Chapter 28: Kit

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"Come on, Pumpkin, we better go get you cleaned up," he murmured. The toddler nodded, pulling away and climbing off the chair. He waddled his way to the bathroom with Yoongi behind him and pushed open the door with his elbow.

Yoongi chuckled as he squealed when he saw the bathroom- there was a basket of rubber duckies near the tub, a spider man tooth brush, a few Avenger towels- hand and bath towels- and even a spider-man bath mat now waiting.

"It Mini's now?" the toddler asked, looking back at Yoongi with bright sparkling eyes. The elder nodded and even pointed towards the step stool that helped him reach the sink. He teetered up and started the water.

Like his father, Yoongi quickly noticed the fact that Minjun sang whenever was doing things. Jeongguk had that habit too. Washing dishes, cooking, or cleaning- he sang under his breathe or hummed. It seemed Minjun had the same habit.

It was oddly soothing to Yoongi who was use to the breathless silence of his apartment. Now he was more accustomed to the shouts, the soft voices, and gentle singing that seemed to follow the two Jeon's around.

He cleaned his hands, cheering about the now colorful purple soap, before he dried them on his new towel and showed his hands. Yoongi inspected them carefully before he nodded and pointed to his toothbrush.

"And it's teeth time," he ordered firmly. Jeongguk mentioned once that Minjun's troubling moments could sometimes be teeth. Luckily, he seemed content and eager to use his new toothbrush so he obeyed with only a tiny pout.

When done, he looked back at Yoongi and cocked his head. "Mini dress meself?" he asked kindly. Yoongi nodded and followed him to the bedroom. The toddler looked through his clothes before he chose a pair of dark pants and a dark shirt. "Mini gonna wook wike Yoonie."

Yeah, Yoongi was gonna take a lot of pictures. Sue him.

When he was done, he held up his arms and showed his darker outfit that looked precious on the boy. Yoongi pulled out his phone, having himself a little photo shoot before he beamed and took a few selfies with him.

"I'm gonna send these to daddy, okay?"

"Okay! Yoonie, can Mini pway wif toy pwease?" he asked polity. Jeongguk mentioned that he wanted Minjun to always ask to install manners and ground rules of what was and wasn't okay in areas that were not their house.

Not a bad idea in Yoongi's mind.

"Sure. I set your toy bin in the living room. If you color, do it on the dining table," he ordered. He shouted a 'okay' before he hurried off. Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed, running his fingers through his hair before he texted Jeongguk.

Yoongi: *image attached* I corrupted him ;p

My Bunny: he looks so cute, omg. He even scrunched his face like you did!

Yoongi: I know. We had pancakes for breakfast and all clean hands and teeth. I dunno maybe I can totally parent this.

My Bunny: Wait till 2 :) love u

Yoongi: love u 2, u tease

Grinning to himself, he put his phone away and quickly dressed and brushed his teeth. He was beginning to understand why the younger man took so long in the bathroom when Yoongi was over- moments of peace like this are thin and far between.

Deciding he shouldn't leave the toddler alone for long, he left the bedroom and saw that Minjun was spread over his blanket playing with his toy cars and babbling to himself in content. Yoongi smiled, relieved, before he glanced at his TV.

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