining room that was connected to their kitchen which was updated, cabinets a dark brown and the refrigerator new. It was a simple and wonderful house while Minjun got his own room and his own bathroom- the best part in Jeongguk and Yoongi's book.

"Min, what did me and daddy say about walking into our bedroom when the door is closed?" Yoongi chaste lightly, glancing down at the tiny three year old- soon to be four in a few months- and frowned.

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